

Bench Press

"An integral being knows without going, sees without looking, and accomplishes without doing."


  1. 6:00am

    Mike P 215
    Wax 275
    Heather 57.5
    Gina 90PR
    Bob W 175
    Drew 165
    Manny 145
    Nina 145
    KT 105
    Rebecca S 95 PR
    Paul 235
    Sean F 200 (Chicago)
    Alex 195 (CT)
    Oleg 215
    Jay E 285

    Everybody loves bench day!!! Awesome class guys, congrats to Heather H on her first ever bench press...nice PRs today also. Welcome back Drew!!

  2. 9:30
    Kara 68# / 6:54
    Chris T 73# /6:42
    Jackie 93# / 6:39
    Joy 83# / 6:14
    Kim C 85# PR / 5:58
    Mike W 185# / 6:28
    BJ 200# / 5:07
    John C 225# / 5:10
    Jonathan 215# / 6:10
    Nick 205# / 5:11

    Cash out: 3 rounds, 10 squat clean thrusters 200m run

  3. Thanks to everyone at the 9:30 class who helped watch Wes so I could workout a bit! I hope next time he is more cooperative, but you guys are the best!

  4. 4:30 and 5:30 classes...are you ready for some DODGEBALL???

  5. Nooner:

    Byrnsey: 255/4
    Tim M: 230/8
    Keith B: 135/8:02
    Mark S: 165/6
    Megs: 87.5/NA
    Alanna: 62.5/1 round
    John Sch: 285/6:08

    Cashout was *either* TABATA situps *or* 3 rounds squat clean thrusters/200 m. Athlete pick. Oddly, no one wanted to do 2 rounds of Lynne.

    Nice work, nooners! Some big numbers on the board today!

  6. Why is everyone so quiet these past few days. Aim and I go away and it is a ghost town.

    So, I will get it going. Where do you see yourself in 5 years.

    Children: (how many)
    Clean weight:
    Cindy score:

    Happily married with two kids and being a manager (just appointed this week) at my company. I hope to be able to clean 290 in 5 years and get 20 on Cindy.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Not Married
    No Children
    CrossFit Box Owner/Coach
    Clean 300
    30 rounds of Cindy

  9. married to kimbo
    hopefully 2 BOYS!!! if i have girls i'll kill myself
    police officer
    ill clean any weight as long as its more than Lyons
    What's Cindy?

  10. Married: hopefully Meg still tolerates me
    Kids: 3 girls...done. Be careful what you wish for Coxhead
    Career: Insurance @ Crossfit Coach
    Clean Weight: 250
    Cindy: half my age

  11. @ John - daughters are AWESOME!!! If you want to see what it's like to have two sons, I could lend you my twins for a weekend.

  12. . . . in five years

    Still married

    Sticking with three children

    I'd like to escape from the law and be a teacher and coach (CrossFit and football)

    Clean weight: At least 225

    Cindy score: 30

  13. 4:30 On the Prowl (cash outs were max du's and then some Prowler sprints)
    Tim H. 165
    JZ 145
    WW 165 PR
    Sandy 85
    Erika 95 (1 du)
    JNa 80 (8 du)
    Ben 175 PR (12 du's)

    5:30 "1st round was greaaat" (cash out was athlete's choice of Tabata)
    Mel 110
    Patrick 245 (6 push ups)
    Dan L 205 (5 push ups)
    Ryan 145 (5 push ups)
    Joe P 145 (4 push ups)
    Mike T 300 (8 push ups)
    Vinny form
    Sarah J. 75 (10 squats)

  14. Just Married
    No Children Yet
    Enrolled in a phd program
    Clean weight: 250
    Cindy score: 25

  15. Congrats on your promotion Jason.

    I'd like to be married. Kids are in my 10-year plan, but in 5 years I'd be happy with just a loyal German Shephard and a house with a big enough yard for him to run around in. I'd like to be a manager at my company, or start my own technology company by then. 250 clean, and 18 rounds of Cindy (though I'd also be okay with never doing Cindy ever again).

  16. I want to be Single, Baby's make me break out
    Project manager
    I want to clean more than Jason.
    And do 21 rounds of Cindy.

  17. Married: vincent vincent!
    Kids: possibly one more (that'd make 4 :)
    Clean: 200+
    Cindy: 12+ rounds rx

  18. 6:30
    Denise 85 (11/13)
    Jess C. 100 (12/14)
    Jeremy 125 (13/10)
    Faby 225 (18/20)
    Paul 255 (28/25)
    Tim McC 245 (29/20)
    Steph V. 135 (PR) (13/10)
    Jen S. 120 (PR) (10/15)
    Jim C. 165 (20/23)

    Solid work tonight guys! For Paul's birthday, he wanted to have some pull-ups instead of burpees so our cash out was 2 rounds of Lynne.

    7:30 (2 guys/2 girls)
    Leslie 98 (PR)
    Lisa 68
    Al 330 friggin pounds! + a 1RM 355!!!!!!!!!
    BJ 195

    Impressive bench tonight from Big Strong Al!!! Congrats on making it on the PR board!

  19. Jason - 2 kids?

    Getting married in October :)
    No kids yet but I want a few
    My job is boring
    Clean 120
    Cindy I can't remember


  21. Big Al...BOOM!
    Jason: congratulations! awesome news!
