
W.O.D. 10.1.11

Jeff & Vinny's Outdoor Adventure
Meet coaches J. Handler and Vinny J. for the newest Adventure WOD. The Workout begins promptly at 10AM. Park at Frosty Falls and meet under the Gazebo. All are welcome.

CrossFit KoP is hosting a CrossFit level 1 certification this weekend and we will not be running any regularly scheduled classes. We apologize for any inconveniences.

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."
- Henry Ford


Today's outdoor WOD started with a bridge run and bear crawl relay warm-up, followed by (for time): 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups and 100 squats, broken up any way the athlete wanted. We finished with a firemans carry/burpee relay cash-out.

Sarah J 12:28 (50 pushups/30 sit-ups)
Jess S 15:!1
Jess C 15:52
Jason Bal 10:11
Denise 12:19 (50 pushups)
Alison 9:36
Arin 14:38
Kate C 10:40
Katie V 15:16
Jon S 17:49
Tom (Jon's friend) 16:23
Flounder 15:41
Rachael 15:22
Shoeless 14:00
Kathleen 16:42
Brad 9:06
Josh 11:08
Cline 14:59
Jerry 10:45
Golden 13:22


  1. Do special WODs Count towards your weekly # of workouts?

  2. Hey guys thanks for all the well wishes for me and Tim in our race, check out my day before blog post http://laurapappasblog.blogspot.com/2011/10/almost-race-day.html

  3. Saturday adventure results:

    Today's outdoor WOD started with a bridge run and bear crawl relay warm-up, followed by (for time): 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups and 100 squats, broken up any way the athlete wanted. We finished with a firemans carry/burpee relay cash-out.


    Sarah J 12:28 (50 pushups/30 sit-ups)
    Jess S 15:!1
    Jess C 15:52
    Jason Bal 10:11
    Denise 12:19 (50 pushups)
    Alison 9:36
    Arin 14:38
    Kate C 10:40
    Katie V 15:16
    Jon S 17:49
    Tom (Jon's friend) 16:23
    Flounder 15:41
    Rachael 15:22
    Shoeless 14:00
    Kathleen 16:42
    Brad 9:06
    Josh 11:08
    Cline 14:59
    Jerry 10:45
    Golden 13:22

    Nice work everyone, way to push through the reps! Thanks for coming out and having some out-of-the-usual fun with us!

  4. Thank you Vinny and Jeff for setting that up. And a special thanks to Brad for only weighing 160lbs.

    I owed Brad from the 9/11 throwndown because he carried my last 2000m row. I re-payed him by carrying him both ways in the cash-out.

    Good times.

  5. Since I promised to keep you guys posted - just won my Muay Thai fight by TKO; felt much stronger and better conditioned than at my previous fights - totally attribute that to the crossfit training I got here during the last month, and that's exactly why I came here :-) Thanks everybody for the awesome training and support!

  6. Would I be able to use the showers after tomorrow's WOD?


  7. Way to go Oleg!!!! That's awesome!

  8. Congratulations Oleg, well done!

  9. Congratulations Oleg!! Very cool!

  10. Congrats Oleg!!!

    Cline- you are good to go...
