

Gymnastics Fun...a skill day. 

We will work on the following: 
Muscle Up 
Kipping/Butterfly Pull Up 
Hand Stand Push Up 
Hand Stand Walk
Ring Dip 
Rope Climb 

If you have HSPU's do you have parallette HSPU's? Ring HSPU's? If you have a rope climb...do you have an L-rope climb? All of these movements have progressions and can evolve into more complex movements. Even if you feel you have mastered the above movements it's time to take them to the next level. Don't wait until they show up in a WOD, come out and practice today!!

Cash out:
AMRAP in 5 Minutes: 
Parallette Pass Through

King and Queen Updates:
Click here for the updated heats. Unfortunately these are FINAL, we will not be accepting any more entries. The updates are: Shoeless, Rachel R and JNa -out, Dan L moved to Heat 2, Mark B added to heat 3, Beth O moved to heat 3, Kathleen moved to heat 4 and Dawn added to heat 4. Cline has started a pool if you would like to get some gambling action in on the competition. Click HERE for more information.

“Looking back, we see with great clarity, and what once appeared as difficulties now reveal themselves as blessings.”
-Dan Millman

Klutch 73
Mike S. 41(17")
Brian 56 (21")
Paul F. 55 (24")
Peter 62
Dianne 45 (17")
Chip 72(17")
Susie :-) (21")
Mike W 29
Susan (practice)
Lisa A 18 on 17"
Justin H 42
Nick Z 51
Joy (practice)
Beth (practice)
Jess S (practice)
Keith 21
Schaefer 20
Steph V :) practice
Diego 23
Sharon :) practice
Mark S 14
Stacy H 7
Bre 17
JP 18
Rinat 20
Manisha 15
Oji 13
Dan 21
Justin 32
Andrew 21
John C. lost count he did so many



  1. that pic is from mainsite. Yeah Kit!


  2. Gymnastics skill day is fun! The morning crew each choose 3 movements to focus on for 10 minutes each. Some notable accomplishments...Mike S and Brian got upside down for the first time using my band/walkup the pole trick. Just getting upside down and being able to trust you can hold your own weight is a big step if your afraid! Great job!

    Also Dianne & Chip kicked into their first hand stands on the wall! A key to the kick up is the lunge and the lever. Watch this (http://www.ehow.com/video_4757103_do-handstand.html) If your afraid start with a mat against the wall, once you hit a handstand with that, move it away.

    The paralette pass throughs were scaled by using two boxes at a height that allowed the athlete to "shoot" their legs through (fully extended/no bent knee). 1 rep= back and front. This is an excellent exercise to build strength for gymnastic movement!

    Klutch 73
    Mike S. 41(17")
    Brian 56 (21")
    Paul F. 55 (24")

    Peter 62
    Dianne 45 (17")
    Chip 72(17")
    Susie :-) (21")

  3. Sad I missed this one. I definitely need the work. Very rough morning with the kids unfortunately.

  4. Pool is full. I've added the scoring and payout rules (http://bit.ly/KingQueen2012. I'll assign Athlete names later today.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

  5. Aimee, thank you for programming this today. I had a BLAST, and this was exactly what I needed to work on. Good to see the Dirrrty 9:30 again!

  6. Athletes have been randomly assigned. Let the handicapping begin! Also, make arrangements to pay me. Cash tomorrow is fine, as is PayPal (absentcommish@hotmail.com - Mark Personal).


  7. Not BAC's, but SAC's (small ass classes)

    Oji 13
    Dan 21
    Justin 32

    Andrew 21
    John C. lost count he did so many

    Way to go Oji for getting into your first handstand and working towards those HSPU!! Definitely improvements all-round on the skills we worked on

    Hope everyone is resting up for the big day tomorrow and HYDRATING well!!!

  8. smallest classes ever in CFKoP history! See you all tomorrow at K&Q!

  9. I LOVE the photo. Pits and Crossfit, two things i love.th
