

BAC...biggest ever in KoP history...for a regular class!

Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
95/135 pound Power cleans, 3 reps
6 Ring Dips
9 Push-ups

Rest 1 minute between rounds. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.

Score is total rounds completed for all 5 cycles

Community Notes:
This weekend on Saturday and Sunday we are offering a 9:00AM class only. This will be an outdoor "adventure" WOD. Meet and Park at Frosty Falls. This is a FREE class to members only. 

"It was the man's dream, and his inspiring attempt to make them come true that remain important." 
-Francis Ford Coppola

 Jason 6 Rx
Kim 6 (85 parl)
Ph 13 (parl)
WW 11 (95 parl knee)
Joe C 7 (band)
Dig 6 Rx
John Sch 12 Rx
Matt O 6 Rx
Keith 7 Rx
Sharon 6 (85 band)
Travis 6 (band)
Ben 7 (1 arm)
Kate 12 (parl)
Rachael 10 (83 parl)
Lisa 8 (very scaled)
Jen S 6 (95 parl)
Mike F 7 (band)
Erika 7 (band)
Vinny 13 Rx
KT 11 (band)
Jay E 11 (band)
Pete 7 band
Bob W 11 (band)
Gina 11 (65#,band,knee)
Mike S 10 (85#,band, ROM pu)
Rebecca S 10 (85#,band)
Drew 6 (band, knee)
King 11 (band)
McKeever 12 Rx+ (165)
John C: 13 Rx
Kim C: 6 (75/box dips)
Farfa: 8 (75/paralette/band)
Mike P: 11 Rx
Bre 10 (75, band)
Dawn 10 (65, band, knees)
Jonathan 11 (95)
Mike W 6 (135, mf)
Dianne 7 (55, band, knees)
Joy 10 (75, band, knees)
Alison 11 band
Brian D 6 Rx
Mark B 7 @105#
Shawn 8 DC rings
Calvin 11 green
Jim C 6 Rx
Mel 8 modified
Manisha 7 @53#/band
Oleg 11 Rx
Deedee 8 band/knees
Oji 7 @95/band
Justin H. 7 Rx
Aimee 11 Rx
Cate 11 Rx
Paul S 11 (185#)
Jeremy 8 (115#/band)
Chip 11 rx
K 4 Band/rom
Roni (73#/band/knees)
Sam B 16 rx
Andrew 9 (105#/ROM)
Lam (11 (bd)
Becca 7 (dbc 20#/bd)
Cris 11 rx
Jess S 10 (dbc 25#/pd/knees)
Mark 11 (75#/pd/rom)
Ying 12 (45#/band/rom)
Klutch 14 (bd)
Derreck 12 (bd)
Faby 11 (165#)
Darren 12 rx
Jess C (85#/pd)
Pam 11 (83#/pd/knees)
Travis 11 (75#/bd/knees)
Kristen S 12 (dbc 20#/pd/knees)
Lizzie 10 (55#/band)
AJ 8 (bd/rom)
Melissa 11 (83#/pd/knees)
Heather 14 (83#/pd/rom)
Justin 7 (band)
Leslie 6 (55#/band/knees)
Linda 6 (55#/band/knees)
BJ 8 (155#/rom)
Olan 9 (DC)
Stacie 10 (70#/band/knees)
Dan 10 (155#)
Damien 6 (bd/rom)
Tim 11 (115#)
Sean C 11 (band/rom)
Sean 7 (95#/band/rom)
Faby 13 (ring rows/push ups)
Paul S (Ring rows/push ups)


  1. CFG has told us WOD's for summer slam will be announced tomorrow, in the interim they are asking if anyone is interested in judging. Please post to comments and I'll let them know.

  2. Hmmm... subs for me? This should be the last week that I need subs... Thankfully I'm allowed to use my shoulder again next week.

  3. 6:00am

    KT 11 (band)
    Jay E 11 (band)
    Pete 7 band
    Bob W 11 (band)
    Gina 11 (65#,band,knee)
    Mike S 10 (85#,band, ROM pu)
    Rebecca S 10 (85#,band)
    Drew 6 (band, knee)
    King 11 (band)

    Way to stay consistent on these rounds today guys. I saw people striving for an equal number of rounds each cycle....awesome job.

  4. Ben: what about 1 armed ring rows and 1 arm push ups (either against the wall or using a paralette to get as low as you can?). Assuming you can do power cleans? if not, dumbell cleans using the dumbells as needed on either side (or nothing on the injured side).

  5. . . . this looks terrible . . . see y'all at noon.

  6. Thanks, 9:30'ers... this is a really fun WOD.. and I *almost* Rx'ed. I can taste the "no mental floss" ring dips. :)

    Mike P, yer gonna love this one... it's a lot of fun!

  7. CFG WOD. Adcanced Competitors. Heavy Grace. 155/105. 30xC&J.

  8. Thanks Donkey! If I can't move my left arm tomorrow, I'll know who to blame it on ;)

  9. Nooner!

    McKeever 12 Rx+ (165)
    John C: 13 Rx
    Kim C: 6 (75/box dips)
    Farfa: 8 (75/paralette/band)
    Mike P: 11 Rx

    Then for fun, Coxhead did "Isabel" as a cashout in 5:04 Rx.

    Really nice work for all the nooners today, pushing yourselves to try new scales or increase weight when you know something is in your wheelhouse. Awesome.

  10. 9:30 results:

    Bre 10 (75, band)
    Dawn 10 (65, band, knees)
    Jonathan 11 (95)
    Mike W 6 (135, mf)
    Dianne 7 (55, band, knees)
    Joy 10 (75, band, knees)

    congrats to mike W on his first ring dips!!!

  11. You go, John C!! Nice work on Isabel!

  12. fatigue settled in for the 6am, then a meeting for the nooner.. Tried my best in the little gym in my building.. still hurting.. 45lb DB hang cleans, dips on the roman chair, hand release push ups.. 6 rounds .. the dips slowed me down here.. Good Job Everyone!

  13. Congrats Mike on your first ring dip!!!

  14. I'm not sure how you were able to straighten your arms after that let alone snatch anything 30 times, props coxhead

  15. 5:30 No One Got Spanked

    Alison 11 band
    Brian D 6 Rx
    Mark B 7 @105#
    Shawn 8 DC rings
    Calvin 11 green
    Jim C 6 Rx
    Mel 8 modified
    Manisha 7 @53#/band
    Oleg 11 Rx
    Deedee 8 band/knees
    Oji 7 @95/band
    Justin H. 7 Rx

    I know the scores don't reflect how much work you guys did b/c I told you to keep working til the 3 minutes were up. But hey, that's what dads are for.

  16. Plentus, I did a downward dog and you didn't see me!

  17. 6:30om Ties for second largest regular class. I also had one other class with 26 people. Hmm, must be that awesome coaching! Everyone wants a piece of me!! LOL.

    Paul S. 11 (185#)
    Jeremy 8 (115#, band)
    Chip 11 Rx
    K 4 (bands/ROM)
    Roni 10 (73#, BD, knees)
    Sam B HOLY MOLY 16 Rx!!!!!!!
    Andrew 9 (105#, ROM)
    Lam 11 (BD)
    Becca 7 (20# DBC, BD, scaled PU)
    Cris 11 Rx
    Jess S. 10 (25# DBC, PD, knees)
    Mark 11 (75#, PD, ROM)
    Ying 12 (45#, band, ROM)
    Klutch 14 (BD)
    Derreck 12 (BD)
    Faby 11 (165#)
    Darren 12 Rx
    Jess C. 10 (85#, PD)
    Pam 11 (83#, PD, knees/ROM)
    Travis M. 11 (75#, BD, knees)
    Kristen S. 12 (20# DBC, PD, knees)
    Liz 10 (55#, band)
    AJ 8 (BD, ROM)
    Melissa 11 (83#, PD, knees)
    Heather 14 (83#, BD, ROM)
    Justin 7 (MF)

    Abbreviations glossary:
    BD= bench dips or box dips
    PD= paralette dips
    ROM= indicated where a mixed bag of methods was used for push-ups
    DBC= dumbbell cleans
    Knees= isn't that obvious??
    MF= mental floss- skinniest band

    Great job tonight everyone! All skulls, toes and fingers were spared. Great job keeping the WOD very organized and most importantly, safe for all to enjoy! Definitely some props go out to Sam B for CRUSHING this with 16 rounds too.

  18. 7:30 PM class

    Leslie 6 ((55#, band, knees)
    Linda 6 (55#, band, knees)
    BJ 8 (155#, ROM)
    Olan 9 close, but no Rx
    Stasie 10 (70#, band, knees)
    Dan L. 10 (155#)
    Damien 6 (band??/BD/ROM)
    Tim 11 (115#)
    Sean C. 11 (band, ROM)
    Sean 7 (95#, band, ROM)

    Power Cleans/Ring ROws/Pull-ups:
    Faby 13
    Paul S. 10

    Good job pushing yourselves tonight and scaling when you needed in order to maintain some intensity through all 5 rounds.

  19. 630 - BAC!!
    Paul S 11 (185#)
    Jeremy 8 (115#/band)
    Chip 11 rx
    K 4 Band/rom
    Roni (73#/band/knees)
    Sam B 16 rx
    Andrew 9 (105#/ROM)
    Lam (11 (bd)
    Becca 7 (dbc 20#/bd)
    Cris 11 rx
    Jess S 10 (dbc 25#/pd/knees)
    Mark 11 (75#/pd/rom)
    Ying 12 (45#/band/rom)
    Klutch 14 (bd)
    Derreck 12 (bd)
    Faby 11 (165#)
    Darren 12 rx
    Jess C (85#/pd)
    Pam 11 (83#/pd/knees)
    Travis 11 (75#/bd/knees)
    Kristen S 12 (dbc 20#/pd/knees)
    Lizzie 10 (55#/band)
    AJ 8 (bd/rom)
    Melissa 11 (83#/pd/knees)
    Heather 14 (83#/pd/rom)
    Justin 7 (band)

    Leslie 6 (55#/band/knees)
    Linda 6 (55#/band/knees)
    BJ 8 (155#/rom)
    Olan 9 (DC)
    Stacie 10 (70#/band/knees)
    Dan 10 (155#)
    Damien 6 (bd/rom)
    Tim 11 (115#)
    Sean C 11 (band/rom)
    Sean 7 (95#/band/rom)
    Faby 13 (ring rows/push ups)
    Paul S (Ring rows/push ups)

    Thanks to the 630 for taking the massive crew in stride. Way to work with all the modifications.

    Way to push through this one. It was tough, but all really worked for the entire round! Good Job!

  20. In good faith, the following people owe us 30 burpees for not signing up on Mind Body prior to class:

    Paul S.
    Sam B.
    Jess S.
    Travis M.
    Kristin S.
    Liz T.

    Post to comments when you have completed your task.

    On the blog, on the right side, you will see a link that says "sign up for class here". Please learn to use this tool and sign up for classes ahead of time so we know how many people are coming and we can plan accordingly. Thank you in advance.

  21. 6:30 WOWzers! KoP exploded tonight!

    Sam B, nice job Stud!

    Mel - kudos on some great coaching!

  22. Thanks Aimee!
    And Thanks Kim for posting, I wasn't sure you were doing that. Oh well!!

  23. AHEM! Just looked on my history and it said that I did sign up....

    and just for sht and giggles I'm doing those 30 burpees cause I love you THAT much Mel...

  24. Mel- Was planning on just doing the 6:30.. but because of the huge class, I didn't get enough time with Coach Mel.. so had to stay and do 7:30 again. Naturally. I accept your Burpee penalty anyway.

  25. Lam, the only reason you see it in your history is because I added you (-: Sorry!! I love you anyway!
