
The time has come to CROWN our new royalty!

Just a reminder that we will be hosting the King & Queen of Prussia competition on August 13th. This competition will consist of three workouts and is open to all non-coaching members of CF KoP. This is our annual event for the KoP community and is one that you should not miss. We will run the workouts over the course of the day and we will end it with a "Stink and Drink" celebrating the new court.

WOD 1: "Storm the Banks"
Row 750M
75 Kettlebell Swings(55#/35#)
Row 500M
50 Kettlebell Swings(55#/35#)
Row 250
25 Kettlebell Swings(55#/35#)

WOD 2: "Load the Catapult"
200m Run
5000/3000lbs shoulder to overhead anyhow
Lord's weight options (65/95/135#)
Lady's weight options (35/65/95#)
200m Run

WOD 3: "Defend the Throne"
50 Deadlifts (135#/95#)
50 Burpees over the bar
50 Sit-ups (unanchored butterfly)
50 Air Squats
50 Single Unders
50 Jumping Pull-ups

Registration will start at 9:30AM and the first workout will begin at 10:00AM sharp. We ask that you sign up before August 9th to be eligible for the competition. This will give us sufficient time to make heat assignments and find judges. Signing up is FREE and you get an exclusive T-shirt available only to those that compete. After all the dust has settled, the stink and drink and awards ceremony will start at 3:00PM.

Even if you are not competing, we strongly encourage you to come to the event and support your fellow CFKoP fellow athletes. All family and friends are welcome. It is the best event we host every year and it is our way of saying thank you for the community you help build.


  1. Sounds like a great time! Every single person can do these workouts, so there's no reason to not compete. I hope to see a bunch of new faces fighting it out for king and queen!! John and I are coming to judge, cheer, and drink... and of course King John will give his crown away! Can't wait to see you all!

  2. I'm loving being a coach of this kick-ass community, but I remember how much fun this was last year and i'm sorry I can't compete, because these look like some fun WODs! I can't wait to see which one of you badasses is the new king and queen, and more importantly, to get together and celebrate the awesome crew we have at KOP. This was a LOT of fun last year...come out and play!

  3. OK, I'm in. . . . . where do I sign up? I hope there's a "death waiver" involved, I've been signing alot of those lately.

  4. Mike- Sign up at the box on the clip board on the showcase.

  5. So for the people who aspire to Jester, Taster, or Hand, a few questions:

    Do we do all 3 workouts, or choose one?

    Is scaling allowed?

    Are silly hats encouraged or merely tolerated?

  6. Sign me up for the contest. Ditto what Donkey said too, I encourage everyone to come out and try the royal inspired workouts :) Even if you have to scale it's a great day and really fun to work out as a community.

  7. Cline-
    All three workouts should be completed, but if someone has time constraints and can only participate in one or two we will allow that, just let us know ahead of time - but the athlete would NOT be eligible for the K & Q title.

    We tried to program the WOD's so that a minimal amount of scaling is needed. But as always scaling is allowed - but again that athlete would NOT be eligible for the K & Q title.

    Hats- are tolerated...not necessarily encouraged, unless one is going for the title of Court Jester!

  8. I can't wait to see Cline's hat. That is all.

  9. How much time --approximately -- between each WOD? Thanks.

  10. Tom- we will let you know as soon as we have the final heats, hopefully by this Thursday the 11th.
