
W.O.D. 3.6.12

Matt O - hits a PR!!

...and so does Mike W!


**with a little catch

**Conventional Grip Only!
- no alternating grip

What's the Difference?
Conventional Grip (above)

Alternating Grip (below)

Community Notes:
Hey KoP- what's going on this week? As we wait for the next Open Sectional WOD 12.3 to be announced...here are a few notes to remember-- Laura is doing the next Fundamentals of Nutrition on March 7th from 6:30-7:30PM (this is open to anyone, but FREE to those who recently completed the their "fundamentals").

CrossFit Endurance WOD at 530pm on Wednesday 3/7.

Saturday March 10th
at 9:00AM we will host the sectional WOD 12.3...and then from 12-3PM Plentus is hosting his next Clean and Jerk Clinic - a few spots are left, sign up today.

Sunday March 11th at 11:00AM
is the CrossFit Defined lecture with Jason - this is a FREE lecture all members are welcome.

“The only disability in life is a bad attitude.”
-Scott Hamilton


Paul F 325
Mike S 255
Drew 385pr
Gina 155pr
Megs 175
John S 325
Kim G 175
Manny 205pr
Lam 205
Mike P 375
Matt O 315
Tamas 325
Mike W. 275
Sarah W 185
Kim C 143
John C 315
Lisa A 185
Chris T 173
Meg B. 163
Kara 183
Tori 65 form
Susan 195
Dianne 210
Peter O 290
Liz O 185
Chris A 205
Gabe 315
Olan 315
Bo 215
Nathan 145 PR
Kate 265
Ken 260
Travis 345 PR
Bre 173 PR
Ben 260
Joe C 305 PR
Jason 335
JZ: 275
Sharon: 265
Mel: 210
Chris E: 95
Patrick: 365 PR
Stasie: 180
Joe P: 265
Jeff H: 295
Luke: 355 PR
Tall Dan: 315 PR
Tim H: 265
Oleg: 315 PR!!
Randy 335 PR
Akeem 295 PR
Denise 205
Tony 335
Erika 195
Matt G. 325 PR
Diego 285 PR
Charles 265
Faby 355 PR
Kyle 235
Nick 305
Vincent 345
Leslie 185
Helen 125
Kathy 128
Doug 130
Justin 245


  1. Don't forget this Wed is starting up our CrossFit Endurance WOD at 530pm

  2. donkey dollars are going to make their box debut at the nooner. look out.

  3. Interesting catch. I try to do a conventional grip until the weight gets heavy, but if I were being honest, I would say that I switch over to mixed grip way too fast.

  4. No Donkey Dollars at 6:00 am? :(

    (What's a Donkey Dollar?)

  5. 6am Gripalicious
    wow- we realized what a difference the grip makes!

    Paul F 325
    Mike S 255
    Drew 385pr
    Gina 155pr
    Megs 175
    John S 325
    Kim G 175
    Manny 205pr
    Lam 205
    Mike P 375

  6. Donkey- is there no love with Donkey Dollars at 5:30 today????

  7. Lots of donkey dollars handed out at the Nooner!

    Brynsie: 325
    Aim: 245
    KSB: 190
    Becky: 205
    Jonathan: 255

    Awesome work, everyone!

  8. are those like Plentus Points? Maybe we should enter an exchange agreement, like a currency conversion.

  9. What are Donkey Dollars? Plentus Points?

  10. I believe you get Donkey Dollars for performing stripper deadlifts. I have a bunch myself if anyone needs some.

  11. Melanie: There will be donkey dollars at the 530--never fear!

    Plentus: I think we can work out a conversion. although as I've stated repeatedly, donkey dollars are more decorative than anything else.

    Dorothy: you are correct--however--you do not have any of these special, hot off the press dollars!

  12. I got one this morning...a 6am treat that required no walk of shame!

  13. 4:30, we kind of sucked at signing in...only 40%! Please remember to do so.

  14. 530:

    JZ: 275
    Sharon: 265
    Mel: 210
    Chris E: 95
    Patrick: 365 PR (never again allowed to say he stinks at deads)
    Stasie: 180
    Joe P: 265
    Jeff H: 295
    Luke: 355 PR
    Tall Dan: 315 PR
    Tim H: 265

  15. My bad...missed Oleg!

    Oleg: 315 PR!!

  16. 6:30 results

    Randy 335 PR
    Akeem 295 PR
    Denise 205
    Tony 335
    Erika 195
    Matt G. 325 PR
    Diego 285 PR
    Charles 265
    Faby 355 PR
    Kyle 235
    Nick 305
    Vincent 345

    For some, maybe that conventional grip ain't so bad after all!! Nice work on those PR's!

  17. Griptastic 7:30 "not so light" class

    Leslie 185
    Helen 125
    Kathy 128
    Doug 130
    Justin 245

    Really proud of this crew!!
