
W.O.D. 5.31.11

DENISE- Congratulations on your Engagement!


Community Events:
This weekend, Team CrossFit KoP will travel to Fairfax, Virginia to compete in the Mid-Atlantic Regionals. The team enters the competition ranked 11th and must climb to 3rd or higher to get an invite to the 2011 Games. It may seem like a lot but in the Southeast Division, teams came in ranked 10th and 18th, yet made the cut! Anything is possible...so wish them luck!

"When faced with a challenge, look for a way, not a way out"
---David Weatherford

Kristin T 80
Kim G 73
Pat P 120
Mike S 78
Jay E 185
Jason - 155
Kevin - 165 PR
Brynsie - 95
BrianR - 125
Killa - 105
Kathleen - 55
Dorothy - 95.5
Travis - 100
Vin - 135
JP - 95
Liz - 63
JZ - 105
Melinda - 90
Mel - 75
Sandy - 55
Jess S - 53
Josh C - 135
Denise - 63
Howard - 105
Ciera 55
Tom H 115
Daniela 45
Chris t 75
Kara 75


  1. Team KoP is going to kick some ass this weekend! You all have worked so hard and are ready for this. Get some!

  2. Best of luck KOPers! No doubt you all have been working hard- and I'm sure you'll do amazing!

    Great to see everyone today!

  3. 6am Back to Reality'er....but hey think of it as today is TUES already :)

    Kristin T 80
    Kim G 73
    Pat P 120
    Mike S 78
    Jay E 185

    Good Luck to the TEAM KOP starting this Friday, lots of time and sweating effort has been put into their training for this, it's time to get it done.

  4. 3-2-1 Go Team KOP!!!! So proud of you! I know all that hard work will pay off and you will represent us well! Looking forward to cheering you on.

  5. Good luck Team KOP! You guys will do great.


  6. 430 CLASS

    Jason - 155
    Kevin - 165 PR
    Brynsie - 95
    BrianR - 125
    Killa - 105
    Kathleen - 55#
    Dorothy - 95.5
    Travis - 100#
    Vin - 135#

  7. 530 CLASS

    JP - 95
    Liz - 63
    JZ - 105
    Melinda - 90
    Mel - 75
    Sandy - 55
    Jess S - 53
    Josh C - 135
    Denise - 63
    Howard - 105

  8. 6:30 bar snatches

    Bonnie 35 form
    Peterbutt 135 (140 power)
    Kate 86
    Tim H. 90
    Jason Ba. 135
    Rob P 125
    Shoeless 145
    Jess C. 65
    Charles 85
    Sharon 68
    P. 135

  9. Congrats on your engagement D! Your fiance looks like Kelly Starrett...that's cool! (in a CF way)

  10. Congratulations Denise!\

    Team KOP - Kick some Arsh! I am so proud of all of you, I will be there in spirit.

    3mile run tonight - 31:18...it was flipping hot

  11. Miranda, I can't believe you went for a run today. You are crazy. Just standing up in this heat was making me dizzy.


  12. Congrats, Denise! Such exciting news, so happy for you!

  13. sorry sooooo slow, here are the 930 results:

    Ciera 55
    Tom H 115
    Daniela 45
    Chris t 75
    Kara 75
