

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

"While most are dreaming of success, winners wake-up and work hard to achieve it."
- Unknown

Jeff 11 Rx
Manisha 11 MF knees
Steve 9 black knees
Barb 13 MF knees
BJ 13 Rx
Rebecca 13 Rx
Rinat 14 Rx
Justin 15 Rx
Kathleen 12 MF knees
Erika 10 pull up ROM
Cris 15 Rx
Roni MF modified pushup
Kyle 12 Rx
Tracy 13 green modified pushup
Kim 9 ROM
Megs 17 Rx
Alison 13 pull up ROM
Stasie 11 black knees
Oleg 16 Rx
Cline 9 green knees
Shawn 15 Ring Row
Liz 10 MF Modified pushup


  1. I am so upset I'm missing Cindy.

  2. Me too, Paul. Today is supposed to be a rest day, but I am sooooooo tempted to make a run at this.

  3. 9 am

    Jeff 11 Rx
    Manisha 11 MF knees
    Steve 9 black knees
    Barb 13 MF knees
    BJ 13 Rx
    Rebecca 13 Rx
    Rinat 14 Rx
    Justin 15 Rx
    Kathleen 12 MF knees

    10 am

    Erika 10 pull up ROM
    Cris 15 Rx
    Roni MF modified pushup
    Kyle 12 Rx
    Tracy 13 green modified pushup
    Kim 9 ROM
    Megs 17 Rx
    Alison 13 pull up ROM
    Stasie 11 black knees
    Oleg 16 Rx
    Cline 9 green knees
    Shawn 15 Ring Row
    Liz 10 MF Modified pushup

  4. Edit: I used mental floss today! No rx on pull-ups for me yet...
