
W.O.D. 6.28.11

3 Rounds for time of:
800m Run
30 Knees to Elbows
30 Sumo - deadlifts (155#/205#)

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing."

--Muhammad Ali


Mike P 36:58
Nina 36:59
Granny 30:41
Rob P. 30:55
Kevin 34:41
Clay 30:15
Vinny 29:42 (row)
Sam 27:35
P 22:09
Kate 34:24
Todd 31:33

Jay E 40:40 (knee-raises)
Pat P 36:10 (row,knee raises, 185)
Kristin T 36:00 (135)
Megs 30:59 (115/95)
Jeff Han 17:59 for 1/2 (165)
Cindy Han 21:23 for 1/2 (85)
Mike T 25:43 (165)
Danny 28:34 (dc)
Keith 38:46 (185)
Kevin B 34:42 (185)
Stephanie 33:30 (65)
Jen S 36:33 (155/135)
Victor 37:40 (135)
Tom H 37:25 (155)
Chris T 25:57 (83, 400 runs)
Kara 25:28 (83, 400 runs)
Lisa Ch 34:38 kr/??#
Donkey 36:36 dc
JP 30:30 kr/??#
Charles 40:50 135#
Jason Ba. 23:18 135#
JZ 32:32 (165)
Rachael 32:42 (95 kr)
Killa 36:21 (row, ghd, good morning)
Rob Ph 32:46 (kr)
Karen 22:06 (half 95 kr)
WW 35:03 (155 ab)
Dorothy 32:08 (115 .5KTE)
Denise 36:04 (115 rom)
Drew 29:20 (half 115 kr)
Bonnie 26:?? (half 45 kr)
Tim H 38:35 (165 jump)
Justin 33:08 (135)
Jess S 35:35 (95 kr)
LP 32:01 (115)
Shawn 32:49 (DC)


  1. i said the same thing, Danny. and we all know i LOVE deadlifts. but holy cow.

  2. i know. suck it up, buttercup.

  3. Posted this to the Facebook group, but also posting here. I am creating a new and improved donkeyPod for the box. now taking your requests for songs or bands you'd like to hear more during WODs.

    there are already some tasty treats on there :) but there's lots more room.

  4. . . . . looking like some Good Livin' this morning.

  5. Pony up is right.... we should rename this one "whew"

    6am sets the pace for the day

    Mike P 36:58
    Nina 36:59

    Jay E 40:40 (knee-raises)
    Pat P 36:10 (row,knee raises, 185)
    Kristin T 36:00 (135)
    Megs 30:59 (115/95)
    Jeff Han 17:59 for 1/2 (165)
    Cindy Han 21:23 for 1/2 (85)

  6. . . . . that sucked . . . in a beautiful and glorious way.

  7. What's the best way to scale the deadlift? 50% of 1RM?

  8. Charles - if you're really proficient at the other movements (running and toes to bar) I'd say you could go a little higher... maybe up to 60% of your 1RM. But if you know running and T2B take you a while, I think 50% would be appropriate.

  9. I am officially going to make a picture board. So get ready. I have no idea who Mike P is but I like his attitude and he posts a lot so he is cool...unlike jorts!

  10. Jason, you've never seen him because he runs so fast that you miss him!

    Charles I also made sure to use a weight I could string 10 reps to keep an intensity going

  11. Holy Shirts and Pants. It's a little corny and obvious, but what do you get out of being subtle, right?

  12. New blog post up, a Q&A with gym owner and weightlifter Tamara Cohen. check it at www.radicalhateloss.com

  13. the 930 crowd:

    Mike T 25:43 (165)
    Danny 28:34 (dc)
    Keith 38:46 (185)
    Kevin B 34:42 (185)
    Stephanie 33:30 (65)
    Jen S 36:33 (155/135)
    Victor 37:40 (135)
    Tom H 37:25 (155)
    Chris T 25:57 (83, 400 runs)
    Kara 25:28 (83, 400 runs)
    Granny 30:41 RX

  14. Very humbling today. Harder than it looked, but then again, they always are. Nice job everyone

  15. 6:30 "It's only 3 rounds..."
    kr = knee raises
    dc = damn close

    Lisa 34:38 kr/??#
    Rob P. 30:55 Rx
    Donkey 36:36 dc
    JP 30:30 kr/??#
    Charles 40:50 135#
    Jason Ba. 23:18 135#

    big shoutout to JP who had tremendous effort to simulate knees to elbows with his knee raises and excellent form on the sumo deadlift high lifts, I mean, high pulls, I mean, sumo deadlifts

  16. P: glad you had me in there for DC and not Rx. i definitely did not get KTE for most of those.

    very challenging WOD today. kudos to everyone who chased it.

  17. Wow this was a tough one, thanks to Killa for letting me borrow a pair of long socks - gotta keep my shins pretty for the Plentus/Ditty wedding this weekend!

  18. you love sumo deadlift high lifts!!!!
