
W.O.D. 6.30.11

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
2 Squat Cleans (135#/205#)
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 Pull-ups
16 Double Unders

“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death”
-Albert Einstein

Mike V 8 Rx
Aimee 7 Rx
Peanut Plentus 6 Rx
Tiny Tim 5 Rx
Keith B. 6 135#/1ABMat/greenband
Sam B 9rnds +some (155#, +parrlettes)
Laura P 10rnds (95#, plates)
Kara 7 (73,bnd,hndstnd inches,SU)
Stephanie J 7 (45#, bnd,box, SU)
JP 7 (95#,SU)
JB 5 (95#, SU...)
Mike P 7 (135#, box, DUatt)
Nina 5 (95#,DUatt, 2abmats)
Nick C 7(95#, wallinchers,)
Sharon 5 (85#,box, bnd)


  1. glad yesterday didn't have any squats or lunges...

  2. I LOVE the look of this one! Brutal!

  3. 7am Brutalities

    Sam B 9rnds +some (155#, +parrlettes)
    Laura P 10rnds (95#, plates)
    Kara 7 (73,bnd,hndstnd inches,SU)
    Stephanie J 7 (45#, bnd,box, SU)
    JP 7 (95#,SU)
    JB 5 (95#, SU...)
    Mike P 7 (135#, box, DUatt)
    Nina 5 (95#,DUatt, 2abmats)
    Nick C 7(95#, wallinchers,)
    Sharon 5 (85#,box, bnd)

  4. Tim - I did single-unders.

    P.S.: Ouch.

  5. Yeah my hands still hurt..wish I woulda done yesterdays and waited on this ones..I did DUs not DU att..I didn't count the ones I missed..unless we were supposed to string these..

  6. Tiny Tim 5 rounds Rx
    Peanut Plentus 6 rounds Rx

    definitely feeling yesterday's WOD. Spent majority time on the bar. Tim's PR before this was 205 back in Feb.

  7. nice job tim! way to crush your pr with 10 reps at 205#!

  8. Nina - my hands are still healing from Tues as well! I probably won't be able to get on that pullup bar until next week!

  9. Where was everyone at the Nooner:
    Mike V 8 Rx
    Aimee 7 Rx
    Keith B. 6 135#/1ABMat/greenband

  10. did mike actually clean it or power clean front squat? lol.

  11. like the crack of a whip i snap attack...front to back

  12. Truth be told, I squat cleaned the first 5 or 6 rounds... for rounds 7-9 (since I actually got to a couple HSPUs on th 9th) I definitely power cleaned/front squatted it.

    Now that that's clear, how many rounds did you get, Jas?

  13. I was planning on coming to the nooner, but forgot my gym bag. Probably for the best since I can't really walk. It's more of a waddle. I'm gonna go lay on the floor and put ice packs on my hiney.

    See you at the nooner tomorrow.
