
W.O.D. 5.3.12

Back Squat

Cash out:
Teams of three complete max prowler pushes in 7 minutes, one athlete works a time. Distance - 30 meters (outdoors-from the barricades to the "rectangle"). Weight 180#/275# (this does not include the weight of the prowler).

Community Notes:
Reminder tonight is OPEN gym from 5:30-7:30PM. This is FREE & open to all members to come in and do a WOD, Strength or Skill of your choice. There will be no evening kids class. ONLY the CrossFit Kids "Cubs" class will run at 3:45 PM. 

“Let the refining and improving of your own life keep you so busy that you have little time to criticize others.” 
-H. Jackson Brown Jr.


  1. 6/7am

    Bob W 165
    Wax 225
    Cris 185
    Roni 132.5
    Pat P 275
    King 205
    Paul F 255
    Chip 295PR
    Heather 135
    Lauren M 125PR

    Very good strength session today, got some great depth and a solid mindset on what it takes to really push thru to a 5-rep. Also, it was a little slippery with the Prowler, but you all just got it done.

  2. BAN! *big assed nooner! super fun class today! Nice work on the prowler afterwards...get low, find that center of gravity and push from your heels. I couldn't move that thing with 225 until i came down into it and put my body between the pipes.

    Steph: 165
    Olan: 235
    Dorothy: 165
    John C: 305 ROM
    Kim C: 105
    Joe L: 225 (Welcome to your first class, Joe!)
    Alanna: 105
    Kara: 83
    Peter W: 215
    Nick Z: 185
    Brian: 195 (Vistor from NJ--welcome!)
    Erika: 133
    John Sch: 255
    Jim C: 165

  3. Is anyone else still feeling the Death by Pullups??

  4. My are a little torn up by death by PU . . . . today's festivities are not going to help the healing process . . .

    not. one. little. bit.

  5. 4:30 class:

    Gabe 215
    Chris S from NZ 245
    Dawn 95
    Megs 135
    Lam 225
    Mrs. Lam 110
    Vinny G ROM
    Travis 215
    Bob 255
    Luke 205
    mike P 305
    Kathleen 102.5
    Stacy H 135
    Sharon 135

    Strong work everyone, several big PRs tonight! And good work on the prowler, strong effort right through the end!
