
W.O.D. 2.24.12

6" - check!

5:30 crew hits 12.1

Yep- that's the total

get it Flounder!

Mark B. hits the jump

CrossFit Games Open 12.1

Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:

For a downloadable PDF of the workout, click here.

CrossFit Games Open 12.1 workout instructions and demo - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

Kristan Clever 128 reps, Rebecca Voigt 107 reps, Katie Hogan 91 reps.
Post reps completed to comments and/or register and submit your results as part of the CrossFit Games Open.

Video Demo:
Workout video demo with Katie Hogan - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

Community Notes:
Weekend Reminder--we are hosting a Level 1 CrossFit Seminar this weekend, therefore there will be no regular scheduled classes in the box. We will host a 9:00AM outdoor adventure WOD both days. Meet Vinny & Plentus at Frosty Falls for an outdoor WOD, rain or shine. These WOD's are open to friends and family. This is a FREE class.

"In the long run, a short cut seldom is."
- Malcolm Forbes

Danny 112
Nina 80
Mike P. 109
KT 95
Gina 62
Oleg 96
Manny 57
Tidmore 102
Rebecca 71
Mike S. 71
Drew 63
King 94
dianne 61
Kim G 64 height scale
Matt 71
Jay 70
John 90
Kim C 65
Lauren 50
Lee 93
Healthy 62
Barb 68
Chris T. 68
Liz O 52
Peter O 61
Kara 60
Jonathan 65
Sharon 47
Katie V 83
Tim M 104
Keith B 90
Rob Ph 78
Shannon 71
Howard 71
Mark B 72
Jess C. 90
Dorothy 94
Byrnsie 93
Peter W. 97
Robin 51
Russell 62
Becky 84
Aimee 116
Cate 102
Will (Trey) 75
Steph B: 65
Katie Fin: 54
DeeDee: 66
Ditty: 73
Vinny 119
Kate C: 114
Shoeless: 91
Lisa: 63
Ken: 71
Lee: 95
Mike V: 113
Diego: 82
Chip: 67
Olan: 101
KK: 83
Sandy: 75
Lizzie: 77
Tidmore *again: 105
Balmer: 92
Pam G: 87
Conn: 74
Tim H: 52
Faby: 105
Borden: 84
Melissa L: 82
Miranda: 85
Jen S: 94
Sam B: 106
Stasie 41 Height Scale
Josh F 50
Kelly 71
Megs 107
Arin 71
Allison 72
Plentus 119
Jason 94
Flounder 71
Mel 91
Mike F 71
Tony 95
Gabe 96
Ben 78
Mike T 102
Kathleen 69
Dan L 71


  1. regarding the V and P adventures, wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty both days. Now, as you were

  2. teriva thempThe energy in the gym was palpable this morning!!! CrossFit Games season is on!!! The best score of the morning was Tidmore with 102! Nice Job. Excellent work From the judges & athletes holding themselves to the standards.

    I strongly encourage all athletes who do this WOD today to hold yourself to a strict standard and give your all to the effort. Let today be a day where you push past your limits- Its where the magic happen.

    And its not to late to join the 60,000 people all over the world who are sharing in the suffering, sportsmanship and love of the game. Sign up for the open! What do you have to lose??

    Gina 62
    Oleg 96
    Manny 57
    Tidmore 102
    Rebecca 71
    Mike S. 71
    Drew 63
    King 94
    dianne 61
    Kim G 64 height scale

    Matt 71
    Jay 70
    John 90
    Kim C 65
    Lauren 50
    Lee 93
    Healthy 62

  3. Wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty?? I smell tire flipping!!!! Oh boy, oh boy! I would love that!!

  4. Awesome job everyone!

  5. Nice work everyone!!!!!!!

    I don't want to do that again. EVER.

  6. I agree with you Mike, my lungs are still burning

  7. danny- sick number, way to show em' big strong dudes can rip out burpees too! You get the opposite of, "He lifted a lot for being small" for this one!

  8. why mike p? I thought maybe you would do it today with a gas mask and a weight vest ;-)

  9. I am actually exceptionally nervous for this workout. I have Fran anxiety. I did 7 minutes of burpees 3 weeks ago so I know what to expect I think but I still have nerves. Gah!

    Also, if your score is posted on the blog by the coach, I will use that as verification. You only need to contact me if that score is incorrect.

  10. Guys:

    We have 58 people on the team and I want to make sure that is everyone. It came to my attention that people think they are on the team but they are indeed not. You need to go to your profile page and on the right hand side, you will see something related to affiliate. You need to select CF King of Prussia from the dropdown, NOT just type it in your bio. If you have questions, please ask me.

  11. Jason -

    Can you repeat the WOD again? Same day?

  12. Yes Tidmore you can repeat it as many times as you want before sunday. However any score that you post on the games site needs to have been varified by a regestered afflilate (or video submission)

  13. OMG - there are some out standing numbers . . . way to go everyone and . . . OMG, Aimee - way to CRUSH!!!

  14. Wow guys awesome numbers! Hoping to get to 100, looks like we'll be doing the wod at Pike Peak Crossfit in Colorado Springs - don't worry its not on the top of Pike Peak (14er!) but its still higher than home!

  15. 530

    Will (Trey) 75
    Steph B: 65
    Katie Fin: 54
    DeeDee: 66
    Ditty: 73
    Vinny 119
    Kate C: 114
    Shoeless: 91
    Lisa: 63
    Ken: 71
    Lee: 95
    Mike V: 113
    Diego: 82
    Chip: 67
    Olan: 101
    KK: 83
    Sandy: 75
    Lizzie: 77

    Tidmore *again: 105
    Balmer: 92
    Pam G: 87
    Conn: 74
    Tim H: 52
    Faby: 105
    Borden: 84
    Melissa L: 82
    Miranda: 85
    Jen S: 94
    Sam B: 106
    Stasie 41 Height Scale

    Final KOP Leaderboard:

    Vinny: 119
    Plentus: 119
    Mike V: 113

    Aimee: 116
    Kate: 114
    Meg: 107

    Congratulations to all Open Participants today--excellent work! Do not forget to enter your scores online so that they can be validated.


  16. Note: Women's Leaderboard is MEGS (as in Meigan D).

  17. Note, the Pappi have not gone yet so both can
    Still make leader board

  18. Truth, Jason. Anyone can still make the board by Sun at 8pm. Meant final for that day--should have clarified.

  19. Late addition from the Pappi we did this at Pikes Peak Crossfit at 6200 ft. They knew Crossfit KoP from all our pictures on the main page. We def represented, Laura got 109 and Tim 101. It wasnot the same without our Crossfit family cheering us on but they were really nice!
