
W.O.D. 5.5.12

For time:

200 m run
30 wall balls (14/20#, 9/10' target)
20 sumo deadlift high pulls 35/55#
30 box jumps (20/24")
20 toes to bar
30 burpees
20 shoulder to overhead (95/135#)

"To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. "
-Christian Larson


  1. Anyone not at regionals running broad street tomorrow?? I am trying to figure out transportation. Let me know!!

  2. I'm running, Alison is riding up with me, I have room for more if anyone needs to hitch a ride. Find me on Facebook.

    Happy birthday, Miranda!

  3. 9AM class results:

    Mike P 11:34 Rx
    Jason B. 10:20 Rx
    Dan L 11:09 Rx
    Mark C 14:37 (115#)
    John Sch 13:51 Rx+ (70 lb KB)
    Ken 17:18 (14#/45#/65#)
    Rebecca S 1501 (75#/T2B attempts)
    Jess S 20;12 (10#/65#)

    Good work everyone, great intensity all the way through the WOD!

  4. 10AM class:

    JKing 11:50 (115#)
    Akeem 16:12 (95#)
    JP 14:23 Scale
    Sandy 15:02 Scale
    Stasie 16:25 (8#/13in box/T2B attempts/53#)
    Paul F 14:18 (box step-ups/T2B attempts)
    Joe P 14:11 (105#)
    Erica 13:25 (12#/75#)

    Nice work all, great effort and way to challenge yourselves with higher weights than you thought you could use. Keep it up!

  5. I did not do Rx. I used 115 for the shoulder to overhead.

  6. I like your integrity, Mike! Still an awesome time.

  7. Mark - thanks .  .  . I'll get there eventually .  .  . nice work, yourself, today - that was a burner.
