

Athlete of the Month-
Meighan (aka Megs)

Hometown: Delco

Current Location: Conshohocken, PA

Age: 32

Occupation: Finance Manager

College: Drexel University

How long have you been a CrossFitter? 3 years

Did you ever play sports? As a kid I played t-ball and soccer. I was a Cheerleader for a short time and I swam for 14 years – mainly butterfly and backstroke.

What is your biggest achievement at CrossFit? Getting up that rope. I was scared of the height and it’s a pretty far climb for a short person. Finally a wod came up with it and I told myself I was going to get up there, I envisioned myself doing it and what do you know, I did! Apparently that visualization thing works!

What do you feel that you still need to work on?
Intensity - It’s so hard to push your body when your head says take a breath or stop and cheer for that person!

Strength – I love a long, luscious metcon, but recently I’ve tried focusing on shorter metcons, strength days, proper rest and recovery, and diet. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I’ve PR’d several lifts and seen some body composition changes.

Goals for the rest of this year? Believe it or not I have never done Grace RX so I’ll get that done. I’d like to get 10 deadhang pullups, string 5-10 handstand pushups, a muscle up, and 155x20 on the reverse hyper.

What's your favorite WOD? Helen and Filthy Fifity!

What is the craziest insane workout outside of CF you have ever done? Does babysitting 2 children for a weekend count? Between meals, playtime, in and out of the car, baths, and bedtime I felt like I had done a 72 hour AMRAP!

What’s your least favorite WOD? Karen or anything with lots of wallballs.

What’s your favorite movement? I like pullups, overhead squats, and anything with dumbbells – snatch, thruster, etc.

Oh, ya, I also like Burpees! You don’t have to go fast (unless its tabata or less then 20 in a wod) but you can always keep moving in them!

What’s your least favorite movement? Deadlifts. Sorry, Donkey, I hope you still love me.

What skill do you want to work on in 2012 the most ? Butterfly pullups.

What's your favorite foods, and snacks? Wine and Champagne!

Meals –I love steak and seafood, especially shrimp, and pizza!
Snacks – Celery with nut butter topped with some raisins. Yup, like when you were a kid! Larbars, especially the Cherry Chocolate Tort. Half of one warmed and topped with some coconut ice cream is a great sub for brownie a la mode.

Whats your favorite piece of workout "gear"? Lululemon speed shorts and cool racerback tanks. But, sadly, I only own 1 or 2 outfits, right Plentus? Speaking of, we need another Neon Wod.

What you say is your biggest improvement since starting CF? Outside of the gym, I have more confidence. My non-crossfit friends often tell me I seem to have more self esteem! Since figuring out that I have a gluten intolerance (thanks, Laura and my doctors), I have noticed I have more energy and get sick less. I’ve also run Broad Street and a half marathon following a non-traditional running plan.

Who is your favorite coach? J-A-S-O-N. JASON! I remember back at Transaxle when I was scared to jump on the 20” box and Jason patiently just sat on another box talking to me until I did it. I went from no rx jumps to 60 that day. He always believes I can do more than I think can, and he is usually right. He challenges all of us to perform the workouts with integrity.


  1. Congratulations, Megs! Love your enthusiasm and motivation during what seem to be the never ending WODs

  2. Congrats Meg's. Your hard work and dedication is a motivation for myself and others. You deserve it.

  3. Yeah Megs!!!!! That's my girl! You are such an inspiration to me! Your positive attitude is so contagious!! I am so glad you are a part of my life and I know the best times are yet to come!! Love ya girl! Keep wearing those sunglasses at night!

  4. Congratulations Megs!

  5. i just tried to get breakfast but my head could not fit through the door. lol!

  6. Erika:

    Congrats!! I appreciate your encouragement at the end of a WOD, and it was so nice of you to take the time to teach my tall, lanky ass how to row!! :)

  7. Congratulations Megs!

  8. yeah megs!

    heading back to hoosier land for the holiday see you weirdos next week.

  9. Megs!!!!! So well deserved! You are an amazing person to be around and are always continuously supporting and helping others (ex. Waking up to time eveyone at 6 am for the open). Congrats to you, hope to see you soon!

  10. Congratulations Megs! Well deserved! Your enthusiasm, support & encouragement for others is very much noticed & appreciated.

  11. Congrats Megs


  12. Congrats Megs! Love your enthusiasm and willingness to take time to help others!

  13. Megs! You are DA BOMB!!!!

    Thanks for always pushing me to put on more weight, even tho half the time I'm a big baby and don't listen. ;] You are awesome! So happy to see you featured!


  14. whoo hoo, congrats!

  15. Congrats Megs! You're support and encouragement definitely helps a lot of people, myself included. I love the way you've always got a funny comment or funny story to keep everyone smiling!

  16. Congrats Megs, you deserve it! Thanks for always pushing me and critiquing me. You are truely one of a kind. :) Wishing you only the best!

  17. oooooohhhhhh GGOoooooddd fffooooorrrr yyyyoooooouuuu!!!!!!

  18. good stuff Megs, I'm glad you are AOTM since you've been a staple at KoP and consider you a veteran. You're always willing to offer a smile and welcome to new folks, and can talk to anyone. Congrats! Now you can go buy a new Lulu outfit to celebrate.

  19. Megs-
    Congrats on AOTM! You always have such a great attitude.

  20. Congrats Megs! Thank you for all the help and advice. You definitely deserve this.

  21. Of course I still love you, even though you hate the best lift.

    Congratulations on AOTM: you totally embody the spirit of this award. You are constantly striving to and you are always there to help whether it's judging an event, keeping the kids corralled, or simply giving someone a verbal boost during a tough WOD. You rock.

  22. Much deserved Megs. Keep up the great work and focusing your training and you'll continue to see awesome results. Working on your food has been helping too :)
    Also thank you for always voluteering and cheering everyone at the gym on, it's awesome that you do it and know that we don't take it for granted.

  23. Congrats Megs! Well deserved!

  24. Nice, Megs! Your enthusiasm and support is so admired. Thanks for always coaching and cheering at the times it's most needed! And CONGRATS on your many accompishments!!

  25. Thank you everyone for the kind words and the coach for selecting me!

    KOP is an amazing place to be a part of!

  26. Congrats Megs - well deserved - you say you want to work on intensity - you seem pretty intense to me during a wod :)

  27. Congratulations, Megs! You earned this, I look forward to our next WOD together!

  28. Megs, reading the comments, I was reminded of all of the judging you did at the 6 AM classes during the open. It was very generous of you to do that. Congrats on all of your accomplishments!

  29. Congratulations MIss Megs! CrossFit engenders enduring friendships and yours is the one I cherish most! So proud of you!!! BTW, it looks like I got clearance to get back to the box -- any chance I can get an AOTM to cheer me on??? I'm gonna need your expert push I think!!

  30. Congrats Megs!! So happy for you!! You are an inspiration to us all!!!!

  31. Congrats Megs!!! Well deserved!!


  32. Megs- Amazing progress since 2009 (I still remember your fundamentals - You, Nikki and Jen B)...there have been a few of us arounds since then to witness your awesome transformation and change, thank you for being an amazing part of this community and embodying all that is CrossFit! Congratulations!

  33. Congrats, Megs! Much deserved

  34. Besides the reasons mentioned on the blog already, here are a few more that justify you being AOTM:
    1. you love burpees (this is just wrong)
    2. you hung from the pull up bar for about an hour like it was no big deal
    3. you enjoy being tortured by Jason
    4. you may on occasion eat swedish fish to fuel your WOD
    5. I have never seen you in a bad mood at the box
    6. you always have energy
    7. you always have something funny to say
    8. you are never afraid to try something new

    Thanks for never letting me get away with negative thinking about my progress in crossfit and all the free advice about running, when to eat, etc.

  35. I disagree with 8 JNa. Try to get her to skin the cat or do a hip extension on the GHD to the right!

  36. Way to be absolutely amazing Megs! Always proud! You best be too! Xoxo
