
W.O.D. 5.6.11

Richard St. John's 8 secrets of success

Teams of 4 Complete the following:
Team member 1 & 2 simultaneously complete a 200M run & in relay fashion they come back to tag Team member 3 & 4. When Team member 3 & 4 return from the 200M run they tag 1 & 2 who now run a 400M run, upon their return they tag 3 & 4 who complete the 400M run.
As of now each athlete has completed a 200M & a 400M...the above sequence will be followed again until all athletes complete 2 - 200M runs and 2 - 400M runs.

The time stops once the athletes finish the run...

...but then a 15 minute timer begins, all 4 athletes have one bar and 15 minutes to get to the heaviest snatch they can. The total amount of weight that the team lifts will be subtracted from the overall accumulated time.

The team with the lowest time WINS!

"Bumper Plates, 2011 CrossFit Games and What Is Your Max Bench Press" with Dave Castro - video [wmv] [mov]

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.”
-Ryunosuke Satoro

Mike S 43#
Kim G 63#
Bekah 73#
Meghann 78#

Team time for run: 11:46 = 706 sec
Team weight total = 257#
Team total = 449sec (7:29 in min:sec)

Tim G 135#
Jessie 22#
Cate 105
Tom H 155

Team time for the run: 10:58
Team weight total =377#
Team total = (4:41 in min:sec)

Olan 145#
Nina 90#
Megs 65#
Dorothy 85#

Team time for the run: 10:10
Team weight total =385#
Team total =(3:45 in min:sec)

Nik 113#
Kate 83#
Gina 53#

Team time for the run: 10:17
Team weight total =249#
Team total =(6:08 in min:sec)

Aim 110
Killa 100
Arthur 65

Team time for the run: 10:37
Team weight total =275#
Team total =(6:02 in min:sec)

Kevin 155
Sharon -
Josh 95

Team time for the run: 10:39
Team weight total =250#
Team total =(6:29 in min:sec)

Steve B - modWOD
AMRAP in 15
500M Row 15 PVC snatches

Ditty, Miranda, Fab, JP - 5:37
Grebe, Chris S, Brian R - 3:14
Melinda, Plentus, Shawn, Liz - 3:45
Vincent, Kathleen, Joe A - 5:00
Rachael, Jay E, Tori - 6:06
Rob P, Jen N, Steph - 5:44


A big welcome to three of our new members at the nooner

Jessie (above) Tom H. (below) & Steve B (not pictured)


  1. 6AM Early Risers results:

    Mike S 43#
    Kim G 63#
    Bekah 73#
    Meghann 78#

    Team time for run: 11:46 = 706 sec
    Team weight total = 257#
    Team total = 449sec (7:29 in min:sec)

    Well done everyone! Two PRs this morning on the snatch, way to go!

  2. I wanted everyone to know that if you ever need help driving a forklift, I am not OSHA certified to help you.

    I pick things up, I put them down!

  3. 5:30
    Ditty, Miranda, Fab, JP - 5:37
    Grebe, Chris S, Brian R - 3:14
    Melinda, Plentus, Shawn, Liz - 3:45

    Vincent, Kathleen, Joe A - 5:00
    Rachael, Jay E, Tori - 6:06
    Rob P, Jen N, Steph - 5:44

  4. It was awesome working out with the new folks at the nooner. You guys did awesome.

    Jason, if I had a forklift, I would love to watch you pick things up and put them down. But unfortunately I don't so I'll have to use my imagination. Who knows...it might come in handy some day.

  5. The weight for TomH should be 115, not 155. Maybe next time!

    Thanks, TomH
