
W.O.D. 12.2.11




Athletes choice:

2K row


5 Rounds for time of:
5 Deadlifts 205/315
10 Burpees

(Danny 3:55, Cate 4:31, Aimee 5:20)

Cash out:
Tabata Squats

San Jose Jogger in Unusual gear by Lisa Fernandez (this is a funny read gang!!!)

Holiday gift ideas
by L. Pappas

"Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy."
-Norman Vincent Peale

2K Row/Tabata Squats:

Chris T 9:52/13
Barb Z 9:07/13
KSB 10:23/10
Kara 9:05/11
Keith 7:59/18
Kevin 7:35/14
Cate 8:42
Aimee 8:44
Dorothy 8:45/13
Pat P 8:06/13
Steve Z 8:35/10
Dianne 9:14/12
Jeff 8:24
Jason 32:33 (7500m)
Gabe 19:21 (5k)/ 7 (B2Ba)
Kelly 9:29.6/6 (B2Ba)

Deadlift WOD/Tabata Squats:

Paul F 205#/8:24/14
Jordan 135#/8:34/15
Mike V Rx/3:58/9 B2B
Lee 205#/6:19/13
Josh S. 225#/5:57/8 B2B
Clay Rx/6:13/9 B2B
Becky 135#/6:40/12
TP RX/6:30/23
LP 145#/5:52/18
Mike S 7:50/12 (155#)
Bekah 6:12/18 (155)
Becca N 5:27/10 (*3#/burpees or pushups)
Rebecca S 8:52/12 (135#)
Arin 7:04/6 (115#/B2Ba)
Mike F 6:53/7 (Rx/B2B)
Kathleen 7:33/8 (103#/B2Ba)
King 5:01/9 (135#/B2Ba)

5:30/6:30 - Donkey-style

Tidmore (205) 4:38/13 BTB/ 8:22 Row *all three!
Sandy (125) 6:12 / 9 BTB
JNa (145) 8:09 / 9 BTB
Justin (205) 5:43 / 8 BTB DC / 8:24 Row *all three!
Denise (135): 6:32 / 10 BTB DC
Katie (103) 7:20 / 13
Shoeless (Rx) 6:41 / 10 BTB
Jay 8:02 Row/10 BTB DC
Tori (45# KB/Pullups) 6:33/ Did not give birth during TABATA Squats so we're calling it good
J. Schell (185) 5:47/6 BTB
Katie V (115): 4:49 / 10 BTB / 9:37 Row *all three!
Borden 7:40 Row / 11 BTB Attempts
Alison (155) 4:51 / 8 BTB / 9:03 Row *all three!
Randy (205) 8:07 / 8 BTB DC / 8:55 Row *all three!
Akeem 8:58 Row/ 6
Erika 9:08 Row / 10 BTB DC
Rob Pl (225) 4:49 / 9
Stasie 10:38 row / 5 BTB Attempts


  1. Ok Danny I will start with what a Bupee is.....
    A bupee is awkwardly placing both knees to the ground followed by your upper body, and at last your chin THEN in a very NON-violent motion you attempt to stand by turning to your side and lifting with your elbows until you are sitting. Once sitting roll to knees and prop yourself up. Once up clap very softly and wave to let everyone know you are OK. That is a Bupee!

  2. Bupees - slang for "but please"--- bu pees"...a question-almost in a begging mannerism.

    For example "bupees" can I go to the bathroom before the WOD starts???

    Thank you Merriam Webster

  3. Dang, and I was going to suggest that for one of the elements in the next Amazing Race we wear body armor and a gas mask while we race to the post office to mail a package, but this guy in San Jose stole the idea....

  4. 6AM class of many Rebecca/Rebekahs:

    Row/burpees (lowest #)

    Pat P 8:06/13
    Steve Z 8:35/10
    Dianne 9:14/12
    Jeff 8:24



    TP 6:30/23
    LP 5:52/18


    Mike S 7:50/12 (155#)
    Bekah 6:12/18 (155)
    Becca N 5:27/10 (*3#/burpees or pushups)
    Rebecca S 8:52/12 (135#)

    Nicely done everyone! Great range of motion on the Tabata squats, keep up the good work!

  5. 2k is a very nice warm up now. I saw Timmy's time and almost choked because I thought that was his 2k time!

    Donkey, after 15k in a sitting, I now have blisters.

  6. Thanks for believing in me Jeff - but no Rx for me on that weight! That is my 1 rep max I believe...I used 145#

    Nice way to start your day, lifting heavy sh*t!

  7. For those that are joining Donkey and I on our rowing journey, make sure you join the CrossFit King of Prussia team. It seems I have created a permanent team so we can keep on rowing our boats. I have seen great results in a short period of time so I am convinced.

  8. Brain fart correction on 6AM scores: squats, not burpees, I was confused by the change in spelling (lol). The second score is lowest score of Tabata squats, not burpees. And thanks LP for clarification!

  9. Jason, what's the link to the rowing challenge? I looked on the Concept 2 site but couldn't find the KoP team.

  10. Hard to tell but is Mike using my magic bar? Her name is Charlene. She has been good to me but Keith likes to break her.

  11. yes Danny - Charlene still gave you a 3 second victory though! haha

  12. Charlene is always getting in my way! Next time she does it I'm going to break her over my knee!

  13. 2K Row 7:49 ..I still got something :) Then tried the other wod like 5 mins after and got through 2 rds RX and didn't feel right...Good stuff though

  14. Wow Nina! That's awesome!
    Great to see you today.

  15. Hey Dorothy - I got ya by a second...haha!!!

  16. 530 and 630 Classes did WOD #1, then BTB TABATA because the 430 class did, then a few brave souls did WOD #2. Because that's how we roll on Friday nights. Danny showed up and rowed 15K to catch up to me and Jason in the 100K challenge.


    Tidmore (205) 4:38/13 BTB/ 8:22 Row *all three!
    Sandy (125) 6:12 / 9 BTB
    JNa (145) 8:09 / 9 BTB
    Justin (205) 5:43 / 8 BTB DC / 8:24 Row *all three!
    Denise (135): 6:32 / 10 BTB DC
    Katie (103) 7:20 / 13
    Shoeless (Rx) 6:41 / 10 BTB


    Jay 8:02 Row/10 BTB DC
    Tori (45# KB/Pullups) 6:33/ Did not give birth during TABATA Squats so we're calling it good
    J. Schell (185) 5:47/6 BTB
    Katie V (115): 4:49 / 10 BTB / 9:37 Row *all three!
    Borden 7:40 Row / 11 BTB Attempts
    Alison (155) 4:51 / 8 BTB / 9:03 Row *all three!
    Randy (205) 8:07 / 8 BTB DC / 8:55 Row *all three!
    Akeem 8:58 Row/ 6
    Erika 9:08 Row / 10 BTB DC
    Rob Pl (225) 4:49 / 9
    Stasie 10:38 row / 5 BTB Attempts

    Awesome work tonight, gang. I loved the attention to deadlift form and I saw relatively few "stripper" variants this evening. I saw a lot of people going heavy! Many of you took up the challenge to do the MUCH HARDER BTB TABATA--have fun with stairs tomorrow. And to those badasses who did all three--kudos on taking it to a whole new level.

    Westside was the usual fun and games :)

  17. Aimee,
    Nice job! I'm glad I gave you a number to shoot for. That was absolutely the best I could have done today. I gave it my all.

    Now I am feeling compelled to go practice my hand stand walking!!!

  18. Dorothy - thank you, yes I was gaming for your 8:45 and that's it! So...xo!
