
W.O.D. 1.18.12


and more results...

For time complete the following:
25 Toes to Bar
25 Box Jump 30/34"
25 Hang Power Snatch 75/115#
25 GHD Sit-ups
10 Muscle ups

Community Notes:
Reminder Super Sectional Saturday training will occur this Saturday at 11:00AM.

Personal Best - Workouts have their limits, recognized or not

Embracing the off day

"You're immature if you can't accept reality or responsibility."
- Arnold Glasow


  1. Hey everyone...this is a reminder to sign up for class in MindBody. We pay attention to that and if people are signing up before hand, we will bring on more coaches to assure that we have enough people on hand. For instance in the 530 class yesterday I had 19 people but only 3 signed up beforehand. If you need help in learning how to sign up, please ask us. Please take advantage of this so we can offer you the best training possible. Thank you for your cooperation.

  2. Holy high boxes, Batman!

  3. scale as necessary on all exercises Mr/Mrs Anonymous

  4. Look at it this way...they could be higher boxes. If you keep on jumping on a 20 or 24 inch box, you will get REALLY good at jumping on a 20 or 24 inch box. Never be afraid to push your current limitations because in doing so, they soon become realities.

  5. 6:00am Results

    Nicole - 14:22 (65#/25"MUT)
    Gina - 14:51 (35#/17"/MUT)
    Elyse - 13:00 (55#/25"/JMU)
    Paul - 13:35 scale - PUKIE
    Mike S - 17:15 scale
    Manny - 19:36 scale
    Drew - 12:05 (75#,30")
    Megs - 14:06 scaled
    BO - 10:09 (banded MU/25")
    Oleg - 13:45 (JMU)
    Jon K - 11:28 (75#,JMU,30")
    Roni - 18:15 scale
    Rebecca S - 15:37 (20",MUT,53#)

    Way to push for those high boxes today everyone...Rebecca I hope your shin is ok...Nice intensity throughout the WOD guys, pretty legit on the snatches especially!!

  6. irony at its best! hi, I'm new, and this morning would have been my first group class after completing fundamentals yesterday. but, after 2 days straight (with some globo gym/running in between), i realized that i needed a day of rest. (i think i've done more squats in 2 days than I have in 3 months, ha ha.) so, thanks for posting that article aimee! I look forward to my first "real" class tomorrow morning :)

  7. Thanks, Vinny. Think I've identified every hue of the rainbow on that thing!

  8. Steph B:
    Welcome! I look forward to seeing you at class some day soon. I won't be at the morning class tomorrow, but I pop in occasionally when I can.

  9. 12:00 results!

    Kara 12:08 (T2B attempts, 21", 45 lbs, transitions)
    Lisa 13:20 (15 lb, 17" jpu)
    Kim 15:15 (scale)
    John C 20:50 rx
    Keith 18:43 (jumping mu)
    Travis 14:51 (96 lbs, 31", Jumping mu)
    Susan 11:30 (scale)
    Mike T 9:56 rx
    Cate 18:59 rx

  10. If anyone knows how to secure a Super Bowl ticket, if the Niners get there, please let me know.

  11. here are times, scales might be posted in form of pictures

    P 10:30 Rx
    Tim M 10:29 scale
    Brian R 15:53 scale
    Rob Ph 16:33 scale
    Becca 18:51 scale
    Lam 18:50 scale
    Josh S. 17:04 scale
    Joy 16:48 scale
    Rachael 20:04 scale
    Kathleen 17:37 scale
    Joe C 18:53
    Dawn 19:20 scale
    Byrnsexy 22:28 scale
    Kate 19:50 scale
    Chuck 20:15 scale

    Vinny 8:32 Rx (turnout?)
    Kurt 15:25 scale
    Laura 9:31 scale
    Tony 9:54 Rx (turnout?)
    Schell 15:54 scale
    Paul S 11:39 scale
    Mel S 9:36 scale
    Melinda :)
    flounder 16:49 scale
    Shawn 9:30 scale
    Denise 15:00 scale
    Kate FM 15:25 scale
    Jerry 14:10
    Ben 14:00 scale
    Joe P. 12:44 scale
    Patrick 10:18 scale

    Nick 17:26 scale
    Trevor 19:10 scale
    Connor 14:43 scale
    Faby 12:05 scale
    Conn 15:03 scale
    Danielle 14:45 scale
    Tidmore 11:09 scale
    Charles 14:50 scale
    Sarah J. 11:43 scale
    Randy 17:10 scale
    Diego 12:06 scale
    Borden 14:27 scale
    Jess S. 16:13 scale
    Stasie 13:10 scale
    Sharon 15:36 scale
    Erika 16:44 scale
    Krista 13:28 scale
    Giovanni 12:30 scale
    Ditty 16:31 scale

    some new faces to classes (Paul and Mel S, Trevor) and a lot of you faced those big boxes with great courage. (even after some spills, you got right back up and kept going). Kudos to the 5:30 and 6:30 for keeping that hook grip...perhaps it was the 25 burpee penalty that provided incentive?? 4:30, there were a lot of violators but you were off the "hook" because I didn't warn you first.

    A question for the owners is: on muscle ups, is a turnout at the bottom prescribed?

  12. Also to the new face crowd was Melinda, Tony's wife.

  13. Sign in results:

    12 out of 15 signed in ahead

    6 out of 16 signed in ahead

    7 out of 19 signed in ahead

    In case you don't know how to sign in ahead, go here: http://aimeesfitnessblog.blogspot.com/2011/01/crossfit-kop-community-thanks-to-all-of.html

    Create an account and sign in a week or an hour beforehand. If you happen to forget, or if you end up going to a different class, use your little shoe to scan in. The best way though is to do it online ahead of time because sometimes the screen isn't set up right for the shoe scan. (even if it beeps)
