

KoP's Believe it or Not...

Team Honey Badger

In teams of 6 or more complete the following:

5 Rds for Time:
200 Sit-ups
100 Clean and Jerks (95/65#)
100 Buddy Pullups
400m Team Run with 2 tire flips

Coaches Notes:
During this WOD, 4 members of the team can be working at once.  When performing buddy pullups, four members working equates to 2 members on the bars and 2 members pushing them up.  If two teams get to the tire at the same time, the team getting there first has the right of way.

"Endurance is patience concentrated"
--Thomas Carlyle

Team America
Dan M, Shoe, Molly, Faby, Jeremy Stephanie- 45:59 3 rds
BJ's Garden 
Alison K, BJ, Arin, Kim G, Demery, Sally, Ben -64:55
7 Wonders of the World
Steph V, Farfa, Kyle, John C., Bill, Becca, Alexis-49:23 3 rds
Team Ratel 
Megs, Beth/Aimee, Mike T, Keith, Jay E, Ditty- 66:33 
Stasie, Erika, Manesha, Kathlee, Al, Agam- 66:35 - 4 rds
Team Amer-i-can
John, Mark, Mark, Jason, Stacy, Bre 56:12- 4 rds
Dirty Platypus'
Gina, Paul, Mike H, Lauren, Nina, Chad, Oleg 67:30
Patriotic Pimps and Hos
Wax, Jen S, Rachel, John Sch, Chip, Ashley 61:14

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