
W.O.D. 4.8.12

Happy Easter!
We WILL be having a 9AM and 10AM class today.
Only our kids classes are cancelled.

AMRAP in 5 minutes of:
Squat clean, 165#(men)/110#(women)
Jerk, 165#(men)/110#(women)

This was the open sectional WOD 11.3 from last year click here to read about it on Constantly Varied. Today's WOD will also have an "Easter" component to it!

You can think of this workout in many different ways, in fact, at least 10 ways:
-squat clean and press
-squat clean and push press
-squat clean and push jerk
-squat clean and split jerk
-squat clean and thruster
-power clean and front squat and press
-power clean and front squat and push press
-power clean and front squat and push jerk
-power clean and front squat and split jerk
-power clean and front squat and thruster

The whole point is that you must achieve 3 key points:
1. the bar must start on the ground
2. you must be in a squat below parallel with the bar in a rack position
3. you must lock the bar out overhead in a stable position with hips, knees, and arms locked out with feet underneath the hips

Do not believe in something solely because someone has told you so, or tradition has it, or because many others do. Test for yourself, experience for yourself.
-Kalama Sutta

Becca 21 (45#)
Mr. Peterbutt 13 (135#)
Mrs. Peterbutt 18 (55#)
Lauren 22 (50#)
Ryan 23 (95#)
Kim G. 26 (45#)
Alanna 15 (35#)
Linda 15 (35#)
Pam 10 (35#)
Derrick 14 ROM (165#)
Jen S 12 RX
Sandy 17 (65#)


  1. 9am Bunnies

    Becca 21 (45#)
    Mr. Peterbutt 13 (135#)
    Mrs. Peterbutt 18 (55#)
    Lauren 22 (50#)
    Ryan 23 (95#)
    Kim G. 26 (45#)
    Alanna 15 (35#)
    Linda 15 (35#)

    Warm-up included an "AMEAP" (a many eggs as possible) in 15 minutes.
    And the Easter Egg Hunt crown (AKA bunny ears) goes to Peterson who collected and completed the tasks found in 12 eggs!

    Great job today everyone! Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day!!

  2. 10:00am results

    Pam 10 (35#)
    Derrick 14 ROM (165#)
    Jen S 12 RX
    Sandy 17 (65#)

    Sandy takes the prize for the egg finding warm-up with 11 eggs...nice work. Pam awesome job with the C&J, not and easy move to learn all at once...
