
WAM 10 & Bench Off

CFKoPers -- we have a two special contests about to begin...with a very special prize for the winner of each challenge (to be announced on 10/15) - prize is valued at $600.00.

1. WAM 10 - You must follow the Zone and Weigh and Measure "WAM" for 10 days straight 10/4 to 10/13. Record a journal documenting all your food choices and measurements and hand it in on 10/14 (via written journal or online spreadsheet to crossfitkop@gmail.com), the winner will be announced on Saturday, 10/15 at 11AM at the "bench off". Aimee will run a kick off meeting at 5:30PM on Monday 10/3 in the lobby...you do not have to attend the meeting in order to compete. But you should review this Zone in the CrossFit Journal 21.

2. The Bench Off: Inspired by Jay E and Chris S. We will run two challenges and the score combined will determine the official Bench champion!

- 1RM for weight, 5 attempts allowed
- Max Reps at body weight, one attempt allowed

Following this competition on 10/15 at 11AM (during the strength class) Jay and Tori will be hosting a party at their house...details to follow.

All CrossFit KoP members are welcome to compete at one or both challenges.


  1. I would like to compete in the WAM-10 Challenge. Do I have to use blocks, or can I use the macronutrient values instead?

  2. We are going hard core with Blocks Dorothy :)

  3. Aimee,
    Is there a preferred spreadsheet or format you'd like submissions in for ease of review?

  4. ok. Anyone know how many blocks are in a marshmallow? (Ha Ha! Just kidding)

  5. what is the difference between blocks vs. macronutrient values, for the uninitiated?

  6. a block is just a way to define a certain amount of each macronutrient, keeping a ratio of 40%CHO/30%PRO/30%FAT for caloric load. 1 block of carb = 9g, protein 7g, and fat 1.5g (assuming 1.5 g of fat is in each block of protein)

    Most people eat between 3-5 blocks at regular means, 1-2 blocks for snacks.

    The link Aimee posted has a good intro to the Zone and popular foods listed with their block values.

  7. Megs -nope...good ole handwriting works too!

  8. Aimee:
    For the bench off.....will your body weight to max weight lifted be accounted for in part one? In other works if 175lb person lifts 300lbs vs a 225lb lifting 300lbs who wins?

    Kevin B.
