
W.O.D. 5.30.11

Now that's Primal!

CrossFit King of Prussia will be CLOSED today in observance of Memorial Day.

Are you ready to take on our Primal Challenge??

The Rules:
1. Go outside
2. Conduct a primal activity
3. Report back, post to comments and include a photo and/or description of your activity
4. CFKoP Coaches will judge the winner
5. Winner receives a FREE T-shirt from the CFKoP store

Whats Primal... you decide!

"How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!"
~Maya Angelou


  1. Got our primal WOD on in VF Park (thanks coach Nikki!). Down and Dirty pushups in the leaves, and a wade in the creek to cool down after!http://s33.photobucket.com/albums/d71/letgobefree/Snapbucket/?albumview=slideshow

  2. My Primal activity was rest! Hero WOD Saturday + 7 1/2 mile hike on Sunday= Monday's rest

  3. Laura's Primal WOD -- Inspired by Art DeVany (I'm reading The New Evolution Diet)--

    Make Vitamin D for time
    Lay in the sun with most skin exposed, watch the clouds, leaves, and just do nothing for about an hour

    Great way to spend an hour or so on a 90+ afternoon.

  4. Bloomingdales for time

  5. This morning I went for a hike over Mount Misery in VF. For the record, Ellie ran past me up the mountain before she did the primal WOD with Nikki.

    This afternoon I decided to have some primal fun with my dog Sonny.
    First I did a pull up on a tree.
    Then I chased Sonny full speed for the length of the yard. He slowed down for me a little so I didn't get too discouraged. He's sweet like that.
    Then back to the tree for another pull up.
    3 rounds, for fun, not for time...cause it's a holiday after all.

    Here are a few demo pictures.

  6. My primal WOD was a barefoot walk in the sand from 72nd street beach in Sea Isle to JFK (41st) and back! Definitely needed that walk to get some of the soreness out OD my legs from this weekend!

    Happy Memorial Day everyone!!

  7. I went hiking up the Glen Onoko Falls trail up in Jim Thorpe. It was very steep.

  8. Lindsey and I are reading by candle light with no AC on in this 80 degree weather. Even though the power's not out by our choice, I'd still say this is primal!

  9. We went to visit Donkey...NO AC - super PRIMAL!

  10. I think our picture is self explanatory for our Primal Activity ... https://picasaweb.google.com/107604701326770250028/Primalness?authkey=Gv1sRgCPWE777Uhu3HvgE#5612694856724256418

  11. I vote for Kim G.'s Primal WOD -- she was hunting and gathering!! :-)

  12. Kev- If no one else posts tonight you guys have won...hands/"rocks" down! I'm still smiling! Well done!

  13. Okay, so this did not happen on memorial day, and is not meant to be a real submission, but I thought it would be fun to share with everyone. ;]

    A couple of weeks ago I was traveling with some students in Rwanda and our vehicle broke down in a small village. After playing ball with the local kids for a bit I got the idea to ask them to join us in a jumping photo. It took awhile because we were trying to communicate in English, French, and their local dialect (all poorly!) but eventually we all got the hang of it. I thought the pictures were really cute, and a great end to the day in one of my favorite places in the world.




  14. i am pretty sure I can't beat Killa and Kevin, but i did play with fire tonight.

    oh, and we lost power toward the end of the night--so no AC--and no lights either.

    but overall, more eating than moving today :)

  15. Joe A - great hike! I love that trail

  16. Steph and ladies- looks like you had a great time!

    Laura- I read that book on my honeymoon. Good read!

    Joe A- I love that trail and what a great idea on a hot day!

    Killa and Kevin- that is priceless!!!! You have my vote hands down!!!

    Kim G- great primal activity!

    We have no central air either but broke down and put a window unit in last night. Sweating for time while I sleep is not my idea of the best primal activity.

  17. Kevin & Killa- Brillant!! But i have one question, What the heck will you do with t-shirts? like aimee said winners, "rocks down"

    Cline- WTF?
    Sandra- smiles!

    Who needs ac and lights anyway!

  18. Killa & Kevin get my vote as well! Love the pic, what did Senior B have to say about the attire or should I say lack of! Lol.

    I joined Nikki and Steph at VF park for a Mount Misery wod.

  19. Am I the only one wondering who took that picture?

  20. OMG I just saw the picture of Killa and Kevin - they get my vote, hilarious!

    Sandy - awesome story

  21. peterson...you are not alone.
