
W.O.D. 7.28.11

For time complete:
9 - 7 - 5
Wall Walks
Ground to Over head (185#/135#)

*Coaches notes: A wall walk is where you walk up the wall backwards feet first until your chest touches the wall, you must then have your chest touch the floor to complete the rep.

CrossFit is MY sport by L. Pappas.

Community Notes:
Happy Birthday Kathleen!

"It is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight-it's the size of the fight in the dog."
-Dwight D. Eisenhower


  1. Happy birthday Kathleen!!! I hope you have a wonderful day! Here's to a year of more PR's!

  2. This sounds like some Jason programming if I've ever seen it.

  3. Happy Birthday Kathleen! Have a great day.

  4. Kathleen, best wishes to you on your birthday! Have a great day!

  5. Have a wonderful birthday, Kathleen!

  6. Happy Birthday Kathleen :)

    7am The Heavy Wallwalkers

    Nicole S 16:33@95#
    Megs 14:55@85#
    Kristin T 13:29@105#
    Aimee 17:51@115#
    Mike P 16:41@115#

  7. Happy Bday Kathleen!

  8. Happy Birthday Kathleen!

  9. WED's CrossFit Endurance WOD Results

    Shoeless Joe
    Keith Flounder
    Chris Tid
    Mike P
    Jen S
    Kate C
    Gina F

    The focus was not on overall time for the wod, but on repeat pace . We worked on "active recovery" sessions and using the 400m intervals during a wod to focus on keeping the same pace throughout. We also finished with a nice all out 200m sprint to not only expand those lungs and get some copious amounts of O2 thru the pathways, but also to see how FAST we can go...

  10. Hey Mike P

    I have total times, and also the splits for the quarters....See me for your splits!

  11. Happy Birthday, Kathleen!! I will do burpees for you another day!

  12. Happy Birthday Kathleen! I hope you have a wonderful day!!

  13. . . . . forgot my manners . . . Happy Birthday Kathleen!

  14. Happy birthday Kathleen!

  15. Happy Birthday Kathleen, keep up the amazing work, you are looking amazing!

  16. Chucky- not actually Jason programming, but if it was he would have made it 205/155 :) It's from the Again Faster Summit

    Fun working out with the 7-am-ers today! Great fun and energy in the class. This is a deceiving WOD gang- I had to scale back twice...Started at 125-120-115...After the wall walks your shoulders are toast!

    Have fun nooners!

    What does everyone think of WOD#1 for individuals at the games?

    For time:
    210-meter ocean swim
    Run 1,500m in soft-sand
    50 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
    100 hand release push-ups
    200 Squats
    Run 1,500m in soft-sand

    You all know that soft spot in the gym where you can't drop weights, by the wall? Anyone think we could fit a pool under there?

  17. Here ya go Aimee

    For once, today I felt my hips actually pop on the cleans...It helped alot to watch Kristin, Nicole and Aimee do a few cleans....knock on wood, this happens more for me :) And my wall climbs were like tummy to wall...not sure how to get the chest on there yet

  18. That WOD for the games looks tough! Running in sand is never fun, and for those who have never done an open water swim, it is VERY different from swimming in a pool both physically and mentally. Add in the ocean factor of waves and currents and it gets even harder. Even though a 200 isn't very far, I can see those who aren't comfortable swimmers struggling.

    I have a friend who completed the Lake Placid Ironman last year. She then came to Wildwood and did a sprint tri with me that included a 400m ocean swim. She said she actually thought the 400m ocean swim was more challenging than the swim in Placid!

    PS I would love it if a pool was added at KOP, then I could cancel my membership at PSC! :-)

  19. Happy Birthday Kathleen!!

  20. Director of SynergyJuly 28, 2011 at 12:12 PM

    If this were a Jason programmed wod, it would have been a 45 min AMRAP of pulling the Platoon Fitness Fun Jeep up the hill while in park and dam ascents in the river while wearing a 35lb weight vest.

  21. Nooners:

    Cate 16:37 Rx
    Kate 15:02 (100#)
    Diego 17:36 (95#)
    Aislinn 13:38 (63#)
    Sharon 19:03 (83#, 7-5-3 wall walks)
    Rhonda 14:56 (53#)
    Olan 18:21 (155#)
    Jeff 13:39 (135#, DC on wall walk)

    Nice job everyone on a deceptively tough WOD!

  22. happy birthday, Kathleen! hope you enjoy your special day, lady!

    Also: Tonight, 730, Kabuki. all welcome. BYOB. i have no idea who's coming. you all should, though.

  23. Happy Birthday Kathleen!! I hope you have a great day!

  24. What's everyone think of the softball throw?

  25. Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone. Means a lot!!!

  26. Super skill based Steph!!! I can't wait to see the skill tests!

  27. The skill WODs are interesting. It would be very cool to incorporate accuracy into the softball throw by using a dunk tank and small target. Just saying.

  28. Tonight's barbell class had the added feature of softball throwing, just for grins.

  29. OLAN has a mean softball throw!

    aaaand i throw like a girl :-)

    Dorothy throws like a boy, but still she cannot beat Olan at this one.

  30. this is jason...accuracy was tested as they needed to land it between the lines.
