
W.O.D. 9.30.11

Katie V. - Determination!

Sarah J. - back with solid push-up form!

Donkey overhead with a new PR!

Clean and Jerk


Push Jerk

*The athlete will choose which lift he or she wants to work on for a 1RM.

Cash out:
Max Push-ups

10 Things to improve your Clean & Jerk by Sage B.
How Exercise can strengthen the brain by Gretchen Reynolds

Important Weekend Reminder:
CrossFit KoP will be hosting a CF Level 1 Certification on Saturday, October 1st and Sunday, October 2nd; therefore we will NOT have our regular weekend schedule. We will be hosting ONLY a 10AM WOD on both Saturday & Sunday outside. Meet and park at Frosty Falls for Vinny & Jeff's outdoor adventure. All are welcome.

“There is no knowledge of true being. The world is fundamentally in a state of becoming.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche


Bekah C&J 105/17 pushups
Mike P C&J 155/51
Dan G PJ 95 (form)/15
Steve Z PJ 100/20
Aliz Z PJ 60/15
Dianne PJ 105/10
Mike S C&J 105/16
Keith 205 C&J/20
Katie V. 65 PJ/13-knee
Schell 185 C&J/26
Sam B. 225/83
Kathleen 93 PJ/12
Kim G. 100 C&J/17
Dorothy 130 C&J/15
Sarah J 80 PJ/7band
Donkey 135 C&J/NA
Jason 265 PJ
Stasie 63 CJ/20 knee
Joe C 185 CJ/32
Elke 113 CJ/30
Olan 195 CJ/45
Jason B: PJ 215/57
Diego: PJ 125/25
Denise F: 95/12
Sandy: 80/13
Zac (No C, No K): 225/36
Ditty: 110/9
P.Lentus: 225/54
Charles: PJ 150/22
Nick: 145/40
J.Na: 90 (25# PR!)/33 Knees
Nathan: 85 (HUGE PR!)/13
Becky: 120/20
Randy: 125/NA
Tracy 85 (form)/12
Travis 145/34
Shoeless 195 (Split Jerk)/40
Sharon 120/14
Miranda 135/16
Jay E: PJ 275/35


  1. Charles: interested to hear the answer from the Bosses, but C&J is the only exception I've seen to the "if you don't see Power, assume it's full squat" rules.

  2. agreed with donkey but for most humans, your max clean will be dictated by the need to squat.

    those that can do more by doing a power clean need to practice cleans more.

  3. That's what I thought. I PRed my clean and jerk sataurday, so I guess it's jerks for me. We shall see. And yes, working on mobility so I can squat better and catch it in the rack.

  4. 6AM early lifters:

    Bekah C&J 105/17 pushups
    Mike P C&J 155/51
    Dan G PJ 95 (form)/15
    Steve Z PJ 100/20
    Aliz Z PJ 60/15
    Dianne PJ 105/10
    Mike S C&J 105/16

    Nice work everyone! Remember to push yourself under that bar!

  5. Bummed I am missing today's WOD. I love both of those moves so it would have been hard to pick!

    Since I can't make it to the box today, I just did max push-ups in my office and got 43. Woot!!!

  6. Nice work Mel! 43 is a good number.

    Here's something that some Crossfitters might be interested in:

    A Zombie infested 5K Obstacle Course race
    I didn't hear about it until today and registration for the Philly/Baltimore event closes tomorrow, but if anyone is interested in it, shoot me an e-mail.

  7. Doing the Zombie race with a bunch of friends and camping the night of if anyone is interested.

  8. Seriously, that zombie race looks absolutely incredible. I would go if my shins were conditioned for a 5k but I'm already battling shin splints from our regular jaunts in the parking lot. I know, sad but true.

    Looks like I have a new goal: the 5k.

  9. Tidmore - I'm trying to convince a few of my buddies to do it, but if I can't, count me in.

  10. 530: (C&J Unless Otherwise Noted)

    Jason B: PJ 215/57
    Diego: PJ 125/25
    Denise F: 95/12
    Sandy: 80/13
    Zac (No C, No K): 225/36
    Ditty: 110/9
    P.Lentus: 225/54
    Charles: PJ 150/22
    Nick: 145/40
    J.Na: 90 (25# PR!)/33 Knees
    Nathan: 85 (HUGE PR!)/13
    Becky: 120/20


    Randy: 125/NA
    Tracy 85 (form)/12
    Travis 145/34
    Shoeless 195 (Split Jerk)/40
    Sharon 120/14
    Miranda 135/16
    Jay E: PJ 275/35


    Cowboy (from Scranton CrossFit): 185/50
    Pirate: (ditto): 240/30
    Tom (needs a nickname): Westside/31

    Really nice efforts tonight, some huge PRs, and some people really working to improve their form! Nice work on opening those hips, people. Also, kudos on pushing yourselves hard at the end for the pushups (pun fully intended). Finally, welcome to Westside, boys of Scranton. You guys were great sports tonight.

  11. Oops! "Zac" no h no k...long night :)
