
The 2012 King and Queen of Prussia

Today is the day you have all been waiting for...hold back the uprising, the workouts are ready. Arrive adorned in your best CrossFit attire at 8:30AM for the royal registration. Standards will be announced at 9:00AM and the workouts will kick off promptly at 9:30AM.

This year all athletes will compete in three WODs and when all the dust has settled, the top four men and woman will duke it out at the "Dance with Dragons" (the Final WOD). All scores will be wiped clean when the final four commoners compete for the title of King and Queen of Prussia. In addition to bragging rights for the year, the winners will have their names engraved on the trophy that is proudly displayed in the main lobby and their picture featured in the "CFKoP Hall of Exercise Fame". For those who have registered please take this opportunity to have your friends and family come and watch you compete. Click here for the heats.

There will be a "Court Jester" - spirit of the competition award this year.

As a thank you for being part of the CFKoP empire we will adorn you with T-shirts, feast on food and honor success with beer for all participants; please feel free to bring some food and drinks to contribute too!

Previous Kings and Queens of Prussia:
2010- John Warnek and Cate Kelly
2011- Mike Viola and Laura Pappas

Drum Roll Please....

WOD 1:"Raise the Drawbridge"
For time complete:
Run 400 Meters
Hang Power Clean 55/75#
Front Squat 55/75#
Push Press 55/75#
Row 500 Meters

Time Cap: 15:00 minutes

WOD 2: "Fight The Power"
Dumbbell Snatch Ladder
Ladies 20# 25# 35# 40# 45# 50# 55# 60# 65# 70#
Lords 45# 55# 65# 70# 75# 80# 85# 90# 95# 100#
Competitors will have 20 seconds to complete a Dumbbell Snatch on the Right and Left arm and 10 seconds to rotate. On the final weight athletes can complete max reps alternating in 20 seconds.

WOD 3: "The Crown Jewel"
AMRAP in 8 Minutes
1 Box Jump, 1 KettleBell Swing 35#/55#, 1 Burpee
2 Box Jumps, 2 KettleBell Swings 35#/55#, 2 Burpees
3 Box Jumps, 3 KettleBell Swings 35#/55#, 3 Burpees...
...follow this sequence increasing repetitions until  8 minutes has elapsed.

WOD 4: "Dance with Dragon"
announced the day of....


  1. heats are up, check the body of the post. please let us know if we missed anyone.

  2. I so wish I was going to be in town! Have fun!

    1. So this has me excited. Not because of the WODs. No, no, no. Because of the opportunity to run a gambling pool based on this.

      Haven't worked out all the details, but figure something like this:

      1. $10 entry fee
      2. Depending on the # of entrants, you're randomly assigned 1-4 athletes
      3. You get points for (a) how your athlete fnishes in their heat, (b) whether they make the 4th WOD and (c) whether they are king/queen.

      It would either be winner takes all, or a big prize for first and a small prize for 2nd.

      Let me know if there's inteest in this and I'll work up solmething more formal. And build a spreadsheet!

    2. Gambling. Yes please.

  3. I like to gamble, more fun if random too!

  4. I'm in for the pool... great idea Cline!

  5. I assume box height for WOD 3 is standard 20"/24"?

  6. Mel, I believe it is FGB style and everyone is on 20"

  7. Aimee/Jason, how are the "Top 4" calculated?

    Does your placement in your heat matter?

  8. Cline- I'm in for the $10. Calculations are based on ranking M/F for the top 4...ranking in each heat doesn't matter just overall. So if someone got a 1st, 3rd and 5th place finish they would have 9 points.

  9. Tidmore, you are now in heat 3, Wax, you are in heat 2 and John Schaefer, you are in heat 1 so plan your arrival times accordingly. Any questions, please ASK.

  10. That simplifies things. I've set the entry fee to $5, and you can enter as often as you want. So if you were willing to pay $10 before, just enter twice.

    To secure a spot, go to this link and put your name in. Everyone can edit it, so please be respectful of what others have already entered.


    Jason/Aimee, are you going to keep refreshing the PDF with any changes? If not, can I get the latest version by Friday night?

  11. Cline PDF is updated.
    Heats updated, athletes to note, Schaefer added, WAX moved, Tidmore moved, Cris A- not Chris A, Trey replaced Ben S, Kate Kenny replaced Denise F, Heater S added to Heat 3, Susan B added to heat 4
