
August Athlete of the Month

Congratulations to Byrnsey

Hometown: Narberth, PA

Current Location: Narberth, PA – yea I know boring but I lived in CT, Chicago, IL and Jersey along the way

Age: 45

Occupation: Insurance Sales, Property Casualty

College: LaSalle University

Family: Married to Meg B...three daughters, McKenna, Moira & Frankie.

How long have you been a CrossFitter?  May of 2011

Did you ever play sports? Crew or as my wife says I say “When I was an Oarsman”

What is your biggest achievement at CrossFit? Def competing and completing the Open this year, with the highlight getting thru the 30 snatch’s when I had just set my 2 rep PR at that weight (it was all of the support for sure)……and kicking Bob Harpers ass!!!

What do you feel that you still need to work on?  Olympic Lifts and mostly Squats any and all, and of course my “Governor”

Goals for the rest of this year? 50lb increase in both front and back squat

What's your favorite WOD? Filthy 50

What is the craziest insane workout outside of CF you have ever done? Really am I aloud to publish this, Meg would kill me?  Kidding!  Has to be the recent CMC in the Poconos.  In my past all of my Crew workouts.  They were very much like CF workouts.  Jumpies, Hill Sprints, High Pulls you get the picture.

What’s your least favorite WOD?  Fran is a total mind f_c_  and I hated it.

What’s your favorite lift?  OK all at once……push press, shoulder press any press

What’s your least favorite lift?  Squat

What skill do you want to work on in 2012 the most ?  Squat cleans, Snatch, OHS also want to finish in top 100 in Open in my class next year.

What's your favorite foods, and snacks?  Almonds (snack), Chicken and Meat (Food), Beer  (Liquid).  Olan Tagged this as my “pale ale” diet.

Whats your favorite piece of workout "gear"?  Pink Socks

What you say is your biggest improvement since starting CF?  Strength….it has taken a good 12 months but starting to see some major jumps.

Who is your favorite coach?  Aimee and Cate of course.  Donkey now has made the nooner coach crew and is an excellent addition.  I am a regular at the nooner’s and these are my coaches.  They are not only excellent teachers and motivators they have become friends……..NOW the rest of the coach’s …. I really appreciate and like them all.  Tim, Chris, Jason, Laura, Mel, Vinny and Jeff I have had the pleasure of their instruction.  Timmy P was my fundamental coach and is my favorite to break balls.  Chris P is a funny f’n dude.  Jason is a ball breaker with great coaching skills and intentions.  Laura is a true professional.  Mel is a sweetheart and great motivator. Vinny “I am really as good as I am”.  Jeff is old like me and I love that.  Steph V – I haven’t been coached by yet but knowing her I know she is great!!!

PR's to mention? Goals Reached? Nutrition highlights?...

PR’s have been recent:

·         215 - push press

·         215 - clean and jerk

·         467 - number of times I have said something inappropriate since I joined KOP

Goals reached;

·         Competing in the Open

Nutrition Highlights

·         Not really any big highlights.  Had to change my diet a bit about 6 months into CF.  Needed more carbs before WOD’s and more protein after.

OK, now for the sap.  I want to say thanks to all the coaches and members that I have had the opportunity to meet.  It is my pleasure to work out with you, to be instructed by you and to help you when I can.  You are a great group of people.  I have had the opportunity to make some very close friends and I am grateful for that.  I certainly do not feel 45 years old and I thank you all for that.  There is nothing more I like better than to make someone laugh or  feel good about themselves.  I think it is such an important part of living……..I also am thrilled to see the progress of those of you that started CF with me or after – keep it up you all look great and I am sure feel great.  I am especially impressed with and excited for Keith B and Mike T, both my friends and now coach and soon to be coach.

A shout out to John (dad) and Eileen (mom) and Chloe (kid).  The great and I mean great support people for KOP.  My nickname might be Byrnsey but to Chloe it is “bye bye” (I think she likes me).  If you have a chance to speak with them please do.  And tell John how much you appreciate all of his hard work into the great box we have.

Thanks coaches – this is truly an honor.


  1. Yeah Byrnsey!! What a great athlete of the month! I don't get to workout with you often, but when I do it's always a good time! You are a great athlete and a great guy! Your girls are lucky to have a dad like you! Keep up the great work and keep being as good as you are even if you shouldn't be that good :).

  2. Congrats Byrnsey! Well deserved.

  3. Congrats Byrnsey!


  4. I like you more than I did before. Very nice words. Congrats!

  5. When asked what I want to be when I grow up, I just say "Byrnsey."

    Well deserved AOTM.

  6. Congrats Byrnsey! You are the man!

  7. Yeah Byrnsie!!! You have been such a great addition at the box. I love your energy and sense of humor and you always make me smile when you are in class! Congratulations on your achievements. Bob Harper ain't got nuttin' on you!!!! Keep up the good work my friend!!

  8. Congrats Byrnsey! Love working out with you, especially those hot outdoor wods in Avalon! Keep killing Bob Harper!

  9. Congrats Byrnsey, well deserved!

  10. Way to go Byrnsey! Congrats on the AOTM - you are a great part of the kop community.

  11. Congrats Byrnsey! I enjoy being in class with you on those rare but fun occassions. Keep up the awesome work! I am positive you will be able to crush your goals :)

  12. Byrnsey, you are the man. I love doing strength days with you and pushing each other to hit PR's. You have one of the best attitudes in the gym. AOTM is well deserved!!

  13. Congrats Byrnsey! Never saw a guy that looks better in pink socks than you! Keep kickin butt!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. OOOOOOOOhhhhh GGGOoooddd FFFffooorrrrrr YyyoouuuuNIH!!!!! I still hate UR PHACE!!! #19#6

  16. Byrnsey, Congrats. I really enjoy the occasions to work a wod with you and remember you helping me get my first chest to bar push up during regionals.

    Somehow I want to figure out how to go to noon classes every freakin day, but hope you will show at 6am sometime.

    Also I love the fact that someone is older than me - ha.....just sayin

  17. Love having you in class, Byrnsey, even though I spell your name a hundred different ways. Your energy and enthusiasm and humor are contagious in the best possible way. Keep rocking it, and kudos on the AOTM honor. You deserve it!

  18. Patrick said...

    Way to go Byrnsey - congrats. It's been great getting to know you and work out with you. Your funny as shit, inspirational and motivate others to bust ass. Thanks.

  19. Byrnsey, congratulations! I don't run into you much. But I will never forget that f'n workout with the "sliders". To this day, it's the worst one I've ever done, and I wouldn't have done half as much as I did if you hadn't kept pushing me and assuming I could keep going. Enjoy your month!

  20. Go Explorers!! And inapropriate comments!!!

    Congrats Byrnsey..
    -Tall Dan

  21. Byrnsey congrats! You forgot to mention how CrossFit helped you to "plank" your way to that foul ball!

  22. Mike and Sarah WorthAugust 1, 2012 at 7:04 PM

    Woot! Congratulations, Byrnsey, Sarah and I love working out with you, as well as hanging with you and swapping awesomely inappropriate jokes!! You are a great guy, keep being awesome!!

  23. Congratulations Byrnsey! Just so you know, I can still cry laughing about your get up at Festivus (glasses, briefs, trench coat)...! Enjoy you status this month.


  24. Yeah, Byrnsey! Congrats on AOTM! And well said comments regarding coaches and family!

    John (dad), thank you for all the hard work you put into the box...we are all better athletes because of your hard work. And Eileen, thank you for always greeting us with your kind smile and being there to offer your support.

  25. Congrats Byrnsexy!

    It's always a treat when I get to work out with you! Keep kicking Bob Harper's ass!! :)

  26. Hey all....Thanks this is truly an honor and I really appreciate it. Going thru the comments I can't lie I might have dropped a few drips. I am one lucky guy.

    Aimee and Jason what a great platform you have created!

    Hey don't be afraid to introduce yourself to someone new every day - you just might make their day! Life's to short not to!

  27. Congrats Byrnsey!!! Your ability to pull off the pink socks and leave Bob Harper in the dust at the same time are an inspiration to us all. I'm still laughing from you life alert comment the other night. I feel that way too at the end of some WOD's!

  28. Congrats!! great working out with you yesterday and the pink socks rock!

  29. Byrnsey,

    Well deserved! The photo says it all, thanks for putting the fun into front squat (see what I did there), organizing the pale ale challenges and just living the dream.

  30. Way to go Byrnsey, you earned it.

  31. yeah Byrnsexy! One of my favorite quotes is "A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done." - Eisenhower

    You have managed to set a great tone at KoP with your humor combined with hard work. You make classes fun to coach and I can always count on you for a good laugh. Congrats on AOTM, you deserve it!

  32. Erika said:

