
W.O.D. 5.4.12

For time:
200 double-unders
100 kettlebell swings 35/55#

* For every missed double-under AND every break in kb swings, row 25 m after final kb swing.  Your time stops when the row is finished.  For example, if you miss 25 double unders and break 5 times in the kb swings, you need to row 750 m (30 x 25 m)before stopping your clock. Coaches discretion on scaling options for Double Unders.

Community Notes:
Reminder there is NO 6:30PM CrossFit Class tonight. ONLY 6:30PM Westside barbell.

“There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self.” -Aldous Huxley


  1. A1 Limousine is a full-service transportation company located in King of Prussia, USA. Our company is synonymous in providing personal, group, and corporate transportation since 2001.

    King of Prussia

  2. 6AM class:


    Jay E 31:15
    Rachel 18:27
    Rebecca S 14:35


    Pat P 19:58 (su, 44)
    Gina 10:39 (su)
    Kim G 15:07 (su)
    Becca N 10:26 (su/18/run)
    Lam 13:03 (44)
    Ellie 16:19 (26)

    Nice work on a mentally tough WOD, especially at 6AM!

  3. 7AM class results:


    Pete W 1:33
    John Sch 10:45
    Chip 17:55


    Derrick 13:00(su)
    Jessie S 11:35 (su/26)
    Brett 12:40 (su)
    Cline 25:59 (45)
    Heather 12:55 (su)

    Strong work everyone, good focus all the way through!

  4. 930

    Kara: 14:30 SU/35
    Chris T: 14:17 SU/35
    Justin Ma: DNF/no row, SU/35
    Mike W: 20:25 Rx
    Sarah W: 22:00 SU/18
    Nick Z: 12:29 SU/35
    Chris A: 18:25 SU/35
    Lisa A: 20:14 SU/35

  5. Hey if you did not know you can follow the leader board on the crossfit regional's at link below. Looks like KOP finished 11th out of 30 on first wod ... Awesome!


  6. Nooner!

    Kyle B: 16:56 su/35
    Brynsie: 12:33 Rx
    Jess S AOTM: 22:24 Rx-ish (capped DU penalty @30)
    Dawn: 17:36 su/26
    Samson: 14:28 su/45

    quote of the day so far: Jess C: "Can I work on my DU but not get TOO penalized for it?"

  7. Correction re: 7am:

    Pete W was 14:33 Rx, NOT 1:33

    Please make a note of it.

  8. Nikki (14) and Aimee (17) kicking ass! You are two bad ass women.

  9. Thanks for the correction for Pete W, Donkey, fingers went faster than the eyes.

  10. Usually it's the reverse for me.

  11. 430

    Gabe: 13:00 Rx
    Stacey H: 16:28 SU/26 (first DU today!)
    Christina T: 22:21 SU/26
    Alexis: 15:30 SU/26
    Kelly: 16:29 SU/18
    Justin: 13:43 SU/44
    Roman: 13:41 SU/?
    Joe C: 18:12 ?/45
    Brian R: 18:12 SU/55
    Westwood: 19:57 45#
    Peterbutt: 12:54 Rx
    Olan: 18:32 Rx]
    Kathleen: 22:29 Rx
    Mike Fab: 18:10 Rx

    Borden: 24:48 Rx
    Dee Dee: 20:17 Rx
    Katie Fin: 14:00 SU/26
    Matt O: 15:00 Rx
    Lauren: 15:51 SU/35
    Sharon: 24:17 Rx
    Oleg: 19:47 (100 Ring rows/55#)
    Jeremy: 20:18 SU/45
    Josh: 14:36 SU/26 First DU!!
    Shoeless: 18:44 Rx
    Tidmore: 14:58 SU/55
    Kate K: 15:40 DUA/44
    Lisa: 18:15 SU/26?

    To summarize this WOD: MUCH harder than people thought it was going to be. Nice work to all the classes today!

    Some of the people above ran instead of rowed.

  12. Jay E you were my inspiration today to keep on going and finish this WOD even though I was also in with a very fast class. Thanks for that!!!

    I honestly thought this WOD was going to take me 3 hours, fortunately it only felt like it was that long.

  13. King thanks for sharing the link for the games. Saved me a lot of time trying to find it. Go KOP!!!

  14. FOUND: 2 ladies rings. At the front desk!
