
W.O.D. 12.1.11

Thank you to everyone who came out to support our Steve's Club KoP Team WOD!

...click here to use our Kids blog for results!

for time complete...
100 Push-ups


50 Handstand Push-ups

*each time you break you must run 400 meters.

Community Note:
Tonight is OPEN gym from 5:30PM - 7:30PM- Free to all members. Come to work on skill, strength or a make up WOD.

"Go big or go home. Because it's true. What do you have to lose?"
-Eliza Dushku

100 Pushups
Mike T 9:44 20#vest (43,20,23,14)
Oleg 11:10 Rx (40/30/20/10)
Jay E 10:22 Rx (40/40/20)
Chip 21:41 Rx (35,18,12,10,8,7)
Laurenn 19:55 knees (20,20,20,20,20)
Mark C 16:44 knees
JP 18:47 knees
Rebecca 11:50 knees (40,30,20,10)
Paul F 18:48 knees (20,15,25,20,10,10)
Joe C 22:59 (Rx)
Gina 20:48 (band and knees)

50 HandStand PU

Mike V 16:10 (16,8,8,7,6,5)
Byrnsey 17:30 (10,10,4,8,7,7,4)


  1. This WOD would only take me 13 days to finish!

  2. Why do 100 pushups when you can do 200???? Who's in for "Murph" tomorrow night?

  3. My shoulders are sooo tight...not sure this would be a good one for me right now...might opt to run in the AM instead...

  4. PS - I'm just catching up on the blog after not being able to check it for a couple days - I'm in for WOD & Wings...I requested the morning off of work so I could go :)

  5. I would be dumb enough to try the 50 HSPU. I am guessing I would run about 3600-4000m. UGH!

  6. In case people are looking for a WOD for open gym, here is the December Painstorm:

    Time to have a rematch with Jeff Martin's "Total Death"

    10 - 1 rep rounds of:

    1.5bw Deadlift
    1.25bw Back squat
    0.75bw Press

    Set up three bars and storm through for time . . . Yeah, right!!

  7. 7am

    100 Pushups
    Oleg 11:10 Rx (40/30/20/10)
    Jay E 10:22 Rx (40/40/20)
    Laurenn 19:55 knees
    Mark C 16:44 knees
    JP 18:47 knees
    Rebecca 11:50 knees
    Paul F 18:48 knees

    HandStand PU
    Mike V 16:10

  8. i like it p, but i cant do any of the press. lol. ummm, come se dice, "identified weakness" en espanol?

  9. Now I'll be thinking of Eliza Dushku all morning at work. Don't tell Lindsey!

  10. Donkey - I'm excited about the private lesson with you that I won!! You're a great coach and I totally expect a miracle to happen with my deadlift and/or squat skills (and/or the much-hated DUs). we need to schedule that ASAP

    Mike P - what's "Murph"?

  11. At tonights open gym Steve's club will be running a Team WOD that will be open to CFKOP members. Let's show the kids what are community is all about!! If you want to do the workout with the kids, be ready to go at 6:30p!

  12. @Oleg: I'll leave my mobile # for you at the desk. I'm allergic to posting those things publicly on blogs. Get ready for some fun! And thanks for the kind words :)


  13. That was awful... 18:13 knees with 7 breaks

  14. "Murph" . . . . for time, with a 20# weight vest . . .

    - Run 1 mile; then
    - in any order: 100 pullups, 200 pushups, 300 air squats; then
    - Run 1 mile.

    Question for those that did this in May . . . how did you do the 1 mile? Lyons Loop and then a 400?

  15. @Donkey - got it, thanks!

    @Mike P - that. is. INSANE!! although...may be in one year... :-)

  16. If anyone is on facebook and hasn't seen my insane posting, P-Ditty and I are in a wedding photo contest and could use your help. Go to my page or the CFKOPers page to see it, thanks!

    If you didn't know, I am offering to do 5 burpees for every KoPer that likes the photo. I will do it at Festivus per Meg's suggestion!

  17. P- I think I "liked" it, lemme know if I'm not there and I'll try it again!

  18. A really BIG THANK YOU to all the members who came out to support Steve's Club King of Prussia. The amount of lives touched tonight can't be quantified in numbers. I'm always astounded by what happens when we come together as a community.

    If anyone is interested in sponsoring a kid please contact Aimee for details. Our big "Beat the streets" fundraiser usually occurs in May for our program...stay tuned for details.

    If you missed out tonight and want to participate in the next partner WOD we will be running one on the First Thursday of each month.

  19. Definitely my 2 favorite photos of the night!! What a great class to watch. Truly amazing!

  20. Mel!!!!! Yes and credit is due to the lovely photographer!!!

  21. I'd like ot help out at the next Steve's Club WOD - assuming I'm not huddled-up on the floor crying like a little baby.
