

Tim Mcc from the King and Queen of Prussia

Power Clean 65/95#
GHD Sit-ups
Hip Extensions

*scale with ABmat sit ups and/or supermans on the floor.

"If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere."
 -Frank A. Clark

Aimee 12:31 Rx
Jason 15:02 Rx
Mike T 13:31rx
Jeff H 14:03 75/abmat
King 15:20 abmat
Mark C 18:16 Rx
John Sch 12:31 Rx
Pete W 14:08 Rx
Balmer 15:10 Rx
Megs 13:15 Rx
Erika 13:44 Rx
Al 14:02 floor
Stasie 19:19 50#
Cal 11:08 floor
Kathy G 18:43 35/floor
Travis 19:19 75/floor
Andrew S 16:13 75/floor
Steph B 16:13 Rx


  1. Happy birthday Kim C., Mrs. Photo on the Blog!

  2. 9 and 10am

    Mike T 13:31rx
    Jeff H 14:03 75/abmat
    King 15:20 abmat
    Mark C 18:16 Rx
    John Sch 12:31 Rx
    Pete W 14:08 Rx
    Balmer 15:10 Rx

    Megs 15:15 Rx
    Erika 13:44 Rx
    Al 14:02 floor
    Stasie 19:19 50#
    Cal 11:08 floor
    Kathy G 18:43 35/floor
    Travis 19:19 75/floor
    Andrew S 16:13 75/floor
    Steph B 16:13 Rx

    Floor = some number of reps were completed off of the GHD.

    Nice work today...lots of bravery for the first time GHD'ers..

  3. happy birthday Kim!

    this wod was ridic. needed it. thanks!
