
W.O.D. 7.25.11

We checked out Iron Cross Athletics this weekend, you should too!
...Nikki & John are offering some Open Gym hours, click here to check 'em out!


at 80% of your one RM perform 3 on the minute for 6 minutes

Mobility Monday:
Join Jeff at 5:30PM & 6:30PM. We are going back to the back. We'll use stretches and the foam roller to increase mobility in the upper and lower back. As always, bring questions.

CrossFit in Forbes by Patrick Rishe

"Be patient. Your fitness level is something that is going to generally take a long time to get to where you think you want it. And when you are there, you will want it higher.

Don’t define yourself by your numbers and your times. Define yourself by who you are and what you are about. CrossFit is something that you do, it is not who you are. That can help keep things in good perspective."
-Chris Spealler

Cline 150
Mike P 195
Kristin T 120
Tom Sk 242.5
Joy 83
Ciera 93
Becca 73
Tom H 155
Keith 215
Aimee 145
Cate 135
Tim P. 215
Mike V. 245
Jason 235
John G. 175 pr
Steph J 35
Dorothy 120
Mel 110
Mike T? ouchie
Brian R. 185 pr
Travis 135
Karen 105
Rob Ph 175
Jeff 165
Joe C. 135
Becky 35
Olan 185
Diego 115
Vinny 210
Flounder 115
Kathleen 95
Sandy 70
Bonnie 60
Tidmore 125
Jen S. 120
Shoeless 175
Steph V. 160
Nick C. 115
Laura 105
Sheng Ching 135
Dan B 95
Tim Hen 165
Randy 95
Sharon 118
Tracy (formwork)
Jess S 93
JNa 83
Donkey 125
Erika 85
Kate 115
Rob Pl 215
Charles 115
Tim Gantz 190
Mark 155


  1. I am excited to be back at the KOP box tomorrow!!! :)

  2. Glad to have you back Jen!!!!

  3. This article about the Paleo diet was featured on Yahoo news today. http://shine.yahoo.com/event/green/paleo-diet-smart-eating-or-latest-fad-2514781/

  4. Forgot to type my name in on that last post. It was from Kathleen

  5. 7am

    Cline 150
    Mike P 195
    Kristin T 120
    Mike S 242.5

    Nike work Tom and Kristin setting some new personal bests by a few pounds.

  6. Love Chloe gnawing on that piece of paper.

  7. 930am Results

    Joy 83
    Ciera 93
    Becca 73
    Tom H 155
    Keith 215

  8. 7am was TOM Sk, not MIKE S

  9. 630pm

    Sheng Ching 135
    Dan B 95
    Tim Hen 165
    Randy 95
    Sharon 118
    Tracy (formwork)
    Jess S 93
    JNa 83
    Donkey 125
    Erika 85
    Kate 115
    Rob Pl 215
    Charles 115
    Tim Gantz 190
    Mark 155

  10. sheng ching rocking a 135lb clean!! woo wooo!!! actually i'm really impressed by a lot of these numbers today - especially my super strong KOP ladies. keep it up!
