
W.O.D. 4.27.12

Ryan overhead

5 Rounds for time of:
400 meter Run
15 Push Press (95/135#)

Community Notes:
CrossFit KoP is hosting our next Level 1 Trainer Course on August 11th and 12th, click here to sign up today. If you have any interest, these sell out fast, act quickly.

"If what you did yesterday seems big, you haven't done anything today." 
-Lou Holtz

Mark B 19:08 95#/Row
Becky C. 22:04 63#/Row
Byrnsie 18:35 Rx
Kelly 19:26 33#
Jess C 20:34 65#
Russell 22:38 80#
Ryan 18:55 85#
Jay 19:30 RX
Mike S. 25:25 80
Gina 18:11 53
Wax 22:59 135ROM
Kim G 23:14 45
Rebecca 22:42 73
Lauren 20:35
Pay 21:46 95
Steve 22:10 Row/45
Jeremy 20:51 55
Cline 20:15 85
Peter 18:54 105
Mark 17:05 100
Lam 20:15 95
John C 18:47 rx
Kim 16:35 (55)
Peter O 21:20 (105)
Sy 16:36 (45)
Barb 18:13 (45)
Kara 19:19 (45)
Chris T 18:35 (45)
Patrick 15:59 115
Dee Dee 18:16 65
Mike Fab: 20:41 Rx
John Sch: 19:41 Rx+ (Weight Vest)
Christina T: 19:47 45#
Luke: 20:07 95#
John Gil: 17:54 95/115
Sandy: 22:25 45/Row
J.Na: 21:17 55#
Borden: 24:05 95
Erika: 20:22 53
Lisa: 22:01 55? 65?
Paul S: 20:56 Rx
Nick: 18:55 105
Melissa S: 23:20 45#
Christine 22:58 68#
Bre 20:16 53#
Dan F 24:01 25#
Katrina 19:45 25#
Stacy 19:12 53#
Joe C 19:48 95#
Josh S 20:09 115#
King 18:42 105#
Olan 21:25 Rx
Shawn 18:42 115#
WW 21:32 95#
Matt O 20:27 115#
Alexis 20:59 55#
Kate C 17:56 Rx


  1. 6am
    Jay 19:30 RX
    Mike S. 25:25 80
    Gina 18:11 53
    Wax 22:59 135ROM
    Kim G 23:14 45
    Rebecca 22:42 73
    Lauren 20:35
    Pay 21:46 95
    Steve 22:10 Row/45

    7am Boys Club
    Jeremy 20:51 55
    Cline 20:15 85
    Peter 18:54 105
    Mark 17:05 100
    Lam 20:15 95

    Great job everybody! Great attention to form on the push press all around. Have an awesome weekend!

  2. I'll see you guys around 5.30. Glad this wods up... Needed some running.

  3. 930 results

    John C 18:47 rx
    Kim 16:35 (55)
    Peter O 21:20 (105)
    Sy 16:36 (45)
    Barb 18:13 (45)
    Kara 19:19 (45)
    Chris T 18:35 (45)

  4. 530

    Patrick 15:59 115
    Dee Dee 18:16 65
    Mike Fab: 20:41 Rx
    John Sch: 19:41 Rx+ (Weight Vest)
    Christina T: 19:47 45#
    Luke: 20:07 95#

    John Gil: 17:54 95/115
    Sandy: 22:25 45/Row
    J.Na: 21:17 55#
    Borden: 24:05 95
    Erika: 20:22 53
    Lisa: 22:01 55? 65?
    Paul S: 20:56 Rx
    Nick: 18:55 105
    Melissa S: 23:20 45#

    Superb work holding onto the form tonight and not resorting to push jerk. Tight core! Special mention to Lisa C making it through the monkey bars for the first time :)

  5. Brynsie,

    Awesome wad. Very impressive!

  6. That should have said wod. Thanks spell check.

  7. No, thanks Freud for inventing a certain kind of slip.
