
W.O.D. 10.2.11

Jeff & Vinny's Outdoor Adventure - Take 2
Meet coaches J. Handler and Vinny J. for the newest Adventure WOD. The Workout begins promptly at 10AM. Park at Frosty Falls and meet under the Gazebo. All are welcome.

CrossFit KoP is hosting a CrossFit level 1 certification this weekend and we will not be running any regularly scheduled classes. We apologize for any inconveniences.

Community Notes:
We will be having a CFKids Class at 2:30PM tomorrow, meet and park at Frosty Falls.

Good Luck to Laura and Tim competing in the Half Iron Man in the Poconos today!

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear."
-Ambrose Redmoon

Tema Thor
Peterbutt, Justin, Chris T
18:25 Large Sandbag

Team Rookies + Kate
Kate C, Debbie, Lauren
17:48 Small Bag

Team Shipwreck + Crew
Erika, Cate, Jon S
20:00 Small Bag

Team Angry Birds
Jonathan, Leslie,Jess C
17:58 Small Bag


  1. Good Luck Laura and Tim! All your hard work is going to paty off.

    If you want to follow KDitty72 on twitter, I'll be posting updates about Laura and Tim.

  2. 10:00 Adventure WOD results

    Tema Thor
    Peterbutt, Justin, Chris T
    18:25 Large Sandbag

    Team Rookies + Kate
    Kate C, Debbie, Lauren
    17:48 Small Bag

    Team Shipwreck + Crew
    Erika, Cate, Jon S
    20:00 Small Bag

    Team Angry Birds
    Jonathan, Leslie,Jess C
    17:58 Small Bag

    Mud, wet sandbags, burpees and a little blood made for a great WOD this morning. Thanks to everyone who came and gave their all...

  3. Ohhhhhhhh, pls provide some details on the WOD . . . mud, wet sandbags, burpees and blood are a few of my favorite things!

    I hope Laura and Tim are kicking some ass today!

  4. We jumped over the mud, the sand bags were moderately wet, there were lots of burpees and yes, there was blood drawn. Erika did a burpee on a shard of glass. I hate litter bugs. =(

  5. Burpees on the glass are not cool . . . I hope Erika is OK.

  6. Congrats Laura and Tim on ypur first half in less than ideal conditions!
