
W.O.D. 6.3.11

Congratulations to team KoP in 5th place after day 1

The tag- WOD #1- Nikki, Mike, Aimee & Danny 25:46
John W. - 225# Thruster
Thanks to the Judges & volunteers, Donkey, Megs, Jeff, Steph V & Jen S.
Cate- #140 Thruster

Team Task Priority Fight Gone Bad

In a team of 5 athletes you must complete 20 reps of each exercise in FGB. The team cannot rotate until the next station until each athlete is finished at their station. Rest 1 minute between each round. 3 rounds are completed for total time.

The stations are:

1. Wall-ball: 20/14 pound ball, 10/8 ft target.
2. Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75/55 pounds
3. Box Jump: 21"
4. Push-press: 75/55 pounds
5. Row: calories

Community Notes:
There will be NO 6:30PM class today.

Today is Day one of competition for team CFKoP at the Mid Atlantic Regionals. The team will take on the following two workouts (1.) Team of 4 completes for total time - Row 750 each, 50 HSPU as a team, Row 750 each & 2.) A team of two one man/one woman goes through the Thruster ladder) 3..2..1..go TEAM!

"A person only rows so much as his horizon allows."
-John Powell


  1. Good luck this weekend at the competition!

  2. Kick some (Peter)butts! guys!

  3. Go team!

    P.s. I hate thrusters so I give extra kudos to the team members who step up to the thruster ladder!


  4. 6am Pacesetters Results

    Team Tatas: 27:14 Nina, Meghann B, Kim G, Kristin T

    Team Balls On Chin: 33:30 Jay E, Howard, Pat P, Peterson, Mike S

    Great Job helping out your teammates! Only 1 person from each group scaled, and for this time the girls beat the boys...

  5. Just to clarify, the balls we were talking about were wallballs. A few of us took one to the face when we were tired... :-D

  6. Bryn Mawr Running Co Presents a summer series of 5k runs in Ardmore. I have done this the past 2 years since it started and it's a fun friendly and well run race if you are thinking of trying another "local 5k" to test your skills. It's also a family friendly race in that it's 3 loops so if someone comes to watch you they get to see a good amount of you. I will be at all three. All races start at 7pm at South Ardmore Park, and it's pretty cheap too.
    June 9
    July 14
    Aug 11

    There are ~130 spots left to sign up for all 3 races for only $35.
    For more information on this event please visit: http://brynmawrrunningco.com/nhp/midsummer.html

    Direct Link:


  7. Good luck cross fit kop team! I know you will kick butt!

  8. CF KoP is currently in 11th place after the first event (row/hspu/row) with a time of 25:46

  9. The Midday Show Results

    Team Pass the Test (for lizzie) 26:39 Karen, Tom H, Rachael, Lizzie, Joe A, (Calvin1round)

    Team Beat Me 27:41 Dorothy, Sharon, Jerry, Steph J, Keith B-PUKIE!

    Both teams had some scales, but the intensity again was awesome! Keith had to take a pukie break at one station, but came right back in within seconds to finish the station.

  10. 430 CLASS

    Team Fantastic Four - 23:20 RX
    Rob Ph, JP, Brian R, Shawn T

    Team Hot Chicks + Vincent - 27:33 RX
    Vincent, Ditty, Kathleen, Denise F, Elyse

    Team Malliards - 20:48 RX
    Tony D, Jon, WW, Olan, Travis


  11. correction Tony D was Tony DeSanto

  12. 530 results

    Team WeGotNuttin : 24:52 Kate, JB, Tim H, Dianne

    Team Vinny & the Jets Rx: 22:55 Vinny, Nicole, Rob Pl, Josh C

    WHEW! One of those, "alot harder than we though" wods.

  13. Good luck this weekend!!!

  14. Pics from the competition look great. 5th & climbing!

  15. from the other side of the pond...crush it KOP, great job thus far!
