

Each member of a 4 person team must complete the following for total time: 
500 Meter Row
30 Burpees
10 Ground to Shoulder Atlas Stones
20 Knees to Elbows

The first athlete starts on the row and when they finish they can move to the burpee station, as the next athlete moves onto the row. The next in line cannot advance until the previous athlete finishes the station ahead of them.

Sports to do not build character. They reveal it. 
-John Wooden


4 Locos: KT, Gina, Calvin, Drew - 16:02 (70, 90, 110#)
Sleepwalkers: Oleg, King, Klutch, Damien - 15:56 (110#)
2 and 1/2 Men: Wax,Coxhead, Mike P - 13:30 (140#)
Party of Five: Lauren M, Mark C, Chip, Mark W, Dianne - 19:52 (35, 70, 110, 140)  
9:30 Boys: 18:26: Rinat 110#, BJ 140#, Mike W 110#
9:30 Girls: 22:22 Cate 90#, Susan 70#, Alexis 70/35#, JNa 70#
12:00 Boys: 20:08 Faby 140#, Jim C. 110#, Jonathan 110#
12:00 Girls:22:27  Megs 70#, Sharon 90#, Jess S. 70#
4:30 Team 1: 16:42 :Kate C 90lb stone, Joe C 110lb stone, Oji 90lb stone, Dig 90lb stone
4:30 Team 2: 19:53:  Becky 70lb stone, Erika 70lb stone, Matt O 110lb stone, John Sch 150lb stone
3:30 Girls: 21:54 Bre 70#, Arin 70#, Alison 110#, Stacy 70#
3:30 Boys.1: 20:19 Rob Ph, 140#, Faby 140#, Keith 150#, WW110#
3:30 Boys.2: 23:02 Justin 110#, Jeremy 110# Mark 90#
Melissa/Liz/Pam/KSB: 16:41
Gene/Kyle/Patrick/Justin: 17:04
JayE/PaulF/TimH/Shawn: 18:06
Faby Solo: 9:32
Tori/Anja/Paul/Borden: 16:29
Nick/Andrew/Justin/Olan: 15:40


  1. Early Risers

    4 Locos: KT, Gina, Calvin, Drew - 16:02 (70, 90, 110#)
    Sleepwalkers: Oleg, King, Klutch, Damien - 15:56 (110#)
    2 & 1/2 Med: Wax,Coxhead, Mike P - 13:30 (140#)

    Party of Five: Lauren M, Mark C, Chip, Mark W, Dianne - 19:52 (35, 70, 110, 140)

    Nice work this morning. Way to go heavy on the Atlas.

  2. Great programming this week! Those atlas stones hit you legs about 2 hours later.

    I have a question about programming for the coaches. I see other boxes that do a strength component and a metcon every day. Why do we not do that? Please keep in mind, I am in NO WAY asking you to defend your programming. I am just curious about the different approaches to coaching/programming. Thanks!

  3. I'm also curious about it. CF Sine Pari in Doylestown does strength/metcon combo.

    It's a smaller box, so maybe it's easier to get through both in an hour?

  4. Drew:
    There is no universally correct way to train. What works for Rich Froning will likely not work for many people. In many sports, people have tried to mimic the training protocols of the best with limited success. That being said, is it okay to do strength and a metcon on the same day...of course. It is our belief, however, that if you do it every day, you are taking away from the constantly varied nature of CrossFit. Furthermore, it is our belief that intensity is everything. If you give ALL you have in a strength workout, you should have little, if anything, left for a met-con. I personally believe that doing 5x3 deads that are heavy followed by Fran is not optimal. Do it once or twice but not all the time.

  5. Thanks Jason! That makes a lot of sense.

  6. 4:30

    Team 1 16:42
    Kate C 90lb stone
    Joe C 110lb stone
    Oji 90lb stone
    Dig 90lb stone

    Team 2 19:53
    Becky 70lb stone
    Erika 70lb stone
    Matt O 110lb stone
    John Sch 150lb stone

    Shot out to Becky for putting up the 70lb stone not only for the first time but also for all ten reps!!!

  7. 530 and 630:

    Melissa/Liz/Pam/KSB: 16:41
    Gene/Kyle/Patrick/Justin: 17:04
    JayE/PaulF/TimH/Shawn: 18:06
    Faby Solo: 9:32
    Tori/Anja/Paul/Borden: 16:29
    Nick/Andrew/Justin/Olan: 15:40
