
W.O.D. 3.7.12

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Paleo 101 by Chris Plentus


Coconut flour Paleo Pancakes and Egg Cupcakes

Community Notes:
Tonight's CFEndurance Class is at 5:30PM with Coach Pappas. The class will consist of running drills, a mile time trial and some interval work. Meet Tim in the lobby at CFKoP. This will count as a regular class.

The date for the 2012 Maltz Challenge has been set Friday March 23rd 2012 (in all classes). Click here to compare to 3.18.11 or click here to compare to 3.26.10.

"I don't train to absorb the pain, I train to break the pain."
-Henry Rono

Gina - 13 (gr band, knees)
Kim G - 10 (blue,knees)
Oleg - 15 RX
Manny - 10 ( green, knees)
KT - 16 RX
Rebecca S - 14 (orange, knees)
John S - 11 RX
Reid - 7 (black,blue / knees)
Jay E - 14 RX
Drew - 10 (green) PR
King - 15 RX
Susan 13 (blue)
Rachael 10 rx
Mark B 14 rx
Tim M 22 rx
Seth 10 rx (welcome back!!!)
Mike T 22 rx
Shannon 12 (blue/green)
Barb 13 (black)
John C 20 rx
Kim C 9 rx
Kevin 17 rx
Tamas 19 rx
Brian R 15 rx
Jeff 13 rx
JZ 16 rx
Gabe 15 rx
Katie V 8 rx
Joe C 11 rx
Josh 17 rx
Lam 11 rx
Becca 11 rx
Rob Ph 14 blue band
Kathleen 11 flossed
Robin 10 band
Steph B 12 grn
Jackie 8 (10min,ringrow)
LP 10 (time: 11:28 w/12# vest)
Josh 14 band
Megs 14 rx
Andrea 9 jpu
Ben 11 rx
Patrick 15 rx
Joe P 12 rx
Chris S 13 rx
Sandy 14 green
Jess S 11 green, knee
Sharon 9 green
Tony 22
Vinny 23 rx
Danny 9 (10 min)
Paul S 18 rx
Justin K 15 rx
Kate FM 12 green/knees
Derek 12 modified
Borden 12 rx
Heather 14 band
Denise 13 knee
Kate K 15 band
Faby 18 rx
Conn 13 rx
Randy 9 purple/knee
Jerry 21 rx
Akeem 10 band
Sarah J 11 green/knee
Kyle 12 rx
Helen 11 ring rows, knees

CFEndurance Results:
Mile Time Trial
Faby 5:40
Sam B 5:55
Josh 6:06
MAtt O 6:08
Matt Garb 7:03
Peterson 6:10
John S 6:48
Rachel R 7:04
Jen S 7:08
Flounder 7:10
Rach.Hubb 7:45
Mike S 7:30
Jess C 8:09
Nicole Gantz 8:46
Rob Ph --DNF


  1. 6:00am Results

    Gina - 13 (gr band, knees)
    Kim G - 10 (blue,knees)
    Oleg - 15 RX
    Manny - 10 ( green, knees)
    KT - 16 RX
    Rebecca S - 14 (orange, knees)
    John S - 11 RX
    Reid - 7 (black,blue / knees)
    Jay E - 14 RX
    Drew - 10 (green) PR
    King - 15 RX

    Way to stay tough through the whole 20 minutes guys...Welcome to Reid - his first class!! Nice job to King also who had his first RX today.

  2. Todd B: 17 RX; had to beat KT
    Andrea B: 7 jpu (10 min)

  3. noon results:

    Susan 13 (blue)
    Rachael 10 rx
    Mark B 14 rx
    Tim M 22 rx
    Seth 10 rx (welcome back!!!)
    Mike T 22 rx
    Shannon 12 (blue/green)
    Barb 13 (black)
    John C 20 rx
    Kim C 9 rx
    Kevin 17 rx
    Tamas 19 rx

    Great work!!!!

  4. I smell a similar workout (probably with a deadlift) for 12.3

  5. i predict a 15 min amrap of 30/30/30 deads, c2b and double unders.

  6. Similar to Jason and Plentus, I am also feeling like deads are coming...heavy ones.

    I predict: 200 DU (or some high number), then 50 heavy ass deads (like 155/225 or more), then 10 MU or HSPU. done as 7-10 minute AMRAP. the above would be a single "round" scored as 260 if you complete it entirely.

    Why: the double unders will kill most average competitors either from a time-wasting POV, or as a lungs stealer. this is similar to the purpose behind the 60 burpees in WOD 3 last year, and for that matter, the first 30 snatches of WOD 2 this year. time wasting and lung stealing.

    heavy ass deads because i doubt they'll do another Oly lift right after snatches, ditto for overhead lift. deads are a move everyone can do, but not everyone can do them at that weight, in high numbers, in a quick time. i could also see heavy front squats showing up here.

    HSPU/MU because they're a limiter--many of the field in competition won't be able to do them.

    with this many competitors overall they're going to have to keep dramatically stratifying the field to let the studs rise to the top. bear in mind that masters level have no regionals requirements--top nationally ranked men and women just go straight to the games--so that's a factor here too.

    in the 60 burpee over bar/30 OHS/10 MU WOD last year, there were a lot of people who only had a score of 60, fewer who had a score of 90, and very, very few with more than 100 as their scores. they already threw in a WOD last week using this type of stratifying technique and i expect they will do it again this week. they can't go for rowing or running because of equipment/video hassles, so they need to keep the cardio movements to things virtually any garage gym has. box jumps could replace the DU but they will be high and def not as many. 200 DU will take most studs <5 and the elite will be able to complete in <3, i would guess.

  7. 430 Results

    Brian R 15 pr
    Jeff 13
    JZ 16
    Gabe 15
    Katie V 8
    Joe C 11
    Josh 17
    Lam 11
    Becca 11
    Rob Ph 14 blue band
    Kathleen 11 flossed
    Robin 10 band
    Steph B 12 grn
    Jackie 8 (10min,ringrow)

    Nice work on this long benchmark! The chins were above the bar, the pushups seemed pretty tight, and the squats were below depth- looked stellar!

  8. CF Endurance

    Mile Time Trial

    Faby 5:40
    Sam B 5:55
    Josh 6:06
    MAtt O 6:08
    Matt Garb 7:03
    Peterson 6:10
    John S 6:48
    Rachel R 7:04
    Jen S 7:08
    Flounder 7:10
    Rach.Hubb 7:45
    Mike S 7:30
    Jess C 8:09
    Nicole Gantz 8:46
    Rob Ph --DNF

    NICE Baseline TT today, we'll do some more work building that lung capacity an-aerobically and then lets revisit this again! Loved the effort today and such a nice day to run out by the river.

  9. Got stuck at work and did my first WOD at home.

    JNa 10 (band, band)

  10. ha. love it how CrossFit is always, always, always unable to be predicted.

  11. 5:30 and 6:30 Cindy killers

    LP 10 (time: 11:28 w/12# vest)
    Josh 14 band
    Megs 14 rx
    Andrea 9 jpu
    Ben 11 rx
    Patrick 15 rx
    Joe P 12 rx
    Chris S 13 rx
    Sandy 14 green
    Jess S 11 green, knee
    Sharon 9 green
    Tony 22

    Vinny 23 rx
    Danny 9 (10 min)
    Paul S 18 rx
    Justin K 15 rx
    Kate FM 12 green/knees
    Derek 12 modified
    Borden 12 rx
    Heather 14 band
    Denise 13 knee
    Kate K 15 band
    Faby 18 rx
    Conn 13 rx
    Randy 9 purple/knee
    Jerry 21 rx
    Akeem 10 band
    Sarah J 11 green/knee
    Kyle 12 rx
    Helen 11 ring rows, knees

  12. welcome to Helen for her first class and Derek for his 3rd class!
