
W.O.D. 3.17.12

Nothing is hard for SA

Anything you can do, I can do better...

I'm bored, when can I do some muscle-ups!

Kristin Clever has NOTHING on me!

Don't be jealous, she is all mine. :)

CrossFit Games Open 12.4

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall ball shots, 14/20 pound ball 9/10 ft targert
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups

For a downloadable PDF of the workout, click here.

CrossFit Games Open 12.4 workout instructions - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

Community Notes:
Happy St. Patty's Day - Who's coming out in their green today!

We will run heats on a first come first serve basis. This will be available as the WOD whether or not you are participating in the open. There will be a coordinated warm-up at 9:00AM and then plenty of time to warm up prior to your heat. If you arrive at or after 10AM we will get you in a heat easily, but warm-up will be on your own.

"Work is not man's punishment. It is his reward and his strength and his pleasure."
-George Sand

Mike V 244
Dorothy 220
Mike F 175
Cate 240
Aimee 249
Sam B 247
John C 235
Becca 117
Alanna 80 (10lbs)
Conn 152
Steph V 1
Lauren 92
Denise 191
Mark B 150
Ben 111
Keith 235
Jason B 240
Mike S 87
Rhonda 150WB/270SU
Jess C 162
Paul F 155
Lee 154
Megs 217
Gabe 240
Jason 240
Danny 245
Flounder 137
Lam 127
Kate K 176
Mike T 201
Plentus 245
Steph B 94
Susan 127
KT 240
Vinny 246
Kate C 222
Ditty 137
Sharon 116
Alison 201
Will 104
Shoe 179
Tony 180
Chip 170
Nina 240
Jay 178
Howard ?
Miranda 227
Tamas 93
Olan 181
Heather 145
Beth O 130


  1. oh Clever has got a LOT on me...but we do look alike

  2. Look alike? You guys are spot on doppelgängers

  3. I think I had 89 plus a bunch of no reps. 10 feet is a long was up for those of us that are vertically challenged.

  4. Jason,

    FYI - 135 was my score, Donkey was my coach - I submitted scores last night. Wall Balls Suck!
