
W.O.D. 5.18.11

In teams of 2 complete the following exercises in this order, one athlete working at at time:

1000M Row
100 Hand Release Push-ups
75 Wall Balls (20#/14#) to 10 foot target
50 Power Snatch (65#/95#)
1000M Row

"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do."

Miranda & Melinda 21:43 (Rx)
Pat & Howard 22:30 (85#)
Kristin T & Nina 26:20 (Rx)
Jay E & Peterson 18:20 (Rx)
Meghann, Kim G, Sharon 25:03 (1.5x reps, 2 people working, 10# WB, 45&55# snatch)
Rob / Brian R - Rx, 18:08
Vinny / Josh C - Rx, 16:32 (boss status)
Gina / Josh S - 55/65, 23:20
Steph V / Dorothy - Rx, 21:04
Jackie / Kathleen - 45#, 19:43
Kevin / Kate - Rx, 18:41
Shawn / Flounder - 20:48
Chris S / Mike - 19:24, Rx (not bad fellas, not bad)
Andrea / Todd / Melanie - 26:13
Denise / Shoeless - 22:37
Karen L / Kathy - 20:20, scaled
Kristen SB / Kara / Jen S - 29:18, scaled
Tom H / Danni - 25:45, scaled


  1. any guess on how long this wod should take to complete? I am doing the 6am and need to have time to shower for work...thanks

  2. Miranda (sub 20)- Mike, Danny, Cate & I did it x2 in a team of 4 (2 athletes working at a time) and it took us about 19:20. You will have time to shower :)

  3. Will I have time to do the work out and still be able to have my gallbladder removed by 8:30?

  4. Miranda, it wasnt too silly.

  5. Grebe! You should have come! I promise we would have had you out in time for gallbladder surgery!

    To the 6am class - way to rock this WOD!! Fantastic energy and teamwork... you set the bar high for the rest of the classes today!

    6:00am results
    Miranda & Melinda 21:43 (Rx)
    Pat & Howard 22:30 (85#)
    Kristin T & Nina 26:20 (Rx)
    Jay E & Peterson 18:20 (Rx)
    Meghann, Kim G, Sharon 25:03 (1.5x reps, 2 people working, 10# WB, 45&55# snatch)

  6. A few of us are attending this rowing clinic at the UM boathouse behind the box on sunday at 11am, not to late to sign up!!


  7. http://hybridathletics.net/total-competition.php
    UM, YEAH!

  8. The results are in....


    I beat Aimee! lol.

    More importantly, Aimee and I were both first in our respective age groups! These young bucks!

  9. Is anyone going to Regionals that plans on leaving later on Thursday night? If so, please let me know if I can hop in your car. I will provide excellent entertainment for the 3 hour journey and I will gladly chip in for gas and tolls.


  10. Jason, Donkey and I are talking about leaving Thursday night. I'd love to hit the road early to avoid traffic but I can't leave until after work. Once we figure it out, you'd be more than welcome to join us as well.

  11. 430 Class

    Rob / Brian R - Rx, 18:08

    Vinny / Josh C - Rx, 16:32 (boss status)

    Gina / Josh S - 55/65, 23:20

    Steph V / Dorothy - Rx, 21:04

    Jackie / Kathleen - 45#, 19:43

    Kevin / Kate - Rx, 18:41

  12. 530 Class

    Shawn / Flounder - 20:48

    Chris S / Mike - 19:24, Rx (not bad fellas, not bad)

    Andrea / Todd / Melanie - 26:13

    Denise / Shoeless - 22:37

  13. Eric coming up clutch at the buzzerMay 18, 2011 at 7:23 PM

    Noon Class

    Karen L / Kathy - 20:20, scaled

    Kristen SB / Kara / Jen S - 29:18, scaled

    Tom H / Danni - 25:45, scaled

  14. 630 Class

    Sam B / Joe A - 18:59, Rx

    Nicole S / Rachael - 24:20, scaled

    JP / Charles - 24:45. scaled

    Danielle / Jess C - 22:07, scaled

  15. Josh did more than 65...just can't remember what!

  16. Also, Steph and I did not hit to 10ft target. We threw it as high as we could. Hit hit mostly 10 ft, but I hit mostly 9 ft.
