
W.O.D. 6.1.11

Congratulations to the recently married Lindsey and "Peterson"
What do CrossFitters do at Weddings? Well of course... SQUAT!

Double Unders
Kettlebell Swings (35#/55#)

Flawed Logic by C. Plentus

“Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end”
-Leonard Nimoy


Nina 17:48 (SU/35/AM)
Kim G 20:37 (SU/26.5/AM)
Kristin T 20:38 (Rx AM)
Kara 21:01 (SU/26.5)
Meghann 23:33 (SU/26.5)
Howard 27:03 (SU/DUA/AM)
Jay E 27:28 (Rx AM)
Pat 27:57 (SU/AM)
megs 18:50 rx 3:40
karen 13:13 (no kbs) 3:12
melissa 21:28 (18, .5 situps) 4:05
tom h 24:19 (35, su) 4:38
kevin b. 21:23 (55/45, du attempts) 2:01
cc 20:46 (18) welcome back!!
rhonda 17:50 (18/25) 3:14
Graema 17:20 19.6/SU
Aislinn 18:00 19.6/SU
Andrea 18:49 26.5/18
Ashley 17:55 26.5
Plentus 27:37 70+VEST GHD
Olan 27:30 Rx
WW 24:03
Josh C 17:29
Josh S 18:56 35
Rob Ph 20:59 55/SU
Breanna 20:21 25KB
Jackie 25:07 26.5/SU
Steph V 25:02 Rx
Shawn T 23:10 Rx
Gabe 22:17 45DU Abmt
John G 24:34 53/SU
D 26:24 Rx
Katie F 22:35 26.5/SU
Laura 17:06 Rx
JEN! 17:48 Rx
Andrea 9:48 start@30 18/SU
Todd 23:23 Rx
Jeff 20:31 Rx
Sandy 23:32 26.5/SU
Tim 17:06 Rx


  1. And I need to do more wall squats...

  2. Can someone recommend a good Orthopedic or Sports Medicine Dr? Thanks a bunch!

  3. Miranda,

    I used Doug Boylan out of Doylestown and LOVED him. He did my ACL and meniscus surgery and a few friends of mine have gone to him for other things as well.

    He is also cute, so that certainly helps - though he is in Doylestown, which is a bit far, but the hot factor makes up for the distance :)

  4. great pics! congrats, again, petersons!! :)

  5. 6am results for Kettlebell Annie (or maybe it should be called Ladies' Revenge?)

    AM = Ab Mat
    SU = single unders
    DUA = double under attempts

    Nina 17:48 (SU/35/AM)
    Kim G 20:37 (SU/26.5/AM)
    Kristin T 20:38 (Rx AM)
    Kara 21:01 (SU/26.5)
    Meghann 23:33 (SU/26.5)
    Howard 27:03 (SU/DUA/AM)
    Jay E 27:28 (Rx AM)
    Pat 27:57 (SU/AM)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Miranda -

    I used Dr Moyer with Temple Sports Medicine. His office is in Fort Washington. He did my meniscus surgery and really knows his stuff!

    I also went to Dr. DeLuca with the Rothman Institute in the city. He figured out what was wrong with my hip in college when no one else could.

    Both are great doctors!

  9. Miranda,
    I saw a great sports ortho guy in east norriton who i loved prior to finding out i needed surgery. My surgeon I also liked is a Sports ortho doc. Def recommend going to a sports doc!!

    Let me know if you want their info.

  10. Miranda,

    Dr. McPhilemy of Philadelphia Orthopedic Group (Bala Cynwyd) operated on my knee last summer and was awesome! He is the team doctor for the 76ers, so I figure if he operates on multi-million dollar athletes he is probably good enough to handle me. :-)

  11. the nooners were talking all kinds of smack about beating the 6 am.... so we had to do a little cash out.

    the cash out was 3 rounds of 5 pullups, 10 pushups and 15 squats

    the results:
    megs 18:50 rx 3:40
    karen 13:13 (no kbs) 3:12
    melissa 21:28 (18, .5 situps) 4:05
    tom h 24:19 (35, su) 4:38
    kevin b. 21:23 (55/45, du attempts) 2:01
    cc 20:46 (18) welcome back!!
    rhonda 17:50 (18/25) 3:14

  12. Hey Miranda,

    I wanted to throw my recommendation in for Dr. Matt Lewullis. He was my family doc for many years, and also my sport med guy for my patellar tendon surgery. He is hands down the best doctor I have ever had in my entire life. He is insanely thorough and explores all possibilities (alternative and mainstream), while also taking a lot of time with his patients. He called me all the time during my recovery and was just all around awesome. I had a really complicated case as well (almost a year of walking around with a nearly torn off tendon, and bone fragments) and I credit him with caring enough to realize that it was much more than tendonitis and hooking me up with an awesome surgeon. He switched to doing completely sports medicine now, so he would be great for you. He is right near Valley Forge.

    Here is his info: http://www.pennmedicine.org/wagform/MainPage.aspx?config=provider&P=PP&ID=12748

    He is also very very very cute. The picture doesn't do him any justice. ;]


  13. Also Lindsey and Peterson you guys look so great in those pictures! Love them! Hope you had a great time!


  14. Sandra, Dr. Lewullis is AWESOME. he is the first sports ortho I saw!! Agreed one of the best bedside manners i have ever experienced.

  15. 5:30 (pasted from other comment section and edited to show that LP and TP did GHD)

    D 26:24 Rx
    Katie F 22:35 26.5/SU
    Laura 17:06 Rx+ GHD
    JEN! 17:48 Rx
    Andrea 9:48 start@30 18/SU
    Todd 23:23 Rx
    Jeff 20:31 Rx
    Sandy 23:32 26.5/SU
    Tim 17:06 Rx+ GHD

  16. 6:30 results "It's Getting Hot in Herr"

    Jessie 23:44 (26.5/su's x 3)
    Danielle 26:10 (26.5)
    Sharon 31:29 Rx
    Shoeless 28:38 Rx
    Charles 20:44 (45#)
    Jess S. 28:42 (35#/su x 3)
    Sam 17:40 Rx
    Maura 20:26 Rx
    Kate 22:17 Rx
    Rachael 29:19 (dua)

    great job everyone. be sure to foam roll in the next few days!

  17. Thanks everyone for the recommendations. I know if I have to have an MRI in 2 weeks. Will then decide the lucky winner to help me! HA, if they only knew what they were getting into...I crack myself up!
    Hopefully I can return some time next week...
