
W.O.D. 6.29.11

Ground to Overhead (115/75)
Barbell Lunges
Barbell Squats

Coaches Note:
You are allowed to get the barbell overhead any way you see fit, i.e. snatch, clean and jerk, clean and press, etc.. When squatting with the barbell, you can do front or back squats.

"I had no shoes and complained...until I met a man that had no feet"
--Indian Proverb

Meghann 13:04 (65#)
Doreen 17:12 Rx / DC squat depth
Mike P 21:55 (115/95#)
Howard 20:16 (95#)
Megs 14:48 rx
Karen 16:39 (65, lunges unweighted)
Keith 17:38 rx
Joe D 26:30 (95)
Victor 22:22 (95)
Ciera (35 lunges unweighted)
Tom H 26:28 (95)
Rachael 16:58 (55)
Jess 18:37 (58)
Sharon 25:30 rx
Cate 8:00 rx
Brian R 17:44 Rx
Josh C 13:17 Rx
Rob Ph 14:38 Rx
Plentus 15:00 Rx
Vinny 12:59 Rx
Jerry 14:18 Rx
Jen S 14:00 Rx
Steph V 15:12Rx
Dorothy 16:57 D.C on the lunges
Kelli 9:03@35#
Ash 9:01@55#
Graeme 10:52@45#
Joy 9:52@15#
Becca 11:21@15#
Mel 15:20@65#
Kathleen 18:33@55#
Joe C 16:14@45#
Jeff Han 14:36@95#
Nicole 13:52 scaledform
JZ 16:32@95#
Nikki 9:41, 39" rx
Roman 13:56, 47.25" rx
Warnek 9:35, 41" rx
Sandy 14:43@45#, 21"
Rachel 14:34@45#, 21"
Denise 14:22@65#,45#, 37"
Kristin T 14:32 Rx
Nick C 18:27@85#
Josh S 14:44@105#
Danielle 15:16@45#
Charles 20:19@65#
Sheng-Ching 17:00@53#
Travis 14:16@85#
Mark R 15:20@95#,75#
Justin K 14:05@95#


  1. New Blog Post today guys - let me know what you think. http://laurapappasblog.blogspot.com/

  2. 6:00 am results
    Meghann 13:04 (65#)
    Doreen 17:12 Rx / DC squat depth
    Mike P 21:55 (115/95#)
    Howard 20:16 (95#)

    Good job pushing through a tough wod! This one had a HUGE mental component, but was definitely a quad burner too. I hope none of you needed your legs for the rest of the day :)

  3. I wish I had the chance to do this one but my hands are so ripped up from yesterday :(

  4. Where were Nicole and Kristin T this morning? Lololol

  5. Jas, what was your time for this one?

  6. No number for you to chase Mr. Plentus. It can easily be done 4 minutes faster than I did it. I need to work out in a class setting more. I don't have the push by myself.

  7. great, so I'll aim for 56 minutes

  8. Jas, if you want to join a class, let me know and I'll setup an intro session for Monday at 6:30...after that would be 3 fundamentals classes and then you can join

  9. I'm laughing so hard it's making my hands hurt.

  10. It is now 4 fundi sessions knucklehead. Know your product.

    I say you get 11 minutes or so on this one.

  11. this was the funniest blog string in a long time.

    jas, i'd welcome seeing you in classes more.

  12. Yea, that is a good point! I always see Jason working out alone when I get to a 4:30 class early. You seem to have no problem self motivating, but I would like to see how much your times improve in a class setting.

  13. noon results:

    Megs 14:48 rx
    Karen 16:39 (65, lunges unweighted)
    Keith 17:38 rx
    Joe D 26:30 (95)
    Victor 22:22 (95)
    Ciera (35 lunges unweighted)
    Tom H 26:28 (95)
    Rachael 16:58 (55)
    Jess 18:37 (58)
    Sharon 25:30 rx
    Cate 8:00 rx

  14. Oops, that was 19:53 for Ciera

  15. 430pm
    Class, much thanks for your cooperation fitting everyone in neat and orderly! Very smooth; I'm also content that I got that 3min window left in class to fit ya in a little 175meter anaerobic sprint outside.

    Brian R 17:44
    Josh C 13:17
    Rob Ph 14:38
    Plentus 15:00
    Vinny 12:59
    Jerry 14:18
    Jen S 14:00
    Steph V 15:12
    Dorothy 16:57 D.C on the lunges

    Kelli 9:03@35#
    Ash 9:01@55#
    Graeme 10:52@45#
    Joy 9:52@15#
    Becca 11:21@15#
    Mel 15:20@65#
    Kathleen 18:33@55#
    Joe C 16:14@45#
    Jeff Han 14:36@95#
    Nicole 13:52 scaledform
    JZ 16:32@95#

  16. 530pm Results
    (cash out was a max box jump)

    Nikki 9:41, 39"
    Roman 13:56, 47.25"
    Warnek 9:35, 41"

    Sandy 14:43@45#, 21"
    Rachel 14:34@45#, 21"
    Denise 14:22@65#,45#, 37"

    Kristin T 14:32 Rx
    Nick C 18:27@85#
    Josh S 14:44@105#
    Danielle 15:16@45#
    Charles 20:19@65#
    Sheng-Ching 17:00@53#
    Travis 14:16@85#
    Mark R 15:20@95#,75#
    Justin K 14:05@95#

    nice job folks, this one was tough mentally and burned physically. 5:30, nice work on the box jumps (Denise, somehow I must have known you had wanted a max box jump) and 6:30 nice work on the cash out of ~165m run. Too bad I wasn't able to treat you to Frosty Falls...

  17. denise, that is an AWESOME max box jump. i am wicked impressed!


  18. she seriously took over that box+box+plate
