

For time complete:
1-10 Front Squat (135/205#) 
10-1 Dumbbell Push Press (25/45#) 

Athletes will complete 1 FS, 10 DB PP, 2FS, 9 DB PP....and so on until 10 Front Squats and 1 DB Push Press are completed.

"The ordinary man is involved in action, the hero acts. An immense difference." 
- Henry Miller

 Nina: 19:31 (125/35) floor
Arin: 18:12 (85/25)
Alison: 15:23 (115/35)
Kathleen: 14:49 (70/20)
LP: 22:00 (85/25)
Dan M: 20:05 (115/30)
Tim H: 14:25 (135/30)
Fish: 19:09 (95/25)
Kim G: 22:08 (85/25) floor
Kate C: 17:32 (Rx)
Jesssss: 12:30 (68/20)
Gene: 24:16 (135/40)
Matt O: 19:00 (135/35)
WW: 15:08 (115/30)
Joe C: 21:25 (145/35)
Erika: 17:11 (75/25)
Nate: 17:26 (135/45)
Dig: 15:32 (135/25)
Vin: 19:52 (Rx) Floor
Roman: 18:16 (135/35)
Stacy: 15:45 (85/20)
Mark S: 15:03 (95/25)
Bre: 17:57 (85/25)
Remi: 14:59 (135/35)
Cate: 15:53 (135/35 ) Rx+ floor
Aim: 17:12 (135/35) Rx+ floor
Wax - 14:40 135/45 Form
KT - 14:30 125/25
King - 12:37 135/35
Mike S. - 16:19 95/35
Mike P. - 18:10 Rx
Ellie - 12:46 70/20
Cecilia - 16:04 25/5
Paul - 10:41 135/35 ROM (Pukie)
Drew - 12:07 135/25
Bob W. - 13:56 135/45
Lauren M 17:40 95#
Chip 22:10 185/165#
Megs 14:26 115#
Peter 21:54 165#
Jay E 9:29 Rx!!!
Nick 21:16 145/35
Oleg 22:42 135/45
Sam B 16:47 135/55 floor
Brian R 13:55 135/35 floor
Lindsey P 8:48 45/15 floor
Peterson 18:09 135/40 floor
Cline 15:00 125/25
JB 11:00 85/25 floor
Jen S 15:27 115/25 floor
Tim McC 13:44 135/45
Randy Kneehab :(
Borden 10:55 155/35
Conn 18:40 155/40
Nicole 13:43 85/15
Calvin 14:00 165/45
Denise 18:57 95/25
Damien 18:51 ?
Justin 19:20 165/45
Paul S 15:54 Rx
Sean 6:23 form
Farfa: 11:59 (83/25)
 Tori: 10:35 (53/15)
Barb: 10:36 (70/25)
Christ: 12:46 (45/15)
Jonathan: 11:42 (85/25)
Mike W: 19:21 (155/35)
Mel: 12:37 (100/25)
Kim C: 26:27 (73/25)
John C: 16:01 (205/55) Rx+ floor
Susan: 14:20 (85/25) floor
Alexis: 12:19 (75/20)
Sharon: 24:00 (95/25)
John Sch: 25:48 (Rx) floor
Becky: 19:21 (75/25) floor
Rob Ph: 19:20 (Rx)
Jessie: 9:27 (53/15)
Mike Fab: 18:15 (185/45)
Justin H: 14:58 (145/35)
Keith: 26:49 (Rx) floor
Jason: 23:00 (Rx) floor
Rachael: 14:49 (75/25)
Justin R: 17:51 (135/40)


  1. 6am Class
    Wax - 14:40 135/45 Form
    KT - 14:30 125/25
    King - 12:37 135/35
    Mike S. - 16:19 95/35
    Mike P. - 18:10 Rx
    Ellie - 12:46 70/20
    Cecilia - 16:04 25/5
    Paul - 10:41 135/35 ROM (Pukie)
    Drew - 12:07 135/25
    Bob W. - 13:56 135/45

    Great Work this morning 6am'ers on a deceiving WOD!

  2. 7am

    Lauren M 17:40 95#
    Chip 22:10 185/165#
    Megs 14:26 115#
    Peter 21:54 165#
    Jay E 9:29 Rx!!!

  3. Wanted to let everyone know that a friend of mine from growing up was part of the Hack's Pack UTE squad that just won the Team title at the CrossFit Games..great guy and tremendous athlete..super proud!



  4. It's crazy...every time I'm in class I think about the support I get from all of you and I think about how it would be impossible to ever feel more supported. Then I take a class the next day and realize I was wrong! Thanks to the 9:30 crew!

  5. The best part about Paul's puke was that it was literally within the first :45 seconds.......then he just stepped over the pile and finished STRONG!!!!

  6. For the record, I used a 30# db this AM, not 35.

  7. 6:30

    Nick 21:16 145/35
    Oleg 22:42 135/45
    Sam B 16:47 135/55 floor
    Brian R 13:55 135/35 floor
    Lindsey P 8:48 45/15 floor
    Peterson 18:09 135/40 floor
    Cline 15:00 125/25
    JB 11:00 85/25 floor
    Jen S 15:27 115/25 floor
    Tim McC 13:44 135/45
    Randy Kneehab :(
    Borden 10:55 155/35
    Conn 18:40 155/40
    Nicole 13:43 85/15
    Calvin 14:00 165/45
    Denise 18:57 95/25
    Damien 18:51 ?
    Justin 19:20 165/45
    Paul S 15:54 Rx
    Sean 6:23 form

    Sorry to the 5:30 class. The board was erased before I could get a picture. Please post your results to comments so you track your future progress.

  8. Damien- legit squad! Was fun watching the final wod and their progress over the weekend! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Just kidding 5:30!!!

    Jason took a pic of the results!

    Nina 19:31 125/35 floor
    Arin 18:12 85/25
    Alison 15:23 115/35
    Kathleen 14:49 70/20
    LP 22:00 85/25
    Dan M 20:05 115/30
    Tim H 14:25 135/30
    Fish 19:09 95/25
    Kim G 22:08 85/25 floor
    Kate C 17:32 Rx
    JessS 12:30 68/20
    Gene 24:16 135/40
    Matt O 19:00 135/35

    Sorry about the mix up!!!

  10. As much as I would love to say I did 11:59, my time was 17:59.

  11. actually did 205 lbs and had form issues

    - Rob PH
