

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
5 Forward Rolls
10 Ring Dips
20 Alternating Barbell Lunges (75/115#)

Community Notes:
We are hosting an Open Gym tonight from 5:30-7:30PM (first Thursday of each month). At Open Gym you can make up a missed WOD, create your own, work on strength or work on skill.  Starting at 6:30PM there will also be CFKids Team WOD all members are welcome to pair up in a teams of 4 with our kiddos to complete a special WOD. 

 The Bryn Mawr Running Co. is hosting the midsummer night 5K series taking place on June 14, July 12 and August 16. Click here to register and participate. 

"The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth." 
-John F Kennedy

Nina 4 Rx
Bob 4 Rounds, Bnd
Gina 5, bnd/65
Alanna 4, bnd/53
King 5, bnd
Chip 4, bnd
Dan M 4, bnd/65
LaurenMer. 4, bnd/65
Mike W 4rds (115#/Push ups)
Sarah W 3rds (Band/DL)
Rhonda 4rds (43#/Band/Logroll)
John Sch 4rds RX
Byrnsie 5rds RX
Beth O 3rds (35#/Band)
Jim C 3rds RX
Becky 4rds (53#/band)
Joe C 4 (75#,black)
Steph V 4 (45#/band)
Ryan 5 (95#)


  1. Forward rolls!!!! Cool.

  2. 6/7am

    Nina 4 Rx
    Bob 4 Rounds, Bnd
    Gina 5, bnd/65
    Alanna 4, bnd/53
    King 5, bnd
    Chip 4, bnd
    Dan M 4, bnd/65
    LaurenMer. 4, bnd/65

  3. more like, very dizzy Steph!

  4. Thanks KT! Question, I just tried to register for Hope now that I know I'm going to be around on Saturday and it says registration is closed. Should I just show up at Starfinder on Saturday?

  5. Kate, try going to the facebook page and messaging Micah.

    And happy birthday!

  6. The Nooner

    Mike W 4rds (115#/Push ups)
    Sarah W 3rds (Band/DL)
    Rhonda 4rds (43#/Band/Logroll)
    John Sch 4rds RX
    Byrnsie 5rds RX
    Beth O 3rds (35#/Band)
    Jim C 3rds RX
    Becky 4rds (53#/bamd)

    Nice work everyone!

    Happy Birthday Kate C!

  7. Kate you can also sign up for a heat on Saturday!

  8. Happy Birthday Kate!

  9. Happy Birthday Kate C, your improvement just I've seen over the past year is amazing and inspiring.. Love WODing with you (when I get the chance!) KEep it up!

  10. Mike and Sarah WorthJune 7, 2012 at 2:58 PM

    Happy Birthday, Kate!!

  11. Happy birthday to the girl I can no longer keep up with!

  12. 4:30pm results

    Joe C 4 (75#,black)
    Steph V 4 (45#/band)
    Ryan 5 (95#)

  13. Quad Kate,
    If only "Kelly" were on your birthday, what a great birthday present. You bring great intensity to the gym, I hope you had a great day!

  14. Happy Birthday Kate!

  15. Just a point of safety to Jim C and Kevin B...that is an AWFUL way to support a barbell on your back and it is extremely dangerous and extremely difficult to bail from safely if you needed to.

  16. Maybe AWFUL is too strong...lets go with sub optimal. :)

  17. Jason, your tact is AWFUL

    I mean, sub optimal

  18. Sorry this is late. For the record I did have Aimee check the position on my back and it was on the meat shelf so that was optimal.....as far as the position of the hands yes sub optimal. If I had a much heavier weight I would have never used that grip (or lack of grip).
    It did help with my speed at that weight!
    I think this is an awfully good response.
