
W.O.D. 12.19.11

Sheeee's baaaack!

Warm up:
10 OHS
10 Snatch Balance
*use the bar for this to get the body moving in the right direction (15#/33#/45#- depending on level and ability)


Cash Out:
At 50% of your 1RM complete the following.
3 Rounds for time
1 Snatch
3 Snatch Balance

"Why We Get Fat (Condensed)" and "Why We Get Fat (Unabridged)" with Gary Taubes, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

Community Events:
PA's Fittest January 14th at CF 610 in Allentown PA.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
-Mark Twain

Jay E 185, :52
Pat 125, :58
Lee 175 (sub front squats) 1:03 (sub clean, front sq, back sq)
Kristin T 80: 59
Lauren 30 (form) 1:04
Barb 37; 1:52
Keith 155; 1:27
Beth 42; 1:46
Kara 35 form; -
Chris 35 form; 1:32
Susan 55; 2:18
Hannah 87.5; 1:50
Tim P. 135, :56
Flounder 72 - 2:02
Jackie 45 - 1:46
Alexis 35 - 1:46
Jim W. 105 2:08
Miranda 105 - 1:44
Joe C. 115- 1:39
Becca 35 - 1:45
Travis 110 - 1:50
Byrnsexy 115, 2:22 @ 75
Olan 115 2:22 @ 85
Mel 80 1:57 @ 53
Kathleen 60 1:24 @ 30
PDitty 65 2:23 @ 35
Vinny 175
Gabe 110 2:10 @ 65
Brian 140 1:11 @ 70
Tony 175 1:00 @ 95
Denise 80 1:23 @ 45
Ben 83, 1:45
Sandy 70, 1:56
Diego 83, 1:55
Joe G 45, form
Chip, 95, 1:20
Jess S 45, form 1:55
Tim H 105, 1:20
Kate K 63, 53@1:20
John C 165, 1:20
Steve 65, 1:20
Randy 95, 1:53
Nick 125, 1:54
Schell 95, fail
Shoeless 180, fail
Borden 95, 1:32
Ernie 105, 2:31
Conn 125, 1:40
Laura P 80, :45
Dorothy 95, 1:24
Dan F 105, 1:55
Kathryn 63, :56


  1. 7am

    Jay E 185, :52
    Pat 125, :58
    Lee 175 (sub front squats) 1:03 (sub clean, front sq, back sq)
    Kristin T 80: 59
    Lauren 30 (form) 1:04

    Nice work on a technical movement this morning!

  2. 4:30
    Byrnsexy 115, 2:22 @ 75
    Olan 115 2:22 @ 85
    Mel 80 1:57 @ 53
    Kathleen 60 1:24 @ 30
    PDitty 65 2:23 @ 35
    Vinny 175
    Gabe 110 2:10 @ 65
    Brian 140 1:11 @ 70
    Tony 175 1:00 @ 95
    Denise 80 1:23 @ 45

    good work on the progressions and focusing on that 2nd pull of the snatch folks!

  3. Here's my Crossfit success story of the day: 5:48 baseline.

    This is down from 12:43 in August when I had my intro class. Wohoo!

  4. Ben! Amazing progress! I'm so glad you posted your results!

    Did you use the band in August? Are you on regular Pull-ups now?

  5. I used a medium green band in August. I still helped myself with a little jump tonight for the last 5, but no band.

  6. 530/630

    Ben 83, 1:45
    Sandy 70, 1:56
    Diego 83, 1:55
    Joe G 45, form
    Chip, 95, 1:20
    Jess S 45, form 1:55
    Tim H 105, 1:20
    Kate K 63, 53@1:20
    John C 165, 1:20
    Steve 65, 1:20
    Randy 95, 1:53
    Nick 125, 1:54
    Schell 95, fail
    Shoeless 180, fail
    Borden 95, 1:32
    Ernie 105, 2:31
    Conn 125, 1:40
    Laura P 80, :45
    Dorothy 95, 1:24
    Dan F 105, 1:55
    Kathryn 63, :56

  7. Ben great work on your baseline man....your walking proof that this stuff works!!

  8. Hannah!!!!!!!!!!!!
    When where you there? I missed you!
