

Teams of four will complete the following:
4K Row
400 Kettlebell Swings (35/55#)
400 Dumbbell Cleans (scale to ability)
400 Double Unders

Two athletes can work at once. Each team will get only one rower. The work can be completed in any order your team sees fit. Have fun!

Community Notes:
The King and Queen of Prussia sign up list has been typed up and there is a column next to your name for T-shirt size, please fill in your size the next time you are at the box. If you don't fill in a size, I'll choose for you. If you still haven't signed up, do so today! We will be starting the printing process for the T-shirts soon and need a head count. 

 Energy Drinks by L. Pappas
Office Workers Run Amok by Alina Dizik

"The great aim of education is not knowledge, but action." 
-Herbert Spencer

Team Steve's Angels: Steve, Kim G, Alexis - 32:54 (300 reps/SU)
Team 2 Turtles & a Princess: Wax, Jay E, Rebecca - 36:39 (400 reps/DU)
Team Fantastic 400 w/ Ninja: Gina, Mike S, Lam, Roni - 40:36
Team Minus One: Peter, Chris NZ, BJ - 42:30 (400/DU/25&55)
Team Rock Stars (Rhonda, JNa, DeeDee): 29:14
Team Sh*t That Sucked (Kim C, Ciera, Lori, Susan): 35:26
Team Tall People: (Tall Dan, John Sch, Jess C): 24:43
There is no I in Team but there is an ME (Bombar, Ross, Becky): 30:45
Donkey Solo: 18:31 (26/SU)
Poise (Jesss, Arin, Alison, Mel): 29:44
Threesome (Jen S, Stacy, Bre): 19:36 (300reps)
Rose Amongst Thorns (Shoeless, Ph, Olan, Megs): 28:17
Rx Integrity (Mark B, WW): 34:30 (200reps)
Team "I Can't Think" (Sandy, Derreck, Cris, Jeremy): 34:08
Team Bad Ass (Stasie, KSB, Heather): 29:36
Team Beasties (Tim H, Lisa, Ying, Nathan N): 33:59
Team Beat Olan (Dorothy, Joe L, Brian R, Randy): 35:00
Team "Where's Vinny" (Justin, Kathleen, Sarah, Oleg): 30:40
Team Heavy & Vested (Faby, John Sch, Balmer, Border): 26:38


  1. Early Risers
    Team Steve's Angels: Steve, Kim G, Alexis - 32:54 (300 reps/SU)
    Team 2 Turtles & a Princess: Wax, Jay E, Rebecca - 36:39 (400 reps/DU)
    Team Fantastic 400 w/ Ninja: Gina, Mike S, Lam, Roni - 40:36

    Team Minus One: Peter, Chris NZ, BJ - 42:30 (400/DU/25&55)

    Way to push through that one. It was deceiving.

  2. Awesome Team WoD! Start with a strategy, finish with fortitude! Thanks 7am-ers! -BJ

  3. Those forward rolls yesterday looked just SILLY

  4. Dirrty 930:

    Team Rock Stars (Rhonda, JNa, DeeDee): 29:14

    Team Sh*t That Sucked (Kim C, Ciera, Lori, Susan): 35:26

    Welcome to your first class, Lori!

  5. Team Tall People: (Tall Dan, John Sch, Jess C): 24:43

    There is no I in Team but there is an ME (Bombar, Ross, Becky): 30:45

    Donkey Solo: 18:31 (26/SU)

  6. 530:

    Team "I Can't Think" (Sandy, Derreck, Cris, Jeremy): 34:08
    Team Bad Ass (Stasie, KSB, Heather): 29:36
    Team Beasties (Tim H, Lisa, Ying, Nathan N): 33:59

    Team Beat Olan (Dorothy, Joe L, Brian R, Randy): 35:00
    Team "Where's Vinny" (Justin, Kathleen, Sarah, Oleg): 30:40
    Team Heavy & Vested (Faby, John Sch, Balmer, Border): 26:38

    Nicely done tonight, gang!

  7. 430:

    Team Poise: (JessS, Arin, Alison, Mel): 29:44
    Team Threesome (Jen S, Stacy, Bre): 19:36
    Team Rose Amongst Thorns (Joe, Olan, Meg, Rob Ph): 28:17
    Team Rx Integrity (WW, Mark B): 34:30
