
W.O.D. 4.28.12

AMRAP in 10 minutes
10 Squat Clean Thruster 65/95#
1 Rope Climb

Community Notes:
Good luck to Mike T. and Balmer competing in the Tough Mudder this weekend! Stay warm and have fun!

"You are what you think about all day."
-Allen Ginsberg

Paul F 2+10 (95 pulls)
Jordan 3- (95 climbs2)
Patrick 4 +3 (Rx)
Ali 4+6 (45 pulls)
Steve 3 (45 pulls)
John S 4 (Rx)
Rachel 3 +10 (Rx) 1st Rx!!
Rebecca 3+5 (Rx)
Kim G 3+3 (53 pulls)
Jess S 3+6 (45 pulls)
Renee 3+7 (45 pulls)
Josh F 4+7 (65 att)
Sarah 2+6 (35pulls)
Joy 5 (45 att)
DeeDee 3+10 (att)
Flounder 3+3 (63 att)
Erika 4+6 (53 climb1)
JNa 4+4 (45 att)
Arin 4 (45 att) 1st rope climb!!!!
Kyle B 3+8 (75)
Kathleen 4+10 (35 pulls)
JohnG 3+10 (85)

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