
W.O.D. 4.26.12

 PR city tonight!
John C takes over the top of the board with a 190# snatch
Ben joins the muscle up club with his first two muscle ups
Congratulations gentlemen!

A big welcome to Bob!

For time:
70 Burpees
60 Sit-ups
50 Kettlebell swings 55/35#
40 Pull-ups
30 Handstand push-ups

“A great leader's courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position.” 
-John Maxwell

Nicol 16:10 (25plate)
Steve 20:39 scaled
Brett 17:47 scaled
Roni 23:15 (35kb,grey)
Mike s 27:14 (45kb)
Mike P 15:10 (35kb,abmat)
Tidmore 20:12 (floss,abmat(
Pooch 17:33 (45kb,box,band)
Elyse 19:28 (21box)
Rebecca 19:32 (24box,redband)
Pat P (grn, 50burbs)
Paul F 19:16 (allkindsofscales)
King 17:22 (abmat)
Kate K 20:17 (small Mt.under HSPU)
Peter 21:05 (3abmats)
Nick Z. 20:28 (45kb,ringpulls, 17box)
Cline 21:46 (21box,blk)
Chip 22:27 (60=Airsquats)
Lauren M 23:12 (scaled)
Rhonda 19:48 scale
Meg B 16:28 mat/plate
Byrnsie 24:58 RX
Kim C 20:48 (abmats/romPU)
John C. 14:40 RX
Jen S. 26:01 ABmats
Becky 22:33 bandHSPU
Alanna 29:12 scale
Bob 20:30 scaleHSPU (1st class!)
Ben 18:56 44# scale....then a muscle up!!
Gabe 19:49 scale
WW 23:30 45#/ SB/ JPU
Rachel 24:20 blue/ box
Matt O 25:34 SB
Faby 19:34 RX
Paul 24:46 ab mat
Patrick 22:13 RX
Stasie 22:23 band / box
Christina 26:57 gr/box
Alison 17:04 gr/SB
Travis 20:39 SB
Cris A 24:30 RX
Big John 24:43 rom pull ups / GHD
Steph V 24:12 gr/hsh
Sharon 28:05 SB/RR


  1. Jason- I have a foursome for the golf tourney.


  2. Awesome Ellie! Thank you so much!

    I also know that the following said they were in...if I am missing anyone, please let me know...

    Shawn T
    Rob Ph

    anyone else?

  3. ATTENTION BEER LOVERS: I clearly will be the designated driver this year but I plan to attend this beer drinking event if anyone else is interested: http://lansdalebeerfest.com/

    I went last year and it was a blast with a HUGE selection of beer. I guess I will inhale deeply and enjoy the smell of hops in the air this year!

  4. I remember when mainsite put this workout up and the very next day it was the movements, but reverse order. People's times were different b/c (I think) the burpees first or last

    Here is the KoP results for the reverse order of today's: http://aimeesfitnessblog.blogspot.com/2011/09/wod-92811.html

  5. Mel, is that your official announcement?

  6. Thanks for posting that Chris!! This will actually be the first workout where I can compare myself (even if it is reverse order haha)

  7. I like the reverse (burpees last). Pullups/HSPU were by far the worst part of this wod, so I'd rather get them out of the way while I'm fresh.

    And then there's less worry about pacing myself with the burpees.

  8. Chris P- I have started spreading the news, yes. I can't hide my "beer gut" for much longer anyway! If people can't read between those lines.....

  9. 6am / 7am

    Nicol 16:10 (25plate)
    Steve 20:39 scaled
    Brett 17:47 scaled
    Roni 23:15 (35kb,grey)
    Mike s 27:14 (45kb)
    Mike P 15:10 (35kb,abmat)
    Tidmore 20:12 (floss,abmat(
    Pooch 17:33 (45kb,box,band)
    Elyse 19:28 (21box)
    Rebecca 19:32 (24box,redband)
    Pat P (grn, 50burbs)
    Paul F 19:16 (allkindsofscales)
    King 17:22 (abmat)
    Kate K 20:17 (small Mt.under HSPU)
    Peter 21:05 (3abmats)
    Nick Z. 20:28 (45kb,ringpulls, 17box)
    Cline 21:46 (21box,blk)
    Chip 22:27 (60=Airsquats)
    Lauren M 23:12 (scaled)

  10. I used the 55# KB for kettlebell swings and scaled HSPU with a 24" box.

  11. Congratulations Melanie! I've read between the lines & wanted to say something prior but wasn't sure. It will be fun watching you in the upcoming months.


  12. What movements would you add or subtract from this list?


  13. Mel-Your Hilarious. This WOD looks Insane.

  14. Megs,

    I would
    -add: weighted chin ups
    -replace: press with push press
    -might have mentioned in bodyweight article: sprint
    -might get rid of: snatch (works CNS mostly)

    pretty good list though. My top three for gaining strength/mass are squat, deadlift, and sprint.

  15. Megs-What Chris said. And Add-Flat Bench Press.

  16. Weighted Chinups, good one Plentus!!

  17. 4:30 results

    Ben 18:56 44# scale....then a muscle up!!
    Gabe 19:49 scale
    WW 23:30 45#/ SB/ JPU
    Rachel 24:20 blue/ box
    Matt O 25:34 SB
    Faby 19:34 RX
    Paul 24:46 ab mat
    Patrick 22:13 RX
    Stasie 22:23 band / box
    Christina 26:57 gr/box
    Alison 17:04 gr/SB
    Travis 20:39 SB
    Cris A 24:30 RX
    Big John 24:43 rom pull ups / GHD
    Steph V 24:12 gr/hsh
    Sharon 28:05 SB/RR

    I was thrilled to watch you guys do this WOD...because I got to watch...ha ha. It was funny to hear multiple people say the burpees were the easiest...Gabe stay positive man... We will get those HSPU for ya man...don't sweat it.

  18. I'd get rid of high pulls, frankly, and exchange for C&J which will do much the same and benefit your whole body.

    Seconded: deads, snatch, squat, sled, KBS

    Add, depending on goals:
    1. dead hangs
    2. good mornings
    3. rack pulls and/or deficit deads
    4. banded deads, squats, bench
    5. box squats

  19. Ben congratulations... Your a demon! I knew you could do it. John C, congrats man, you should be proud of that lift, we are all very impressed... Well at least I am man...savor the flavor bro...

  20. congrats Ben and John! and Muscles from Steve's club, he got a muscle up too!

  21. Thank you all. I will savor the top spot for as long or as short as I have it. I was stuck at 175 for the longest time and it felt good to break it. Hard work does pay off.

  22. John C has been in BEASTMODE all week, Unreal stuff man. Reminder: MegaMillions tomorrow. This is your week.

  23. "muscles" pic is on the kids blog!
