
Have you let summer partying derail you from your normal eating plan? Have you lost focus of your CrossFit goals? Or, has the grill season helped you stick to your guns? 

Either way, CrossFit KOP is launching our next Zone/Paleo Challenge starting on Labor Day, September 3rd and ending on October 3rd. This will be our first TEAM nutrition challenge.

There will be two main components to this challenge:
1. What you eat, be prepared to turn in a diary for us to review.
2. Performance before and after the challenge, there will be a WOD on September 3rd for you and your team of 2, 3 or 4.

Our kick off will be on Labor Day, September 3rd at 11AM. WOD and challenge rules will be announced.

In tandem with this event, we will also hold our 3rd Annual Paleo Potluck. This event will be held at the box on September 21st at 7:30PM. This is for everyone even if you aren't participating in the challenge.

Start getting your team together today and as a reminder we will be CLOSED on September 1st and 2nd for the Labor Day holiday.


  1. I want in on this. I need to get rid of this damn baby weight.

  2. Count me in. I'm in need of a team though, so if anyone wants to band together and include me, please let me know!

    Mark S

  3. I'm interested and looking for a team!

  4. I need a team! I love these challenges!

  5. What if you can't make the WOD on Sept. 3rd?

  6. Guys I am interested and looking for a team as well!

  7. just pick a team Ditty and then you can you do a make up WOD at open gym on 9/6?

  8. Is this challenge only Zone+Paleo, or will it be like the last ones, where you could pick paleo OR zone OR Whole30 OR no-sugar or any combo of the above?
