
W.O.D. 5.6.12

Individual Event 2 from the CrossFit Regionals:
Row 2000 Meters
50 One-legged Squats, alternating
30 Hang cleans (225/135#)

Coaches Notes:
Scale weight according to level and ability. One-legged squat modifications will be shown in class.

"There are so many people out there who will tell you that you can't. What you've got to do is turn around and say "watch me".
- Unknown


  1. 9AM class results:

    Cline 18:50 (17in box/115#)
    Pooch 19:26 (17in box/105#)
    Linda 19:45 (green band/65#)
    Elyse 16:43 (85#)
    John Sch 18:13 (plate, 155#)
    Josh F 19:09 (17 in box/105#)
    Erika 17:00 (plate/73#)
    Kim G 19:41 (band, 85#)
    Paul F 16:53 (band ROM/135#)
    Megs 17:05 Scale

    Nice work on a tough WOD everyone,!

  2. 10AM class results:

    Jim C 15:23 (17in box for left side/105#)
    Jess C 18:00 (15in box, 93#)
    Pam 12:48 1/2 Scale
    Becca N 12:45 1/2 (run, 17in box with 35# plate, 53#)
    Shoeless 12:00 1/2 (155#/ROM pistols)
    Stasie 20:00 (band, 60#)
    Alanna 12:55 1/2 (blue band, 33#)

    Great job everyone, very consistent work on the rowing and strong efforts on the pistols and cleans.
