
W.O.D. 3.5.12

Ben= determination!

Welcome to Mike T2

Welcome to Nate too!

Joe C - overhead and active!

Just a "little" cash out!

Teams of 2 will complete 3 Rounds each for time:

3 back squats 225/155
6 thrusters 155/105
9 burpees

One partner works at a time through the 3/6/9 sequence and then partner two completes it and so on until each partner completes three rounds.

Open Sectional Results:
12.2 Results

12.2 was to 12.1 like salt is to pepper. Week one gave the met-con machines the advantage but week 2 went to those with muscular endurance, good form, and brute strength. "Snatches", if you want to call them that ranged from perfect execution to a version of Frankenstein's monster. Each counted as one rep but the energy exertion on poor form caught up with many people limiting their potential. When all was said and done, we have some new contributors to the team. The men were led by Jay E with 77 reps, followed by Mike V at 73 and Danny at 68. Mike V repeats on the podium while Jay and Danny make their first appearances. On the ladies side, Aimee demonstrates the importance of good form and leads the ladies with 83 reps, Steph was right on her heels with 82 and Cate K and Alison represented with 80 a piece. Of this group, only Aimee was a repeats showing the true breadth of KoP. Keep up the great work and get excited for 12.3! Is it double unders, heavy lifts, muscle-ups, HSPU...what are you afraid of coming out of the hopper and what are you doing to prepare for it?

"I'm 100% - you cannot stop me"
-Vinny Joyce

Aimee/Cate 6:57
Vinny/Danny 7:10
Keith B/Tim M. 8:40
Mike V/Tim P 11:39
Rob PH/Olan 13:49
Dorothy/Kate C. 11:31 (ROM)

Nicole S 95/75-Kristin T. - 10:46
Becca/Lauren M. 83/63-10:07
Mark B 155/105-Peter W 155/105-8:35
Jay E Rx/John S 135# thruster-8:35
PeterO/MattO/MikeW-95#/145# - 14:08
Liz (45/75)/Sarah (15/45)- 14:13
Chris T./Susan (75/125) - 8:45
Barb/Beth (65/95) 15:08
Kim (45/75)/Kara (45/95) - 9:31
Nate/Mike T2 (65/115) 9:39
Vinny(take2)/Travis (205/115)-9:57
Jaime (113/73)/Jen Sch.(83/53)-9:29
Jackie/Becca (45/75) - 7:04
Ben/Diego (135/75) - 8:58
Gabe/Brian (85/115) 11:27
Josh S./Joe C (185/95) 8:23
Arin (95/53)Kathleen/Roni (75/53)- 11:50
Byrnsie (185/100)/Plentus (rx weight) - 10:58
Joe P/Luke (155/95) 8:55
Justin K (185/115)/Dan L. (135/95) 8:33
Mike P/Shawn (225/125) 8:04
Erika/Rachel/Josh (83/63) 14:06
Flounder/Chris S. (165/95) 11:05
Stacy/Bre (93/53) 10:35
Megs/Sandy 115/65 8:33
Jim C/Matt G. 155/105 11:45
Jen S 145/95-Melissa 65/35...9:28
Ditty-Denise 115/65...8:26
Paul -Jess S 125/75...7:11
Faby 185/115-Tim H 135/95...10:59
Borden Conn 225/115...9:59
Jerry 185/125 -Nick 185/95...7:54
Randy 155/105 -Derrick ...?


  1. love the quote Vinny...tear it up dude!

  2. 7am

    Nicole S 95/75
    Kristin T.

    Lauren M. 83/63

    Mark B 155/105
    Peter W 155/105

    Jay E Rx
    John S 135# Thstr

  3. If anyone else is interested in signing up for the Civilian Military Combine (Saturday, May 19th), let me know. We have 21 people from KOP that are interested and we will probably start registering this week. If you want in on this fun, send me an email melanie.anson1@gmail.com or message me on facebook. I am trying to organize this for the group.

  4. Apologies to Miranda. I didn't have any scores for her in the system but they are both there now...she needs to be included in the updated spreadsheet. If anyone else sees their name missing, please make sure you let me know. Apparently there are still some bugs in the system.

  5. Jason, where can you view the spreadsheet?

  6. Drew, it's in this post for today - "12.2 results" is a link :)

    jason, (sorry if this posts twice, i don't see my previous comment) - i don't see my name in the results list. also, since i scaled the 2nd round (75#, i used 65#), i only submitted 30 reps at 45#. would anyone agree that's the accurate way to submit score?

  7. a few spots left for the Clean and Jerk clinic this Saturday, 12-3. All levels of experience welcome. Those who have already emailed me, I will send out some info for you to look over before Saturday.

  8. Well, I feel dumb! Haha! Thanks Steph

  9. http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2012/mar/02/fast-food-restaurant-caveman-diet-copenhagen

  10. Sorry for not getting in a score but thought my race would be over in time to get me back on Sunday. (Not that I could have lifted the bar).

    The race director thought it would be fun to make us do 3000 burpees in sets of 1000 during the race so I now join everybody else in hating burpees.

  11. 5:30 You Didn't Know the Workout Was AFTER the WOD?

    Joe P/Luke (155/95) 8:55
    Justin K (185/115)/Dan L. (135/95) 8:33
    Mike P/Shawn (225/125) 8:04
    Erika/Rachel/Josh (83/63) 14:06
    Flounder/Chris S. (165/95) 11:05
    Stacy/Bre (93/53) 10:35
    Megs/Sandy 115/65 8:33
    Jim C/Matt G. 155/105 11:45

  12. 630pm

    Jen S 145/95-Melissa 65/35...9:28
    Ditty-Denise 115/65...8:26
    Paul -Jess S 125/75...7:11
    Faby 185/115-Tim H 135/95...10:59
    Borden Conn 225/115...9:59
    Jerry 185/125 -Nick 185/95...7:54
    Randy 155/105 -Derrick ...?

    Nice work on some heavy thrusters. Derrick, loved the intensity, thats what it's about.
