
W.O.D. 8.26.11

Tom S. - determination & focus

On the minute:
Complete 10 double unders and perform max burpees on the minute.
The goal is to complete 100 total burpees.

*At the beginning of every minute perform 10 Double Unders, for the rest of the minute perform as many burpees as you can during that minute. At the beginning of the next minute perform 10 Double Unders and then max burpees and so on until you reach 100 total burpees.

Your score is the total number minutes it took to complete all 100 Burpees.

You've got questions by L. Pappas
Q&A with Kate Rawlings by S. Vincent

"The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson."
- Tom Bodett


  1. Hi CF KoP community! I miss you guys! The worst thing about traveling for work is not being able to go to CF KoP :(

    I hope I am not too late to request a few songs for the iPod...

    Jimmy Eat World - "Sweetness"
    The Ataris - "Boys of Summer" (more punk than Don Henley or Hooters version) - I have been wanting to hear this all summer.
    Green Day - "American Idiot"
    Flo-Rida - "in the ayer"

    Would love to hear more Green Day and Wheezer!


  2. I love this pic! looking good Tom!

  3. This is like Fran, half, totally in my wheelhouse and half totally not. I may have to give it a try, just because I need to know how to do double unders when I'm crushed.

  4. Holy crap, Tom, that is one bad ass pic.

  5. 6AM results:

    Mike P 11:39 (singles)
    Mike S 22:36 (singles)
    Peterbutt 9:35 Rx
    Nina 13:45 Rx
    Kim G 18:58 (singles)
    Nicole S 6:45 (1/2)
    Kristin T 11:44 Rx
    Madd D DNF (Pukie)
    Pat P 14:42 (singles)
    Paul F 21:44 (singles)
    Megs 9:45 Rx

    Nice work everyone!

  6. I love this picture of Tom! He looks so bad ass here!

  7. Great pic of Tom. He is very focused and determined mid-WOD.

    What's up with you and burpees? Do you hae a secret burpee technique that makes you faster than anyone else? Please share.

    Nina/Kristen T, did you rx all of the double unders? Nice job. I saw you working on them with Danny a few weeks ago.

  8. Dorothy

    Dont stop moving!! Seriously, thats it. And just dont think go somewhere else - to your happy place

    For once, what Jason said abot the music was true...didnt even hear it!

  9. . . . the 6am/7am KOP version of "Nasty Girls" - Kristin, Megs and Nina - is totally inspiring! Way to go!

  10. How many singles per double under?

  11. @Dorthy, Megs' secret is that she cranked through the double unders in like 10 seconds. That left lots of time in each round for burpees. It was an impressive effort! Great job Megs!

  12. 3 singles for every 1 double under.

  13. KSB - that looks like part of my current playlist...great choices...didn't think many others in the box listened to older pop-punk - emo...stuff

  14. The Nooner

    Jen S 11:38
    Dorothy 9:50
    Keith 15:31

    Becca 20:42 half DU
    Joy 15:42
    Sharon 16:30 (50 DU)

  15. Also Dorothy, It helped a lot for me to leave the last 15 seconds of the minute to rest. After the 1st or 2nd round I never got more than 10 burpees in a round, and otherwise tried to stay above 8.

  16. @ Dorothy - yes, I did Rx DU's but added a SU in between for most of them....just to get through! I practiced my DU's after class and I think I am finally getting the hang of stringing them without the SU in between! Just need to keep up with the practice!! Also, great job on WOD today! You killed it!

  17. YA, Dorothy you crushed it!!!!!

  18. Konichiwa Bitches!

  19. 4:30pm

    Ben 20:05 / (75burpees / su)
    Gabe 13:58 (du attmpts)
    Graeme 12:50 (su)
    Kelli 12:59 (su)
    Mel 15:29 (rx)
    Rob Ph 12:56 (su)
    Brian R 10:48 (su)
    L.Peterson 13:35 (su)
    JZ 11:30 (su)
    Joe C 18:42 (su)
    Kristen SB 12:57 (rx)
    WW 13:27 (su)
    Mike F 16:32 (rx)

    Had to be mentally strong for this one...the whole 4:30 crew fought til the end...Nice job by all..

  20. 5:30

    Melinda 21:57 (Rx) (Welcome back!)
    CC: 22:00 (Rx)
    Miranda 10:51 (Rx)
    Ditty 11:59 (DU/50)
    Shawn 9:49 Rx
    Tim H 15:00 (DU/SU/50)
    Rachael 14:44 (SU)
    Stasie 15:45 (SU/50)
    Chris Tid 10:53 (SU)
    Lizzie 13:00 (Rx)

    J.Na 15:47 (SU)
    Joe A 17:57 (D/SU)
    Diego 17:33 (SU)
    Jay E 16:53 (D/SU)
    Zac 12:46 (SU)
    Sam B 6:59 (Rx)
    Olan 12:55 (Rx) *Did not beat Dorothy
    Nathan 15 Min CAP: 10SU/Burpees rest of min
    Cline 14:53 (Rx)

    This was a grinder, and it was awesome to see people's grit & determination through the worst of it! Some truly exception efforts tonight. Nice work, all around.

    Stay on high ground this weekend, people.

  21. Holy SHIT Sam B! Nice work man. 6:59 is mind boggling to me.

  22. Ditto on the Sam-love. I saw him walk outside at ~7 minutes and thought maybe he was going to puke. Nope. Bad. Ass.

    Those were the best I've ever done DUs. Most minutes I strung 10 together which helped my weak-ass burpees. Seemed like being tired helped with the rhythm. Or maybe I was too tired to think about them. Donkey said she experiences similar DU improvements when tired.

    Anyone else experience this?

  23. It was great to see the 6:30'ers tough this one out - this work out falls into the category of "the sooner it's over the better!"


  24. I actually wondered if Sam was puking too. I was like...holy CRAP that was fast :)
