
W.O.D. 7.29.11

Hang Power Snatch

3 Rounds for time of:
Run 400 Meters
7 Hang Power Snatch (95#/135#)

"The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible."
- Arthur C. Clarke


  1. Yes! Favorite movement ever! Can I skip the running part?

  2. 6AM Hang snatch-ers:

    Jay E 135 form/ 10:27 (Rx)
    Kim G. 68/ 12:02 (53#)

    Good work this morning!

  3. Anyone else watching the live feed? Speal just high fived the guy ahead of him when they passed at the turnaround, he is awesome!
    Oh and I think we could do this at kop, modify a schuykil swim and non beach run...

  4. That run looks really hard.
    My quality of work just want down the tubes. I am working and watching on my iphone simultaneously.
    Finally getting my money's worth for the unlimited data plan.

  5. Rob O seems to be out of the competition.

  6. Rob Orlando did not finish the swim. He can continue to compete but not into the final day. What a shame.

  7. Those beach sprints were awesome. You guys should all try to get here once.

  8. Nooners:

    Donkey 85/ 12:02 (53#)
    Terri form/ 10:00 (15#)
    Diego 75/ 9:31 (55#)
    Dorothy 85/ 8:57 (65#)
    Killa B 95/ 9:24 (80#)
    Ciera form/ 12:37 (33#)
    Joe C. 105/ 9:45 (75#)
    Tom H. 95/ 8:50 (75)
    Olan 125/ 10:45 (115#)

    Nice work everyone, way to get through a hot and humid one!

  9. hey Jeff, donkey did 75# for the metcon, please and thank you :)

    @Jason: a mile is NOT a sprint.

  10. 4:30 Snatch Masters

    Rob Ph: 145, 9:34 @ 105
    Brian: 125, 8:24 @95
    Steph: 110, 10:09 @ Rx (DC)
    LP: 75, 7:40 @55
    Denise: 65, 9:06@45
    Arin: 35, 10:48@ 35
    JZ: 105, 8:10@75
    Josh S: 115, 8:40@95
    Vinny 145, 12:04 @ Rx (DC)

    5:30 We <3 Madonna

    Joe A: 145 (form), 13: 52 @ Rx (DC)
    Mel: 75, 9:53 @65
    Jen S: 105, 10:33 @85
    Shawn: 125, 7:31@95
    Elyse: 75, 10:17 @ 65
    Danielle: 55, 7:58@45
    Lizzie: 55, 9:17@45
    Sandy: 65, 9:58 @40

    6:30 Boys of Summer

    Rob P: 125, 6:49@95
    Shoeless: 125, 6:49@95
    Nick: 95, 7:46 @85
    Justin R: 115, 8:00@95
    Dan: 95, 7:08@65
    Chris B: 115, 7:47 @95

  11. @Donkey: sorry about that, consider it corrected. And yes,a run that's 100 meters shy of a mile is not a sprint for normal people, just the people in California right now - and maybe a few runners in our box. Looked rough!

  12. Coaches note: really nice effort and intensity from people tonight despite the heat! you all pushed really hard to nail the form and avoid push-pressing that weight.

    also, to those I showed the shoulder mobility work (Jeff has also worked with it in the Monday mobility WODs)--you can use that anytime there's overhead work...snatch, OHS, C&J, shoulder press--you name it. i've personally found it also useful for before pullup WODs.

    super job all around, gang.
