
W.O.D. 12.20.11

P. Lentus warms up the crew!

10 Rounds for time of:
3 Handstand Push-ups
5 Burpee Box Jumps (20/21"-24/25")
7 Deadlifts 185#/275#

Teams of two complete will complete the above - one athlete working at a time will finish the entire round and then pass off to the next athlete who completes their round and so on until the 10 rounds are completed. All in all each athlete will complete five rounds. Your rest should be when your partner is working - these rounds should be treated like a sprint.

"Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year."
– Franklin P. Adams

Gina/Kate K 10:40 scale
Kristin T/Tidmore 9:09 scale
Doreen/Paul F 12:08 scale
John K/Drew 12:52 scale
Dianne/Jay E 12:06
Sarah W/Mike W/Rhonda 24:59
Chris/ Kara 12:19
Byrnsey x 2 12:30
Susan/Rachael 11:49
Beth/Mike 12:10
Mike P/John C./Joe A. 10:17
Ditty/Elyse 13:33
Laura/Jen S 9:55
Shawn/Nick 11:51
Dan/Giovanni- 15:10 (Akeem- ouchie)
Rebecca/Christie "with a Ch and ie" 9:56
Rob Ph/Brian R 9:54 scale
Ali Z/Lisa 15:16 scale
Katie V/Amanda 11:15 scale
Mel/Jess C 11:39 scale
Steph/Steve 17:40 scale
Keith 3rnds/Vinny 7 rnds 16:10 Rx
Will/Pete 10:40 scale
Joy/Becca 11:25 scale
Tavis/Joe G 11:06 scale
Sean 12:16 scale (5 rounds with equal rest)
Nathan 13:39 scale (5 rounds with equal rest)
Denise/Becky 12:10 scale
Kate/Ken 13:14 scale
Mark C/Patrick 9:50 scale
Ben/Lam 13:07 scale


  1. 6am TeamWorkers

    Gina/Kate K 10:40 scale
    Kristin T/Tidmore 9:09 scale
    Doreen/Paul F 12:08 scale
    John K/Drew 12:52 scale
    Dianne/Jay E 12:06

    I liked your intensity on these short fast rounds, and the communication and teamwork was stellar, just stellar.

  2. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to improve hand stand pushups? I was just terrible today.

    Also, watch your head on the burpee box jumps!

  3. Drew- what does the HSPU mimic? Shoulder press! You should also work with a target, 3 ab mats for example. Eventually, as you get better, you can remove the ab mat and at least know you are making progress.

  4. Aim - Will there be a paleo challenge in January? Please say yes...Shawn and I need it!!

  5. Lizzie- insert "like" comment here. I am in need of some control!!!

  6. 9:30 teams:

    Sarah W/Mike W/Rhonda 24:59
    Chris/ Kara 12:19
    Byrnsey x 2 12:30
    Susan/Rachael 11:49
    Beth/Mike 12:10

  7. Drew:

    HSPU is tri-cep intensive and also mindline stability demanding. You need to improve your core so that you can maintain a rigid position upside down and you need to have strong triceps. Anything that works on these groups will help you.

  8. Thanks a lot Melanie and Jason! Much appreciated.

  9. Lizzie/Mel - Yes!!! we will do a Paleo Challenge in Jan! Stay posted for details.

  10. 6:30 class

    Mike P/John C./Joe A. 10:17
    Ditty/Elyse 13:33
    Laura/Jen S 9:55
    Shawn/Nick 11:51
    Dan/Giovanni- 15:10 (Akeem- ouchie)
    Rebecca/Christie "with a Ch and ie" 9:56

    Nice job on the cash-out as well. Pick your poison- max handstand hold or max wall sit

  11. 4:30 B.A.C.
    Rob Ph/Brian R 9:54 scale
    Ali Z/Lisa 15:16 scale
    Katie V/Amanda 11:15 scale
    Mel/Jess C 11:39 scale
    Steph/Steve 17:40 scale
    Keith 3rnds/Vinny 7 rnds 16:10 Rx
    Will/Pete 10:40 scale
    Joy/Becca 11:25 scale
    Tavis/Joe G 11:06 scale
    Sean 12:16 scale (5 rounds with equal rest)

    5:30 R.A.C.
    Nathan 13:39 scale (5 rounds with equal rest)
    Denise/Becky 12:10 scale
    Kate/Ken 13:14 scale
    Mark C/Patrick 9:50 scale
    Ben/Lam 13:07 scale

    nice intensity in that workout, now you should try to push that hard when you're working out alone! Also nice job on the cashout Tabata, way to GO HARD!

  12. This was my last workout for this year at CF KoP and I loved every second of it. I'm becoming a huge fan of Tabata-style workouts.

    Happy Holidays everyone and I'll see you when I'm back from Luxembourg!
